1,950 research outputs found

    FoCaLiZe: Inside an F-IDE

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    For years, Integrated Development Environments have demonstrated their usefulness in order to ease the development of software. High-level security or safety systems require proofs of compliance to standards, based on analyses such as code review and, increasingly nowadays, formal proofs of conformance to specifications. This implies mixing computational and logical aspects all along the development, which naturally raises the need for a notion of Formal IDE. This paper examines the FoCaLiZe environment and explores the implementation issues raised by the decision to provide a single language to express specification properties, source code and machine-checked proofs while allowing incremental development and code reusability. Such features create strong dependencies between functions, properties and proofs, and impose an particular compilation scheme, which is described here. The compilation results are runnable OCaml code and a checkable Coq term. All these points are illustrated through a running example.Comment: In Proceedings F-IDE 2014, arXiv:1404.578

    A mechanized proof of loop freedom of the (untimed) AODV routing protocol

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    The Ad hoc On-demand Distance Vector (AODV) routing protocol allows the nodes in a Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) or a Wireless Mesh Network (WMN) to know where to forward data packets. Such a protocol is 'loop free' if it never leads to routing decisions that forward packets in circles. This paper describes the mechanization of an existing pen-and-paper proof of loop freedom of AODV in the interactive theorem prover Isabelle/HOL. The mechanization relies on a novel compositional approach for lifting invariants to networks of nodes. We exploit the mechanization to analyse several improvements of AODV and show that Isabelle/HOL can re-establish most proof obligations automatically and identify exactly the steps that are no longer valid.Comment: The Isabelle/HOL source files, and a full proof document, are available in the Archive of Formal Proofs, at http://afp.sourceforge.net/entries/AODV.shtm

    Logical Characterizations of Behavioral Relations on Transition Systems of Probability Distributions

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    Probabilistic nondeterministic processes are commonly modeled as probabilistic LTSs (PLTSs). A number of logical characterizations of the main behavioral relations on PLTSs have been studied. In particular, Parma and Segala [2007] and Hermanns et al. [2011] define a probabilistic Hennessy-Milner logic interpreted over probability distributions, whose corresponding logical equivalence/preorder when restricted to Dirac distributions coincide with standard bisimulation/simulation between the states of a PLTS. This result is here extended by studying the full logical equivalence/preorder between (possibly non-Dirac) distributions in terms of a notion of bisimulation/simulation defined on a LTS whose states are distributions (dLTS). We show that the well-known spectrum of behavioral relations on nonprobabilistic LTSs as well as their corresponding logical characterizations in terms of Hennessy-Milner logic scales to the probabilistic setting when considering dLTSs

    Reusing Test-Cases on Different Levels of Abstraction in a Model Based Development Tool

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    Seamless model based development aims to use models during all phases of the development process of a system. During the development process in a component-based approach, components of a system are described at qualitatively differing abstraction levels: during requirements engineering component models are rather abstract high-level and underspecified, while during implementation the component models are rather concrete and fully specified in order to enable code generation. An important issue that arises is assuring that the concrete models correspond to abstract models. In this paper, we propose a method to assure that concrete models for system components refine more abstract models for the same components. In particular we advocate a framework for reusing testcases at different abstraction levels. Our approach, even if it cannot completely prove the refinement, can be used to ensure confidence in the development process. In particular we are targeting the refinement of requirements which are represented as very abstract models. Besides a formal model of our approach, we discuss our experiences with the development of an Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) system in a model driven development process. This uses extensions which we implemented for our model-based development tool and which are briefly presented in this paper.Comment: In Proceedings MBT 2012, arXiv:1202.582

    A Constructive Framework for Galois Connections

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    Abstract interpretation-based static analyses rely on abstract domains of program properties, such as intervals or congruences for integer variables. Galois connections (GCs) between posets provide the most widespread and useful formal tool for mathematically specifying abstract domains. Recently, Darais and Van Horn [2016] put forward a notion of constructive Galois connection for unordered sets (rather than posets), which allows to define abstract domains in a so-called mechanized and calculational proof style and therefore enables the use of proof assistants like Coq and Agda for automatically extracting verified algorithms of static analysis. We show here that constructive GCs are isomorphic, in a precise and comprehensive meaning including sound abstract functions, to so-called partitioning GCs--an already known class of GCs which allows to cast standard set partitions as an abstract domain. Darais and Van Horn [2016] also provide a notion of constructive GC for posets, which we prove to be isomorphic to plain GCs and therefore lose their constructive attribute. Drawing on these findings, we put forward and advocate the use of purely partitioning GCs, a novel class of constructive abstract domains for a mechanized approach to abstract interpretation. We show that this class of abstract domains allows us to represent a set partition with more flexibility while retaining a constructive approach to Galois connections

    Modal Abstractions for Virtualizing Memory Addresses

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    Operating system kernels employ virtual memory management (VMM) subsystems to virtualize the addresses of memory regions in order to to isolate untrusted processes, ensure process isolation and implement demand-paging and copy-on-write behaviors for performance and resource controls. Bugs in these systems can lead to kernel crashes. VMM code is a critical piece of general-purpose OS kernels, but their verification is challenging due to the hardware interface (mappings are updated via writes to memory locations, using addresses which are themselves virtualized). Prior work on VMM verification has either only handled a single address space, trusted significant pieces of assembly code, or resorted to direct reasoning over machine semantics rather than exposing a clean logical interface. In this paper, we introduce a modal abstraction to describe the truth of assertions relative to a specific virtual address space, allowing different address spaces to refer to each other, and enabling verification of instruction sequences manipulating multiple address spaces. Using them effectively requires working with other assertions, such as points-to assertions in our separation logic, as relative to a given address space. We therefore define virtual points-to assertions, which mimic hardware address translation, relative to a page table root. We demonstrate our approach with challenging fragments of VMM code showing that our approach handles examples beyond what prior work can address, including reasoning about a sequence of instructions as it changes address spaces. All definitions and theorems mentioned in this paper including the operational model of a RISC-like fragment of supervisor-mode x86-64, and a logic as an instantiation of the Iris framework, are mechanized inside Coq
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