4 research outputs found

    Hybrid Cryptography and Steganography-Based Security System for IoT Networks

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    Despite the fact that many IoT devices are publicly accessible to everyone on the network, understanding the security risks and threats posed by cyber attacks is critical; as a result, it should be safeguarded. Plain text is constructed into encrypted text, before being delivered by using cryptography, and is then reconstructed back to plain text after receiving a response from the recipient. The steganography technique can be used to hide sensitive information incorporated in a text, audio, or video file. One approach is to hide data in bits that correspond to successive rows of pixels with the same color in an image file.  As a consequence, the image file retains the original's appearance while also containing "noise" patterns made out of common, unencrypted data. To do this, the encrypted data is subtly applied to the redundant data. In this work, it is suggested that IoT network data be encrypted using cryptography, and that an encrypted message be concealed inside an image file using steganography. Additionally, it is suggested to enhance the number of bits that may be stored within a single picture pixel.  The payload that may be sent through an image is significantly increased by incorporating Convolutional Neural Networks into the classic steganography technique. In this work, we propose, design, and train Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) to enhance the amount of data that can be securely encrypted and decrypted to show the original message

    Lattice-based Public Key Encryption with Authorized Keyword Search: Construction, Implementation, and Applications

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    Public key encryption with keyword search (PEKS), formalized by Boneh et al. [EUROCRYPT\u27 04], enables secure searching for specific keywords in the ciphertext. Nevertheless, in certain scenarios, varying user tiers are granted disparate data searching privileges, and administrators need to restrict the searchability of ciphertexts to select users exclusively. To address this concern, Jiang et al. [ACISP\u27 16] devised a variant of PEKS, namely public key encryption with authorized keyword search (PEAKS), wherein solely authorized users possess the ability to conduct targeted keyword searches. Nonetheless, it is vulnerable to resist quantum computing attacks. As a result, research focusing on authorizing users to search for keywords while achieving quantum security is far-reaching. In this work, we present a novel construction, namely lattice-based PEAKS (L-PEAKS), which is the first mechanism to permit the authority to authorize users to search different keyword sets while ensuring quantum-safe properties. Specifically, the keyword is encrypted with a public key, and each authorized user needs to obtain a search privilege from an authority. The authority distributes an authorized token to a user within a time period and the user will generate a trapdoor for any authorized keywords. Technically, we utilize several lattice sampling and basis extension algorithms to fight against attacks from quantum adversaries. Moreover, we leverage identity-based encryption (IBE) to alleviate the bottleneck of public key management. Furthermore, we conduct parameter analysis, rigorous security reduction, and theoretical complexity comparison of our scheme and perform comprehensive evaluations at a commodity machine for completeness. Our L-PEAKS satisfies IND-sID-CKA and T-EUF security and is efficient in terms of space and computation complexity compared to other existing primitives. Finally, we provide two potential applications to show its versatility

    Lightweighted Secure Searching over Public-key Ciphertexts for Edge-Cloud Assisted Industrial IoT Devices

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    For the industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), public-key encryption with keyword search (PEKS) is a type of applicable and promising encryption technique to maintain the data stored in clouds secure and searchable. To further improve the efficiency of searching, it is popular to introduce edge computing near the IIoT as the substitute for a cloud. However, the straightforward collaboration of the two techniques performs negatively in latency-sensitive applications since the sluggish encryption of PEKS by IIoT devices negates the instant reaction of edges. To meet this challenge, in this article, we exploit the capability of the edge-cloud architecture and propose a lightweight-designed scheme called edge-aided searchable public-key encryption (ESPE). It allows IIoT devices to delegate their costly cryptographic operations to the nearby edge for fast computing and guarantees that all outsourced ciphertexts are semantically secure. Consequently, ESPE accelerates the corresponding ciphertext procedures on edges and saves over 70% encryption cost of an IIoT device.Peer reviewe

    Analyzing and Applying Cryptographic Mechanisms to Protect Privacy in Applications

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    Privacy-Enhancing Technologies (PETs) emerged as a technology-based response to the increased collection and storage of data as well as the associated threats to individuals' privacy in modern applications. They rely on a variety of cryptographic mechanisms that allow to perform some computation without directly obtaining knowledge of plaintext information. However, many challenges have so far prevented effective real-world usage in many existing applications. For one, some mechanisms leak some information or have been proposed outside of security models established within the cryptographic community, leaving open how effective they are at protecting privacy in various applications. Additionally, a major challenge causing PETs to remain largely academic is their practicality-in both efficiency and usability. Cryptographic mechanisms introduce a lot of overhead, which is mostly prohibitive, and due to a lack of high-level tools are very hard to integrate for outsiders. In this thesis, we move towards making PETs more effective and practical in protecting privacy in numerous applications. We take a two-sided approach of first analyzing the effective security (cryptanalysis) of candidate mechanisms and then building constructions and tools (cryptographic engineering) for practical use in specified emerging applications in the domain of machine learning crucial to modern use cases. In the process, we incorporate an interdisciplinary perspective for analyzing mechanisms and by collaboratively building privacy-preserving architectures with requirements from the application domains' experts. Cryptanalysis. While mechanisms like Homomorphic Encryption (HE) or Secure Multi-Party Computation (SMPC) provably leak no additional information, Encrypted Search Algorithms (ESAs) and Randomization-only Two-Party Computation (RoTPC) possess additional properties that require cryptanalysis to determine effective privacy protection. ESAs allow for search on encrypted data, an important functionality in many applications. Most efficient ESAs possess some form of well-defined information leakage, which is cryptanalyzed via a breadth of so-called leakage attacks proposed in the literature. However, it is difficult to assess their practical effectiveness given that previous evaluations were closed-source, used restricted data, and made assumptions about (among others) the query distribution because real-world query data is very hard to find. For these reasons, we re-implement known leakage attacks in an open-source framework and perform a systematic empirical re-evaluation of them using a variety of new data sources that, for the first time, contain real-world query data. We obtain many more complete and novel results where attacks work much better or much worse than what was expected based on previous evaluations. RoTPC mechanisms require cryptanalysis as they do not rely on established techniques and security models, instead obfuscating messages using only randomizations. A prominent protocol is a privacy-preserving scalar product protocol by Lu et al. (IEEE TPDS'13). We show that this protocol is formally insecure and that this translates to practical insecurity by presenting attacks that even allow to test for certain inputs, making the case for more scrutiny of RoTPC protocols used as PETs. This part of the thesis is based on the following two publications: [KKM+22] S. KAMARA, A. KATI, T. MOATAZ, T. SCHNEIDER, A. TREIBER, M. YONLI. “SoK: Cryptanalysis of Encrypted Search with LEAKER - A framework for LEakage AttacK Evaluation on Real-world data”. In: 7th IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy (EuroS&P’22). Full version: https://ia.cr/2021/1035. Code: https://encrypto.de/code/LEAKER. IEEE, 2022, pp. 90–108. Appendix A. [ST20] T. SCHNEIDER , A. TREIBER. “A Comment on Privacy-Preserving Scalar Product Protocols as proposed in “SPOC””. In: IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS) 31.3 (2020). Full version: https://arxiv.org/abs/1906.04862. Code: https://encrypto.de/code/SPOCattack, pp. 543–546. CORE Rank A*. Appendix B. Cryptographic Engineering. Given the above results about cryptanalysis, we investigate using the leakage-free and provably-secure cryptographic mechanisms of HE and SMPC to protect privacy in machine learning applications. As much of the cryptographic community has focused on PETs for neural network applications, we focus on two other important applications and models: Speaker recognition and sum product networks. We particularly show the efficiency of our solutions in possible real-world scenarios and provide tools usable for non-domain experts. In speaker recognition, a user's voice data is matched with reference data stored at the service provider. Using HE and SMPC, we build the first privacy-preserving speaker recognition system that includes the state-of-the-art technique of cohort score normalization using cohort pruning via SMPC. Then, we build a privacy-preserving speaker recognition system relying solely on SMPC, which we show outperforms previous solutions based on HE by a factor of up to 4000x. We show that both our solutions comply with specific standards for biometric information protection and, thus, are effective and practical PETs for speaker recognition. Sum Product Networks (SPNs) are noteworthy probabilistic graphical models that-like neural networks-also need efficient methods for privacy-preserving inference as a PET. We present CryptoSPN, which uses SMPC for privacy-preserving inference of SPNs that (due to a combination of machine learning and cryptographic techniques and contrary to most works on neural networks) even hides the network structure. Our implementation is integrated into the prominent SPN framework SPFlow and evaluates medium-sized SPNs within seconds. This part of the thesis is based on the following three publications: [NPT+19] A. NAUTSCH, J. PATINO, A. TREIBER, T. STAFYLAKIS, P. MIZERA, M. TODISCO, T. SCHNEIDER, N. EVANS. Privacy-Preserving Speaker Recognition with Cohort Score Normalisation”. In: 20th Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH’19). Online: https://arxiv.org/abs/1907.03454. International Speech Communication Association (ISCA), 2019, pp. 2868–2872. CORE Rank A. Appendix C. [TNK+19] A. TREIBER, A. NAUTSCH , J. KOLBERG , T. SCHNEIDER , C. BUSCH. “Privacy-Preserving PLDA Speaker Verification using Outsourced Secure Computation”. In: Speech Communication 114 (2019). Online: https://encrypto.de/papers/TNKSB19.pdf. Code: https://encrypto.de/code/PrivateASV, pp. 60–71. CORE Rank B. Appendix D. [TMW+20] A. TREIBER , A. MOLINA , C. WEINERT , T. SCHNEIDER , K. KERSTING. “CryptoSPN: Privacy-preserving Sum-Product Network Inference”. In: 24th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI’20). Full version: https://arxiv.org/abs/2002.00801. Code: https://encrypto.de/code/CryptoSPN. IOS Press, 2020, pp. 1946–1953. CORE Rank A. Appendix E. Overall, this thesis contributes to a broader security analysis of cryptographic mechanisms and new systems and tools to effectively protect privacy in various sought-after applications