294 research outputs found

    Linear Dependent Types in a Call-by-Value Scenario (Long Version)

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    Linear dependent types allow to precisely capture both the extensional behaviour and the time complexity of lambda terms, when the latter are evaluated by Krivine's abstract machine. In this work, we show that the same paradigm can be applied to call-by-value evaluation. A system of linear dependent types for Plotkin's PCF is introduced, called dlPCFV, whose types reflect the complexity of evaluating terms in the so-called CEK machine. dlPCFV is proved to be sound, but also relatively complete: every true statement about the extensional and intentional behaviour of terms can be derived, provided all true index term inequalities can be used as assumptions.Comment: 22 page

    Circuit Width Estimation via Effect Typing and Linear Dependency (Long Version)

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    Circuit description languages are a class of quantum programming languages in which programs are classical and produce a description of a quantum computation, in the form of a quantum circuit. Since these programs can leverage all the expressive power of high-level classical languages, circuit description languages have been successfully used to describe complex and practical quantum algorithms, whose circuits, however, may involve many more qubits and gate applications than current quantum architectures can actually muster. In this paper, we present Proto-Quipper-R, a circuit description language endowed with a linear dependent type-and-effect system capable of deriving parametric upper bounds on the width of the circuits produced by a program. We prove both the standard type safety results and that the resulting resource analysis is correct with respect to a big-step operational semantics. We also show that our approach is expressive enough to verify realistic quantum algorithms.Comment: 21 pages (excluding references), 21 figure

    Compilation of extended recursion in call-by-value functional languages

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    This paper formalizes and proves correct a compilation scheme for mutually-recursive definitions in call-by-value functional languages. This scheme supports a wider range of recursive definitions than previous methods. We formalize our technique as a translation scheme to a lambda-calculus featuring in-place update of memory blocks, and prove the translation to be correct.Comment: 62 pages, uses pi

    On the Relative Usefulness of Fireballs

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    In CSL-LICS 2014, Accattoli and Dal Lago showed that there is an implementation of the ordinary (i.e. strong, pure, call-by-name) λ\lambda-calculus into models like RAM machines which is polynomial in the number of β\beta-steps, answering a long-standing question. The key ingredient was the use of a calculus with useful sharing, a new notion whose complexity was shown to be polynomial, but whose implementation was not explored. This paper, meant to be complementary, studies useful sharing in a call-by-value scenario and from a practical point of view. We introduce the Fireball Calculus, a natural extension of call-by-value to open terms for which the problem is as hard as for the ordinary lambda-calculus. We present three results. First, we adapt the solution of Accattoli and Dal Lago, improving the meta-theory of useful sharing. Then, we refine the picture by introducing the GLAMoUr, a simple abstract machine implementing the Fireball Calculus extended with useful sharing. Its key feature is that usefulness of a step is tested---surprisingly---in constant time. Third, we provide a further optimization that leads to an implementation having only a linear overhead with respect to the number of β\beta-steps.Comment: Technical report for the LICS 2015 submission with the same titl

    In Search of Effectful Dependent Types

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    Real world programming languages crucially depend on the availability of computational effects to achieve programming convenience and expressive power as well as program efficiency. Logical frameworks rely on predicates, or dependent types, to express detailed logical properties about entities. According to the Curry-Howard correspondence, programming languages and logical frameworks should be very closely related. However, a language that has both good support for real programming and serious proving is still missing from the programming languages zoo. We believe this is due to a fundamental lack of understanding of how dependent types should interact with computational effects. In this thesis, we make a contribution towards such an understanding, with a focus on semantic methods.Comment: PhD thesis, Version submitted to Exam School