5 research outputs found

    Transformation Properties of Learned Visual Representations

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    When a three-dimensional object moves relative to an observer, a change occurs on the observer's image plane and in the visual representation computed by a learned model. Starting with the idea that a good visual representation is one that transforms linearly under scene motions, we show, using the theory of group representations, that any such representation is equivalent to a combination of the elementary irreducible representations. We derive a striking relationship between irreducibility and the statistical dependency structure of the representation, by showing that under restricted conditions, irreducible representations are decorrelated. Under partial observability, as induced by the perspective projection of a scene onto the image plane, the motion group does not have a linear action on the space of images, so that it becomes necessary to perform inference over a latent representation that does transform linearly. This idea is demonstrated in a model of rotating NORB objects that employs a latent representation of the non-commutative 3D rotation group SO(3).Comment: T.S. Cohen & M. Welling, Transformation Properties of Learned Visual Representations. In International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 201

    Symmetry Regularization

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    The properties of a representation, such as smoothness, adaptability, generality, equivari- ance/invariance, depend on restrictions imposed during learning. In this paper, we propose using data symmetries, in the sense of equivalences under transformations, as a means for learning symmetry- adapted representations, i.e., representations that are equivariant to transformations in the original space. We provide a sufficient condition to enforce the representation, for example the weights of a neural network layer or the atoms of a dictionary, to have a group structure and specifically the group structure in an unlabeled training set. By reducing the analysis of generic group symmetries to per- mutation symmetries, we devise an analytic expression for a regularization scheme and a permutation invariant metric on the representation space. Our work provides a proof of concept on why and how to learn equivariant representations, without explicit knowledge of the underlying symmetries in the data.This material is based upon work supported by the Center for Brains, Minds and Machines (CBMM), funded by NSF STC award CCF-1231216

    Efficient Methods for Unsupervised Learning of Probabilistic Models

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    In this thesis I develop a variety of techniques to train, evaluate, and sample from intractable and high dimensional probabilistic models. Abstract exceeds arXiv space limitations -- see PDF

    Lie Group Transformation Models for Predictive Video Coding

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