1,566 research outputs found

    Intelligent multimedia indexing and retrieval through multi-source information extraction and merging

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    This paper reports work on automated meta-data\ud creation for multimedia content. The approach results\ud in the generation of a conceptual index of\ud the content which may then be searched via semantic\ud categories instead of keywords. The novelty\ud of the work is to exploit multiple sources of\ud information relating to video content (in this case\ud the rich range of sources covering important sports\ud events). News, commentaries and web reports covering\ud international football games in multiple languages\ud and multiple modalities is analysed and the\ud resultant data merged. This merging process leads\ud to increased accuracy relative to individual sources

    Ontology mapping: the state of the art

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    Ontology mapping is seen as a solution provider in today's landscape of ontology research. As the number of ontologies that are made publicly available and accessible on the Web increases steadily, so does the need for applications to use them. A single ontology is no longer enough to support the tasks envisaged by a distributed environment like the Semantic Web. Multiple ontologies need to be accessed from several applications. Mapping could provide a common layer from which several ontologies could be accessed and hence could exchange information in semantically sound manners. Developing such mapping has beeb the focus of a variety of works originating from diverse communities over a number of years. In this article we comprehensively review and present these works. We also provide insights on the pragmatics of ontology mapping and elaborate on a theoretical approach for defining ontology mapping

    Survey on Techniques for Ontology Interoperability in Semantic Web

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    Ontology is a shared conceptualization of knowledge representation of particular domain. These are used for the enhancement of semantic information explicitly. It is considered as a key element in semantic web development. Creation of global web data sources is impossible because of the dynamic nature of the web. Ontology Interoperability provides the reusability of ontologies. Different domain experts and ontology engineers create different ontologies for the same or similar domain depending on their data modeling requirements. These cause ontology heterogeneity and inconsistency problems. For more better and precise results ontology mapping is the solution. As their use has increased, providing means of resolving semantic differences has also become very important. Papers on ontology interoperability report the results on different frameworks and this makes their comparison almost impossible. Therefore, the main focus of this paper will be on providing some basics of ontology interoperability and briefly introducing its different approaches. In this paper we survey the approaches that have been proposed for providing interoperability among domain ontologies and its related techniques and tools

    An information retrieval approach to ontology mapping

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    In this paper, we present a heuristic mapping method and a prototype mapping system that support the process of semi-automatic ontology mapping for the purpose of improving semantic interoperability in heterogeneous systems. The approach is based on the idea of semantic enrichment, i.e., using instance information of the ontology to enrich the original ontology and calculate similarities between concepts in two ontologies. The functional settings for the mapping system are discussed and the evaluation of the prototype implementation of the approach is reported. \ud \u

    Semantics-based approach for generating partial views from linked life-cycle highway project data

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    The purpose of this dissertation is to develop methods that can assist data integration and extraction from heterogeneous sources generated throughout the life-cycle of a highway project. In the era of computerized technologies, project data is largely available in digital format. Due to the fragmented nature of the civil infrastructure sector, digital data are created and managed separately by different project actors in proprietary data warehouses. The differences in the data structure and semantics greatly hinder the exchange and fully reuse of digital project data. In order to address those issues, this dissertation carries out the following three individual studies. The first study aims to develop a framework for interconnecting heterogeneous life cycle project data into an unified and linked data space. This is an ontology-based framework that consists of two phases: (1) translating proprietary datasets into homogeneous RDF data graphs; and (2) connecting separate data networks to each other. Three domain ontologies for design, construction, and asset condition survey phases are developed to support data transformation. A merged ontology that integrates the domain ontologies is constructed to provide guidance on how to connect data nodes from domain graphs. The second study is to deal with the terminology inconsistency between data sources. An automated method is developed that employs Natural Language Processing (NLP) and machine learning techniques to support constructing a domain specific lexicon from design manuals. The method utilizes pattern rules to extract technical terms from texts and learns their representation vectors using a neural network based word embedding approach. The study also includes the development of an integrated method of minimal-supervised machine learning, clustering analysis, and word vectors, for computing the term semantics and classifying the relations between terms in the target lexicon. In the last study, a data retrieval technique for extracting subsets of an XML civil data schema is designed and tested. The algorithm takes a keyword input of the end user and returns a ranked list of the most relevant XML branches. This study utilizes a lexicon of the highway domain generated from the second study to analyze the semantics of the end user keywords. A context-based similarity measure is introduced to evaluate the relevance between a certain branch in the source schema and the user query. The methods and algorithms resulting from this research were tested using case studies and empirical experiments. The results indicate that the study successfully address the heterogeneity in the structure and terminology of data and enable a fast extraction of sub-models of data. The study is expected to enhance the efficiency in reusing digital data generated throughout the project life-cycle, and contribute to the success in transitioning from paper-based to digital project delivery for civil infrastructure projects

    Cornetto: A Combinatorial Lexical Semantic Database for Dutch

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    One of the goals of the STEVIN programme is the realisation of a digital infrastructure that will enforce the position of the Dutch language in the modern information and communication technology.A semantic database makes it possible to go from words to concepts and consequently, to develop technologies that access and use knowledge rather than textual representations

    Semantically intelligent semi-automated ontology integration

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    An ontology is a way of information categorization and storage. Web Ontologies provide help in retrieving the required and precise information over the web. However, the problem of heterogeneity between ontologies may occur in the use of multiple ontologies of the same domain. The integration of ontologies provides a solution for the heterogeneity problem. Ontology integration is a solution to problem of interoperability in the knowledge based systems. Ontology integration provides a mechanism to find the semantic association between a pair of reference ontologies based on their concepts. Many researchers have been working on the problem of ontology integration; however, multiple issues related to ontology integration are still not addressed. This dissertation involves the investigation of the ontology integration problem and proposes a layer based enhanced framework as a solution to the problem. The comparison between concepts of reference ontologies is based on their semantics along with their syntax in the concept matching process of ontology integration. The semantic relationship of a concept with other concepts between ontologies and the provision of user confirmation (only for the problematic cases) are also taken into account in this process. The proposed framework is implemented and validated by providing a comparison of the proposed concept matching technique with the existing techniques. The test case scenarios are provided in order to compare and analyse the proposed framework in the analysis phase. The results of the experiments completed demonstrate the efficacy and success of the proposed framework
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