495 research outputs found

    Estudi de la zona de finalització més eficaç per guanyar el punt mitjançant l'atac de dreta en el tennis de taula

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    Curs 2011-2012L’objectiu d’aquest estudi és determinar la zona més efectiva per guanyar el punt mitjançant l’atac de dreta en el tennis de taula. S’utilitza una adaptació del sistema d’anàlisi dels tres nivells d’habilitat, proposat pels acadèmics xinesos Wu i Li (1990) per tal de classificar els punts de la forma que ens permetin analitzar les zones de finalització i les formes com s’obtenen els punts. L’estudi analitza cinc partits dels sis millors jugadors del rànquing mundial de la ITTF. El resultat de l’estudi és que la zona de finalització més eficaç per obtenir el punt mitjançant l’atac de dreta és la zona 1 de la taula del rival.The goal of this study is to determine the most effective zone to win the point with a forehand attack in table tennis. Used an adaptation of the three-stage skill analysis, proposed by Chinese scholars Wu and Li (1990) to classify the points of the form that will allow us to analyze the end zone and the ways we get the point. The study examines five games of the six best players in the ITTF world ranking. The result of the study is that the most effective end zone to win the point with a forehand attack is zone 1 of the table opponents

    Campus News January 15, 2010

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    Surface Instability and Surface Charge Orders in the Kagome Metal TbV6_6Sn6_6

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    The ideal kagome lattice shows an electronic structure with intriguing correlated and topological electronic states. In realistic materials, however, the kagome atomic layer is generally buried inside a bulk while little is known about the kagome layer on a surface. In this work, we reveal that the kagome layer of the recently discovered kagome metals RRV6_6Sn6_6 (RR = Y and rare-earth elements) exhibits strong lattice instabilities when exposed on the surface, despite that it is stable inside the bulk. Exemplified by TbV6_6Sn6_6 without bulk charge density waves, surface kagome layers present 3×3\sqrt 3 \times \sqrt 3 and 2×22 \times 2 surface charge orders (SCOs). In contrast, SCOs disappear when kagome surfaces are covered by a Sn or TbSn atomic layer. These SCOs exhibit clover-like patterns with trimers of V atoms, different from known bulk CDWs. Furthermore, we find that SCOs are generally present (absent) in thin films of RRV6_6Sn6_6 terminated with kagome (non-kagome) sublattices, indicating its surface origin. The SCOs distort the kagome lattice and sensitively modify kagome surface bands. Our work reveals unexpected surface instability of kagome materials and calls for surface-sensitive measurements such as scanning tunneling microscopy.Comment: Supplementary is included. 4 figures + 1 tabl

    Spin excitations in K2_{2}Fe4+x_{4+x}Se5_{5}: linear response approach

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    Using \emph{ab initio} linear response techniques we calculate spin wave spectra in K2_{2}Fe4+x_{4+x}Se5_{5}, and find it to be in excellent agreement with a recent experiment. The spectrum can be alternatively described rather well by localized spin Hamiltonian restricted to first and second nearest neighbor couplings. We confirm that exchange coupling between nearest neighbor Fe magnetic moments is strongly anisotropic, and show directly that in the ideal system this anisotropy has itinerant nature which can be imitated by introducing higher order terms in effective localized spin Hamiltonian (biquadratic coupling). In the real system, structural relaxation provides an additional source of the exchange anisotropy of approximately the same magnitude. The dependence of spin wave spectra on filling of Fe vacancy sites is also discussed

    Growth of Thin Oxidation-Resistive Crystalline Si Nanostructures on Graphene

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    We report the growth of Si nanostructures, either as thin films or nanoparticles, on graphene substrates. The Si nanostructures are shown to be single crystalline, air stable and oxidation resistive, as indicated by the observation of a single crystalline Si Raman mode at around 520 cm-1, a STM image of an ordered surface structure under ambient condition, and a Schottky junction with graphite. Ultra-thin silicon regions exhibit silicene-like behavior, including a Raman mode at around 550 cm-1, a triangular lattice structure in STM that has distinctly different lattice spacing from that of either graphene or thicker Si, and metallic conductivity of up to 500 times higher than that of graphite. This work suggests a bottom-up approach to forming a Si nanostructure array on a large scale patterned graphene substrate for fabricating nanoscale Si electronic devices

    Anisotropic magnetocaloric response in AlFe2B2

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    Experimental investigations of the magnetocaloric response of the intermetallic layered AlFe2B2 compound along the principle axes of the orthorhombic cell were carried out using aligned plate-like crystallites with an anisotropic [101] growth habit. Results were confirmed to be consistent with density functional theory calculations. Field-dependent magnetization data confirm that the a-axis is the easy direction of magnetization within the (ac) plane. The magnetocrystalline anisotropy energy required to rotate the spin quantization vector from the c-to the a-axis direction is determined as K∼0.9 MJ/m3 at 50 K. Magnetic entropy change curves measured near the Curie transition temperature of 285 K reveal a large rotating magnetic entropy change of 1.3 J kg−1K−1 at μ0Happ = 2 T, consistent with large differences in magnetic entropy change ΔSmag measured along the a- and c-axes. Overall, this study provides insight of both fundamental and applied relevance concerning pathways for maximizing the magnetocaloric potential of AlFe2B2 for thermal management applications

    Improving Person Re-Identification Performance Using Body Mask Via Cross-Learning Strategy

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    © 2019 IEEE. The task of person re-identification (re-id) is to find the same pedestrian across non-overlapping cameras. Normally, the performance of person re-id can be affected by background clutters. However, existing segmentation algorithms are hard to obtain perfect foreground person images. To effectively leverage the body (foreground) cue, and in the meantime pay attention to discriminative information in the background (e.g., companion or vehicle), we propose to use a cross-learning strategy to take both foreground and other discriminative information into account. In addition, since currently existing foreground segmentation result always involves noise, we use Label Smoothing Regularization (LSR) to strengthen the generalization capability during our learning process. In experiments, we pick up two state-of-The-Art person re-id methods to verify the effectiveness of our proposed cross-learning strategy. Our experiments are carried out on two publicly available person re-id datasets. Obvious performance improvements can be observed on both datasets
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