4,141 research outputs found

    Analysis of the Rosenblatt process

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    We analyze {\em the Rosenblatt process} which is a selfsimilar process with stationary increments and which appears as limit in the so-called {\em Non Central Limit Theorem} (Dobrushin and Major (1979), Taqqu (1979)). This process is non-Gaussian and it lives in the second Wiener chaos. We give its representation as a Wiener-It\^o multiple integral with respect to the Brownian motion on a finite interval and we develop a stochastic calculus with respect to it by using both pathwise type calculus and Malliavin calculus

    Multivariate limit theorems in the context of long-range dependence

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    We study the limit law of a vector made up of normalized sums of functions of long-range dependent stationary Gaussian series. Depending on the memory parameter of the Gaussian series and on the Hermite ranks of the functions, the resulting limit law may be (a) a multivariate Gaussian process involving dependent Brownian motion marginals, or (b) a multivariate process involving dependent Hermite processes as marginals, or (c) a combination. We treat cases (a), (b) in general and case (c) when the Hermite components involve ranks 1 and 2. We include a conjecture about case (c) when the Hermite ranks are arbitrary

    Four moments theorems on Markov chains

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    We obtain quantitative Four Moments Theorems establishing convergence of the laws of elements of a Markov chaos to a Pearson distribution, where the only assumptionwemake on the Pearson distribution is that it admits four moments. While in general one cannot use moments to establish convergence to a heavy-tailed distributions, we provide a context in which only the first four moments suffices. These results are obtained by proving a general carré du champ bound on the distance between laws of random variables in the domain of a Markov diffusion generator and invariant measures of diffusions. For elements of a Markov chaos, this bound can be reduced to just the first four moments.First author draf

    Functional Limit Theorems for Toeplitz Quadratic Functionals of Continuous time Gaussian Stationary Processes

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    \noindent The paper establishes weak convergence in C[0,1]C[0,1] of normalized stochastic processes, generated by Toeplitz type quadratic functionals of a continuous time Gaussian stationary process, exhibiting long-range dependence. Both central and non-central functional limit theorems are obtained

    Four moments theorems on Markov chaos

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    We obtain quantitative Four Moments Theorems establishing convergence of the laws of elements of a Markov chaos to a Pearson distribution, where the only assumption we make on the Pearson distribution is that it admits four moments. While in general one cannot use moments to establish convergence to a heavy-tailed distributions, we provide a context in which only the first four moments suffices. These results are obtained by proving a general carr\'e du champ bound on the distance between laws of random variables in the domain of a Markov diffusion generator and invariant measures of diffusions. For elements of a Markov chaos, this bound can be reduced to just the first four moments.Comment: 24 page