82 research outputs found

    Knowledge-Aided STAP Using Low Rank and Geometry Properties

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    This paper presents knowledge-aided space-time adaptive processing (KA-STAP) algorithms that exploit the low-rank dominant clutter and the array geometry properties (LRGP) for airborne radar applications. The core idea is to exploit the fact that the clutter subspace is only determined by the space-time steering vectors, {red}{where the Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization approach is employed to compute the clutter subspace. Specifically, for a side-looking uniformly spaced linear array, the} algorithm firstly selects a group of linearly independent space-time steering vectors using LRGP that can represent the clutter subspace. By performing the Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization procedure, the orthogonal bases of the clutter subspace are obtained, followed by two approaches to compute the STAP filter weights. To overcome the performance degradation caused by the non-ideal effects, a KA-STAP algorithm that combines the covariance matrix taper (CMT) is proposed. For practical applications, a reduced-dimension version of the proposed KA-STAP algorithm is also developed. The simulation results illustrate the effectiveness of our proposed algorithms, and show that the proposed algorithms converge rapidly and provide a SINR improvement over existing methods when using a very small number of snapshots.Comment: 16 figures, 12 pages. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 201

    Robust Reduced-Rank Adaptive Processing Based on Parallel Subgradient Projection and Krylov Subspace Techniques

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    In this paper, we propose a novel reduced-rank adaptive filtering algorithm by blending the idea of the Krylov subspace methods with the set-theoretic adaptive filtering framework. Unlike the existing Krylov-subspace-based reduced-rank methods, the proposed algorithm tracks the optimal point in the sense of minimizing the \sinq{true} mean square error (MSE) in the Krylov subspace, even when the estimated statistics become erroneous (e.g., due to sudden changes of environments). Therefore, compared with those existing methods, the proposed algorithm is more suited to adaptive filtering applications. The algorithm is analyzed based on a modified version of the adaptive projected subgradient method (APSM). Numerical examples demonstrate that the proposed algorithm enjoys better tracking performance than the existing methods for the interference suppression problem in code-division multiple-access (CDMA) systems as well as for simple system identification problems.Comment: 10 figures. In IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 201
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