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    Digital Redesign Lmi Conditions For State Feedback Controllers With An Application For Power Electronics

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    Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)This paper is concerned with the digital redesign to get a suitable digital controller from a given state feedback continuous-time controller. Two digital redesign conditions are given here, in terms of convex optimization based on linear matrix inequalities. The first condition is based on the literature and the second condition is new and exploits extra variables from Finsler Lemma. It is shown that the condition with extra variables can provide better performance. An application to power electronics is provided to demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed redesign procedure. © 2013 IEEE.350355CAPES,CNPq,et al.,FAPERGS,Rio Grande do Sul - Governo do Estado,Secretaria de Ciencia, Inovacao e Desenvolvimento Tecnol.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Ogata, K., (1995) Discrete-time Control Systems, , Prentice HallChen, T., Francis, B., Optimal sampled-data control systems, ser (1995) Communications and Control Engineering Series, , SpringerChen, C.-T., (1999) Linear System Theory and Design, , 3rd ed. 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