13,957 research outputs found

    Sum of Products of Read-Once Formulas

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    We study limitations of polynomials computed by depth two circuits built over read-once formulas (ROFs). In particular, 1. We prove an exponential lower bound for the sum of ROFs computing the 2n-variate polynomial in VP defined by Raz and Yehudayoff [CC,2009]. 2. We obtain an exponential lower bound on the size of arithmetic circuits computing sum of products of restricted ROFs of unbounded depth computing the permanent of an n by n matrix. The restriction is on the number of variables with + gates as a parent in a proper sub formula of the ROF to be bounded by sqrt(n). Additionally, we restrict the product fan in to be bounded by a sub linear function. This proves an exponential lower bound for a subclass of possibly non-multilinear formulas of unbounded depth computing the permanent polynomial. 3. We also show an exponential lower bound for the above model against a polynomial in VP. 4. Finally we observe that the techniques developed yield an exponential lower bound on the size of sums of products of syntactically multilinear arithmetic circuits computing a product of variable disjoint linear forms where the bottom sum gate and product gates at the second level have fan in bounded by a sub linear function. Our proof techniques are built on the measure developed by Kumar et al.[ICALP 2013] and are based on a non-trivial analysis of ROFs under random partitions. Further, our results exhibit strengths and provide more insight into the lower bound techniques introduced by Raz [STOC 2004]

    Plethysm and lattice point counting

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    We apply lattice point counting methods to compute the multiplicities in the plethysm of GL(n)GL(n). Our approach gives insight into the asymptotic growth of the plethysm and makes the problem amenable to computer algebra. We prove an old conjecture of Howe on the leading term of plethysm. For any partition μ\mu of 3,4, or 5 we obtain an explicit formula in λ\lambda and kk for the multiplicity of SλS^\lambda in Sμ(Sk)S^\mu(S^k).Comment: 25 pages including appendix, 1 figure, computational results and code available at http://thomas-kahle.de/plethysm.html, v2: various improvements, v3: final version appeared in JFoC

    Approximate Degree, Secret Sharing, and Concentration Phenomena

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    The epsilon-approximate degree deg~_epsilon(f) of a Boolean function f is the least degree of a real-valued polynomial that approximates f pointwise to within epsilon. A sound and complete certificate for approximate degree being at least k is a pair of probability distributions, also known as a dual polynomial, that are perfectly k-wise indistinguishable, but are distinguishable by f with advantage 1 - epsilon. Our contributions are: - We give a simple, explicit new construction of a dual polynomial for the AND function on n bits, certifying that its epsilon-approximate degree is Omega (sqrt{n log 1/epsilon}). This construction is the first to extend to the notion of weighted degree, and yields the first explicit certificate that the 1/3-approximate degree of any (possibly unbalanced) read-once DNF is Omega(sqrt{n}). It draws a novel connection between the approximate degree of AND and anti-concentration of the Binomial distribution. - We show that any pair of symmetric distributions on n-bit strings that are perfectly k-wise indistinguishable are also statistically K-wise indistinguishable with at most K^{3/2} * exp (-Omega (k^2/K)) error for all k < K <= n/64. This bound is essentially tight, and implies that any symmetric function f is a reconstruction function with constant advantage for a ramp secret sharing scheme that is secure against size-K coalitions with statistical error K^{3/2} * exp (-Omega (deg~_{1/3}(f)^2/K)) for all values of K up to n/64 simultaneously. Previous secret sharing schemes required that K be determined in advance, and only worked for f=AND. Our analysis draws another new connection between approximate degree and concentration phenomena. As a corollary of this result, we show that for any d deg~_{1/3}(f). These upper and lower bounds were also previously only known in the case f=AND

    Lower Bounds on Quantum Query Complexity

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    Shor's and Grover's famous quantum algorithms for factoring and searching show that quantum computers can solve certain computational problems significantly faster than any classical computer. We discuss here what quantum computers_cannot_ do, and specifically how to prove limits on their computational power. We cover the main known techniques for proving lower bounds, and exemplify and compare the methods.Comment: survey, 23 page

    Hopf Algebra Primitives in Perturbation Quantum Field Theory

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    The analysis of the combinatorics resulting from the perturbative expansion of the transition amplitude in quantum field theories, and the relation of this expansion to the Hausdorff series leads naturally to consider an infinite dimensional Lie subalgebra and the corresponding enveloping Hopf algebra, to which the elements of this series are associated. We show that in the context of these structures the power sum symmetric functionals of the perturbative expansion are Hopf primitives and that they are given by linear combinations of Hall polynomials, or diagrammatically by Hall trees. We show that each Hall tree corresponds to sums of Feynman diagrams each with the same number of vertices, external legs and loops. In addition, since the Lie subalgebra admits a derivation endomorphism, we also show that with respect to it these primitives are cyclic vectors generated by the free propagator, and thus provide a recursion relation by means of which the (n+1)-vertex connected Green functions can be derived systematically from the n-vertex ones.Comment: 21 pages, accepted for publication in J.Geom.and Phy
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