1,013 research outputs found

    A spectral analysis for light field rendering

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    Image based rendering using the plenoptic function is an efficient technique for re-rendering at different viewpoints. In this paper, we study the sampling and reconstruction problem of plenoptic function as a multidimensional sampling problem. The spectral support of plenoptic function is found to be an important quantity in the efficient sampling and reconstruction of such function. A spectral analysis for the light field, a 4D plenoptic function, is performed. Its spectrum, as a function of the depth function of the scene, is then derived. This result enables us to estimate the spectral support of the light field given some prior estimate of the depth function. Results using a piecewise constant depth model show significant improvement in rendering of the light field images. The design of the reconstruction filter is also discussed.published_or_final_versio

    A spectral analysis for light field rendering

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    Image based rendering using the plenoptic function is an efficient technique for re-rendering at different viewpoints. In this paper, we study the sampling and reconstruction problem of plenoptic function as a multidimensional sampling problem. The spectral support of plenoptic function is found to be an important quantity in the efficient sampling and reconstruction of such function. A spectral analysis for the light field, a 4D plenoptic function, is performed. Its spectrum, as a function of the depth function of the scene, is then derived. This result enables us to estimate the spectral support of the light field given some prior estimate of the depth function. Results using a piecewise constant depth model show significant improvement in rendering of the light field images. The design of the reconstruction filter is also discussed.published_or_final_versio

    Deep Eyes: Binocular Depth-from-Focus on Focal Stack Pairs

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    Human visual system relies on both binocular stereo cues and monocular focusness cues to gain effective 3D perception. In computer vision, the two problems are traditionally solved in separate tracks. In this paper, we present a unified learning-based technique that simultaneously uses both types of cues for depth inference. Specifically, we use a pair of focal stacks as input to emulate human perception. We first construct a comprehensive focal stack training dataset synthesized by depth-guided light field rendering. We then construct three individual networks: a Focus-Net to extract depth from a single focal stack, a EDoF-Net to obtain the extended depth of field (EDoF) image from the focal stack, and a Stereo-Net to conduct stereo matching. We show how to integrate them into a unified BDfF-Net to obtain high-quality depth maps. Comprehensive experiments show that our approach outperforms the state-of-the-art in both accuracy and speed and effectively emulates human vision systems

    Rethinking Directional Integration in Neural Radiance Fields

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    Recent works use the Neural radiance field (NeRF) to perform multi-view 3D reconstruction, providing a significant leap in rendering photorealistic scenes. However, despite its efficacy, NeRF exhibits limited capability of learning view-dependent effects compared to light field rendering or image-based view synthesis. To that end, we introduce a modification to the NeRF rendering equation which is as simple as a few lines of code change for any NeRF variations, while greatly improving the rendering quality of view-dependent effects. By swapping the integration operator and the direction decoder network, we only integrate the positional features along the ray and move the directional terms out of the integration, resulting in a disentanglement of the view-dependent and independent components. The modified equation is equivalent to the classical volumetric rendering in ideal cases on object surfaces with Dirac densities. Furthermore, we prove that with the errors caused by network approximation and numerical integration, our rendering equation exhibits better convergence properties with lower error accumulations compared to the classical NeRF. We also show that the modified equation can be interpreted as light field rendering with learned ray embeddings. Experiments on different NeRF variations show consistent improvements in the quality of view-dependent effects with our simple modification

    RLFC: Random Access Light Field Compression using Key Views and Bounded Integer Encoding

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    We present a new hierarchical compression scheme for encoding light field images (LFI) that is suitable for interactive rendering. Our method (RLFC) exploits redundancies in the light field images by constructing a tree structure. The top level (root) of the tree captures the common high-level details across the LFI, and other levels (children) of the tree capture specific low-level details of the LFI. Our decompressing algorithm corresponds to tree traversal operations and gathers the values stored at different levels of the tree. Furthermore, we use bounded integer sequence encoding which provides random access and fast hardware decoding for compressing the blocks of children of the tree. We have evaluated our method for 4D two-plane parameterized light fields. The compression rates vary from 0.08 - 2.5 bits per pixel (bpp), resulting in compression ratios of around 200:1 to 20:1 for a PSNR quality of 40 to 50 dB. The decompression times for decoding the blocks of LFI are 1 - 3 microseconds per channel on an NVIDIA GTX-960 and we can render new views with a resolution of 512X512 at 200 fps. Our overall scheme is simple to implement and involves only bit manipulations and integer arithmetic operations.Comment: Accepted for publication at Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games (I3D '19

    Learning to Synthesize a 4D RGBD Light Field from a Single Image

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    We present a machine learning algorithm that takes as input a 2D RGB image and synthesizes a 4D RGBD light field (color and depth of the scene in each ray direction). For training, we introduce the largest public light field dataset, consisting of over 3300 plenoptic camera light fields of scenes containing flowers and plants. Our synthesis pipeline consists of a convolutional neural network (CNN) that estimates scene geometry, a stage that renders a Lambertian light field using that geometry, and a second CNN that predicts occluded rays and non-Lambertian effects. Our algorithm builds on recent view synthesis methods, but is unique in predicting RGBD for each light field ray and improving unsupervised single image depth estimation by enforcing consistency of ray depths that should intersect the same scene point. Please see our supplementary video at https://youtu.be/yLCvWoQLnmsComment: International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) 201