8,372 research outputs found

    Lightweight Ontologies

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    Ontologies are explicit specifications of conceptualizations. They are often thought of as directed graphs whose nodes represent concepts and whose edges represent relations between concepts. The notion of concept is understood as defined in Knowledge Representation, i.e., as a set of objects or individuals. This set is called the concept extension or the concept interpretation. Concepts are often lexically defined, i.e., they have natural language names which are used to describe the concept extensions (e.g., concept mother denotes the set of all female parents). Therefore, when ontologies are visualized, their nodes are often shown with corresponding natural language concept names. The backbone structure of the ontology graph is a taxonomy in which the relations are “is-a”, whereas the remaining structure of the graph supplies auxiliary information about the modeled domain and may include relations like “part-of”, “located-in”, “is-parent-of”, and many others

    Encoding Classifications as Lightweight Ontologies

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    Classifications have been used for centuries with the goal of cataloguing and searching large sets of objects. In the early days it was mainly books; lately it has also become Web pages, pictures and any kind of electronic information items. Classifications describe their contents using natural language labels, which has proved very effective in manual classification. However natural language labels show their limitations when one tries to automate the process, as they make it very hard to reason about classifications and their contents. In this paper we introduce the novel notion of Formal Classification, as a graph structure where labels are written in a propositional concept language. Formal Classifications turn out to be some form of lightweight ontologies. This, in turn, allows us to reason about them, to associate to each node a normal form formula which univocally describes its contents, and to reduce document classification to reasoning about subsumption

    Save up to 99% of your time in mapping validation

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    Identifying semantic correspondences between different vocabularies has been recognized as a fundamental step towards achieving interoperability. Several manual and automatic techniques have been recently proposed. Fully manual approaches are very precise, but extremely costly. Conversely, automatic approaches tend to fail when domain specific background knowledge is needed. Consequently, they typically require a manual validation step. Yet, when the number of computed correspondences is very large, the validation phase can be very expensive. In order to reduce the problems above, we propose to compute the minimal set of correspondences, that we call the minimal mapping, which are sufficient to compute all the other ones. We show that by concentrating on such correspondences we can save up to 99% of the manual checks required for validation

    A Pattern Based Approach for Re-engineering Non-Ontological Resources into Ontologies

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    With the goal of speeding up the ontology development process, ontology engineers are starting to reuse as much as possible available ontologies and non-ontological resources such as classiïŹcation schemes, thesauri, lexicons and folksonomies, that already have some degree of consensus. The reuse of such non-ontological resources necessarily involves their re-engineering into ontologies. Non-ontological resources are highly heterogeneous in their data model and contents: they encode different types of knowledge, and they can be modeled and implemented in diïŹ€erent ways. In this paper we present (1) a typology for non-ontological resources, (2) a pattern based approach for re-engineering non-ontological resources into ontologies, and (3) a use case of the proposed approach

    Semantic Flooding: Semantic Search across Distributed Lightweight Ontologies

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    Lightweight ontologies are trees where links between nodes codify the fact that a node lower in the hierarchy describes a topic (and contains documents about this topic) which is more specific than the topic of the node one level above. In turn, multiple lightweight ontologies can be connected by semantic links which represent mappings among them and which can be computed, e.g., by ontology matching. In this paper we describe how these two types of links can be used to define a semantic overlay network which can cover any number of peers and which can be flooded to perform a semantic search on documents, i.e., to perform semantic flooding. We have evaluated our approach by simulating a network of 10,000 peers containing classifications which are fragments of the DMoz web directory. The results are promising and show that, in our approach, only a relatively small number of peers needs to be queried in order to achieve high accuracy

    Semantic Web Techniques to Support Interoperability in Distributed Networked Environments

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    We explore two Semantic Web techniques arising from ITA research into semantic alignment and interoperability in distributed networks. The first is POAF (Portable Ontology Aligned Fragments) which addresses issues relating to the portability and usage of ontology alignments. POAF uses an ontology fragmentation strategy to achieve portability, and enables subsequent usage through a form of automated ontology modularization. The second technique, SWEDER (Semantic Wrapping of Existing Data sources with Embedded Rules), is grounded in the creation of lightweight ontologies to semantically wrap existing data sources, to facilitate rapid semantic integration through representational homogeneity. The semantic integration is achieved through the creation of context ontologies which define the integrations and provide a portable definition of the integration rules in the form of embedded SPARQL construct clauses. These two Semantic Web techniques address important practical issues relevant to the potential future adoption of ontologies in distributed network environments

    Features for Killer Apps from a Semantic Web Perspective

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    There are certain features that that distinguish killer apps from other ordinary applications. This chapter examines those features in the context of the semantic web, in the hope that a better understanding of the characteristics of killer apps might encourage their consideration when developing semantic web applications. Killer apps are highly tranformative technologies that create new e-commerce venues and widespread patterns of behaviour. Information technology, generally, and the Web, in particular, have benefited from killer apps to create new networks of users and increase its value. The semantic web community on the other hand is still awaiting a killer app that proves the superiority of its technologies. The authors hope that this chapter will help to highlight some of the common ingredients of killer apps in e-commerce, and discuss how such applications might emerge in the semantic web

    TGVizTab: An ontology visualisation extension for Protégé

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    Ontologies are gaining a lot of interest and many are being developed to provide a variety of knowledge services. There is an increasing need for tools to graphically and in-teractively visualise such modelling structures to enhance their clarification, verification and analysis. Protégé 2000 is one of the most popular ontology modelling tools currently available. This paper introduces TGVizTab; a new Protégé plugin based on TouchGraph technology to graphically visualise Protégé?s ontologies
