401 research outputs found

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationThe use of multicarrier techniques has allowed the rapid expansion of broadband wireless communications. Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) has been the most dominant technology in the past decade. It has been deployed in both indoor Wi-Fi and cellular environments, and has been researched for use in underwater acoustic channels. Recent works in wireless communications include the extension of OFDM to multiple access applications. Multiple access OFDM, or orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA), has been implemented in the third generation partnership project (3GPP) long- term evolution (LTE) downlink. In order to reduce the intercarrier interference (ICI) when user's synchronization is relaxed, filterbank multicarrier communication (FBMC) systems have been proposed. The first contribution made in this dissertation is a novel study of the classical FBMC systems that were presented in 1960s. We note that two distinct methods were presented then. We show that these methods are closely related through a modulation and a time/frequency scaling step. For cellular channels, OFDM also has the weakness of relatively large peak-to-average power ratios (PAPR). A special form of OFDM for the uplink of multiple access networks, called single carrier frequency division multiple access (SC-FDMA), has been developed to mitigate this issue. In this regard, this dissertation makes two contributions. First, we develop an optimization method for designing an effective precoding method for SC-FDMA systems. Second, we show how an equivalent to SC-FDMA can be developed for systems that are based on FBMC. In underwater acoustic communications applications, researchers are investigating the use of multicarrier communication systems like OFDM in underwater channels. The movement of the communicating vehicles scales the received signal along the time axis, which is often referred to as Doppler scaling. To undo the signal degradation, researchers have investigated methods to estimate the Doppler scaling factor and restore the original signal using resampling. We investigate a method called nonuniform fast Fourier transform (NUFFT) and apply that to increase the precision in the detection and correction of the Doppler scaling factor. NUFFT is applied to both OFDM and FBMC and its performance over the experimental data obtained from at sea experiments is investigated

    PAPR Constrained Power Allocation for Iterative Frequency Domain Multiuser SIMO Detector

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    Peak to average power ratio (PAPR) constrained power allocation in single carrier multiuser (MU) single-input multiple-output (SIMO) systems with iterative frequency domain (FD) soft cancelation (SC) minimum mean squared error (MMSE) equalization is considered in this paper. To obtain full benefit of the iterative receiver, its convergence properties need to be taken into account also at the transmitter side. In this paper, we extend the existing results on the area of convergence constrained power allocation (CCPA) to consider the instantaneous PAPR at the transmit antenna of each user. In other words, we will introduce a constraint that PAPR cannot exceed a predetermined threshold. By adding the aforementioned constraint into the CCPA optimization framework, the power efficiency of a power amplifier (PA) can be significantly enhanced by enabling it to operate on its linear operation range. Hence, PAPR constraint is especially beneficial for power limited cell-edge users. In this paper, we will derive the instantaneous PAPR constraint as a function of transmit power allocation. Furthermore, successive convex approximation is derived for the PAPR constrained problem. Numerical results show that the proposed method can achieve the objectives described above.Comment: Presented in IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 201

    Air Interface for Next Generation Mobile Communication Networks: Physical Layer Design:A LTE-A Uplink Case Study

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    Collaborative modulation multiple access for single hop and multihop networks

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    While the bandwidth available for wireless networks is limited, the world has seen an unprecedented growth in the number of mobile subscribers and an ever increasing demand for high data rates. Therefore efficient utilisation of bandwidth to maximise link spectral efficiency and number of users that can be served simultaneously are primary goals in the design of wireless systems. To achieve these goals, in this thesis, a new non-orthogonal uplink multiple access scheme which combines the functionalities of adaptive modulation and multiple access called collaborative modulation multiple access (CMMA) is proposed. CMMA enables multiple users to access the network simultaneously and share the same bandwidth even when only a single receive antenna is available and in the presence of high channel correlation. Instead of competing for resources, users in CMMA share resources collaboratively by employing unique modulation sets (UMS) that differ in phase, power, and/or mapping structure. These UMS are designed to insure that the received signal formed from the superposition of all users’ signals belongs to a composite QAM constellation (CC) with a rate equal to the sum rate of all users. The CC and its constituent UMSs are designed centrally at the BS to remove ambiguity, maximize the minimum Euclidian distance (dmin) of the CC and insure a minimum BER performance is maintained. Users collaboratively precode their transmitted signal by performing truncated channel inversion and phase rotation using channel state information (CSI ) obtained from a periodic common pilot to insure that their combined signal at the BS belongs to the CC known at the BS which in turn performs a simple joint maximum likelihood detection without the need for CSI. The coherent addition of users’ power enables CMMA to achieve high link spectral efficiency at any time without extra power or bandwidth but on the expense of graceful degradation in BER performance. To improve the BER performance of CMMA while preserving its precoding and detection structure and without the need for pilot-aided channel estimation, a new selective diversity combining scheme called SC-CMMA is proposed. SC-CMMA optimises the overall group performance providing fairness and diversity gain for various users with different transmit powers and channel conditions by selecting a single antenna out of a group of L available antennas that minimises the total transmit power required for precoding at any one time. A detailed study of capacity and BER performance of CMMA and SC-CMMA is carried out under different level of channel correlations which shows that both offer high capacity gain and resilience to channel correlation. SC-CMMA capacity even increase with high channel correlation between users’ channels. CMMA provides a practical solution for implementing the multiple access adder channel (MAAC) in fading environments hence a hybrid approach combining both collaborative coding and modulation referred to as H-CMMA is investigated. H-CMMA divides users into a number of subgroups where users within a subgroup are assigned the same modulation set and different multiple access codes. H-CMMA adjusts the dmin of the received CC by varying the number of subgroups which in turn varies the number of unique constellation points for the same number of users and average total power. Therefore H-CMMA can accommodate many users with different rates while flexibly managing the complexity, rate and BER performance depending on the SNR. Next a new scheme combining CMMA with opportunistic scheduling using only partial CSI at the receiver called CMMA-OS is proposed to combine both the power gain of CMMA and the multiuser diversity gain that arises from users’ channel independence. To avoid the complexity and excessive feedback associated with the dynamic update of the CC, the BS takes into account the independence of users’ channels in the design of the CC and its constituent UMSs but both remain unchanged thereafter. However UMS are no longer associated with users, instead channel gain’s probability density function is divided into regions with identical probability and each UMS is associated with a specific region. This will simplify scheduling as users can initially chose their UMS based on their CSI and the BS will only need to resolve any collision when the channels of two or more users are located at the same region. Finally a high rate cooperative communication scheme, called cooperative modulation (CM) is proposed for cooperative multiuser systems. CM combines the reliability of the cooperative diversity with the high spectral efficiency and multiple access capabilities of CMMA. CM maintains low feedback and high spectral efficiency by restricting relaying to a single route with the best overall channel. Two possible variations of CM are proposed depending on whether CSI available only at the users or just at the BS and the selected relay. The first is referred to Precode, Amplify, and Forward (PAF) while the second one is called Decode, Remap, and Forward (DMF). A new route selection algorithm for DMF based on maximising dmin of random CC is also proposed using a novel fast low-complexity multi-stage sphere based algorithm to calculate the dmin at the relay of random CC that is used for both relay selection and detection

    Interference Alignment for Cognitive Radio Communications and Networks: A Survey

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    © 2019 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).Interference alignment (IA) is an innovative wireless transmission strategy that has shown to be a promising technique for achieving optimal capacity scaling of a multiuser interference channel at asymptotically high-signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Transmitters exploit the availability of multiple signaling dimensions in order to align their mutual interference at the receivers. Most of the research has focused on developing algorithms for determining alignment solutions as well as proving interference alignment’s theoretical ability to achieve the maximum degrees of freedom in a wireless network. Cognitive radio, on the other hand, is a technique used to improve the utilization of the radio spectrum by opportunistically sensing and accessing unused licensed frequency spectrum, without causing harmful interference to the licensed users. With the increased deployment of wireless services, the possibility of detecting unused frequency spectrum becomes diminished. Thus, the concept of introducing interference alignment in cognitive radio has become a very attractive proposition. This paper provides a survey of the implementation of IA in cognitive radio under the main research paradigms, along with a summary and analysis of results under each system model.Peer reviewe

    New Hybrid Schemes for PAPR Reduction in OFDM Systems

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    الـ 3GPP قدمت مشروع LTE لتلبية الطلبات المتزايدة لخدمات الاتصالات ذات السرعة العالية والجودة العالية. يستخدم نظام الـ LTE تقنية مضاعفة تقسيم التردد المتعامد (OFDM) في شكل (OFDMA) في الوصلة الهابطة (Downlink) وشكل الـ (SCFDMA) في الوصلة الصاعدة (Uplink) مجتمعة مع تقنية الـ MIMO لتقديم معدل بيانات عالي، قدرة عالية، وحصانة ضد القنوات متعددة المسارات. ومع ذلك لا يزال ارتفاع نسبة القدرة العظمة إلى المتوسط (PAPR) لإشارة الـ LTE المرسلة هي المشكلة الرئيسية التي تعمل على تدهور كفاءة النظام بشك عام وإمكانية استهلاك الطاقة. لذلك كرست الكثير من البحوث للحد من تدهور الأداء بسبب مشكلة الـ PAPR في أنظمة LTE-OFDM. تعتبر طرق ضغط الإشارة (Companding Methods) جزءاً من الطرق المعروفة والتي تعتبر سهلة ومنخفضة التعقيد، وبلا قيود على شكل التضمين وحجم عدد الحوامل (Subcarrier Size)، ولها خصائص طيفية جيدة، ومع ذلك فإن هذه الطرق تقلل الـ PAPR بمقدار ضئيل. وقد اقترح هذا البحث سبعة طرق هجينة جديدة على أساس مزيج من Zaddoff Chu Matrix Transform (ZCT) مع ست أساليب مختلفة من طرق ضغط الإشارة وهي Rooting Companding (RCT)، New Error Function Companding (NERF)، Absolute Exponential Companding (AEXP)، Logarithmic Rooting Companding (LogR)، Cosine Companding (COS)، وTangent Rooting Companding (TanhR). بالإضافة إلى ذلك تم تطوير الطريقة الهجينة السابعة وتجمع الـ Zaddoff Chu Matrix Transform (ZCT) مع طريقة جديدة مقترحة تسمى Advanced AEXP (AAEXP). أظهرت النتائج أن هذه الطرق المتطورة تجمع بين خصائص طريقة الـ ZCT مع خصائص طرق ضغط الإشارة، وتحقق أداء أمثل وانخفاضاً أفضل من حيث PAPR وBER. كما حققت طريقة الـ ZCT+AAEXP أفضل النتائج مقارنة بالطرق الأخرى.The 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) introduced LTE to meet increasingly demands for communication services with high speed and quality. LTE uses OFDM in the form of OFDMA in the downlink and SCFDMA in the uplink combined with MIMO offering high data rate, high capacity and immunity against multipath channels. However, still the high PAPR of the LTE transmitted signal is the major problem affecting overall system performance degradation and power efficiency. A plenty of research has been devoted to reduce the performance degradation due to the PAPR problem inherent to LTE OFDM systems. A portion of the current techniques such companding methods have low-complexity, no constraint on modulation format and subcarrier size, good distortion and spectral properties; however, they have limited PAPR reduction capabilities. This paper proposes seven new hybrid schemes including Zaddoff Chu Matrix Transform (ZCT) precoding and six modern companding methods; Rooting Companding (RCT), New Error Function Companding (NERF), Absolute Exponential Companding (AEXP), Logarithmic Rooting Companding (LogR), Cosine Companding (COS) and Tangent Rooting Companding (TanhR) companding. Furthermore, the seventh proposed hybrid scheme has been added incorporating ZCT precoding with new proposed companding called Advanced AEXP (AAEXP) companding. The developed methods are combining properties of both ZCT & Compandings, and achieving superior PAPR performance and optimal BER. Simulations results illustrate that the new seven proposed hybrid schemes can achieve better PAPR reduction, and BER performance and the best achievement has been achieved by ZCT+AAEXP scheme