7 research outputs found

    WMTrace : a lightweight memory allocation tracker and analysis framework

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    The diverging gap between processor and memory performance has been a well discussed aspect of computer architecture literature for some years. The use of multi-core processor designs has, however, brought new problems to the design of memory architectures - increased core density without matched improvement in memory capacity is reduc- ing the available memory per parallel process. Multiple cores accessing memory simultaneously degrades performance as a result of resource con- tention for memory channels and physical DIMMs. These issues combine to ensure that memory remains an on-going challenge in the design of parallel algorithms which scale. In this paper we present WMTrace, a lightweight tool to trace and analyse memory allocation events in parallel applications. This tool is able to dynamically link to pre-existing application binaries requiring no source code modification or recompilation. A post-execution analysis stage enables in-depth analysis of traces to be performed allowing memory allocations to be analysed by time, size or function. The second half of this paper features a case study in which we apply WMTrace to five parallel scientific applications and benchmarks, demonstrating its effectiveness at recording high-water mark memory consumption as well as memory use per-function over time. An in-depth analysis is provided for an unstructured mesh benchmark which reveals significant memory allocation imbalance across its participating processes

    Workload Behavior Driven Memory Subsystem Design for Hyperscale

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    Hyperscalars run services across a large fleet of servers, serving billions of users worldwide. These services, however, behave differently than commonly available benchmark suites, resulting in server architectures that are not optimized for cloud workloads. With datacenters becoming a primary server processor market, optimizing server processors for cloud workloads by better understanding their behavior has become crucial. To address this, in this paper, we present MemProf, a memory profiler that profiles the three major reasons for stalls in cloud workloads: code-fetch, memory bandwidth, and memory latency. We use MemProf to understand the behavior of cloud workloads and propose and evaluate micro-architectural and memory system design improvements that help cloud workloads' performance. MemProf's code analysis shows that cloud workloads execute the same code across CPU cores. Using this, we propose shared micro-architectural structures--a shared L2 I-TLB and a shared L2 cache. Next, to help with memory bandwidth stalls, using workloads' memory bandwidth distribution, we find that only a few pages contribute to most of the system bandwidth. We use this finding to evaluate a new high-bandwidth, small-capacity memory tier and show that it performs 1.46x better than the current baseline configuration. Finally, we look into ways to improve memory latency for cloud workloads. Profiling using MemProf reveals that L2 hardware prefetchers, a common solution to reduce memory latency, have very low coverage and consume a significant amount of memory bandwidth. To help improve hardware prefetcher performance, we built a memory tracing tool to collect and validate production memory access traces

    Resource-efficient processing of large data volumes

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    The complex system environment of data processing applications makes it very challenging to achieve high resource efficiency. In this thesis, we develop solutions that improve resource efficiency at multiple system levels by focusing on three scenarios that are relevantā€”but not limitedā€”to database management systems. First, we address the challenge of understanding complex systems by analyzing memory access characteristics via efficient memory tracing. Second, we leverage information about memory access characteristics to optimize the cache usage of algorithms and to avoid cache pollution by applying hardware-based cache partitioning. Third, after optimizing resource usage within a multicore processor, we optimize resource usage across multiple computer systems by addressing the problem of resource contention for bulk loading, i.e., ingesting large volumes of data into the system. We develop a distributed bulk loading mechanism, which utilizes network bandwidth and compute power more efficiently and improves both bulk loading throughput and query processing performance

    Towards automated memory model generation via event tracing

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    The importance of memory performance and capacity is a growing concern for high performance computing laboratories around the world. It has long been recognized that improvements in processor speed exceed the rate of improvement in dynamic random access memory speed and, as a result, memory access times can be the limiting factor in high performance scientific codes. The use of multi-core processors exacerbates this problem with the rapid growth in the number of cores not being matched by similar improvements in memory capacity, increasing the likelihood of memory contention. In this paper, we present WMTools, a lightweight memory tracing tool and analysis framework for parallel codes, which is able to identify peak memory usage and also analyse per-function memory use over time. An evaluation of WMTools, in terms of its effectiveness and also its overheads, is performed using nine established scientific applications/benchmark codes representing a variety of programming languages and scientific domains. We also show how WMTools can be used to automatically generate a parameterized memory model for one of these applications, a two-dimensional non-linear magnetohydrodynamics application, Lare2D. Through the memory model we are able to identify an unexpected growth term which becomes dominant at scale. With a refined model we are able to predict memory consumption with under 7% error