5 research outputs found

    Road Transportation Management Potentiality Enhancement for Linking Special Economic Zones and Border Trade Activities in Mukdahan Province, Thailand

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    Abstract— The purpose of this article is to study the knowledge, to create a model for improving the Road Transportation Management Potentiality for linking the special economic zone and border trade in Mukdahan province, Thailand, and to study the effect of increasing the potential of road transport management on business performance. Mixed research method was used. The sample was 316 road freight entrepreneurs in the border economic and trade areas in Mukdahan province, from a population of 1,500 people, including 12 interviewees. Data were collected by using questionnaires and interview forms. The data gathered was tested by using various statistical techniques to ensure that the information is reliable and accurate in Structural Equation Modeling (SEM).  The results found that increasing the potential of road transport management for linking special economic zones and border trade in Mukdahan province with Inbound-Outbound Transportation (IOT) had a direct positive impact on Performance of Firm Management (PFM), with the three most important capabilities: security, documentation procedures, and vehicle management, whereas the three most outstanding results are cheaper, faster, and better. To implement this model, entrepreneurs, therefore, need to give first priority in developing operational manuals such as safety standard transportation manual, customs clearance from Mukdahan province to Laos PDR manual, and vehicle management manual

    Vermont Agency of Transportation Employee Retention and Knowledge Management Study

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    In 2015, the Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans) developed a new strategic plan that included five goals that would support the agency’s mission and vision. Goal 5 of the plan is: Develop a workforce to meet the strategic needs of the agency. VTrans leaders were concerned with the loss of employees due to turnover and the subsequent impact of knowledge loss on the operations of the agency. This applied research study used a mixed methods approach in data gathering to help determine the state of employee retention and knowledge management (KM) at VTrans and to provide tools that could help with both retention and KM issues. Key steps in this study involved an organizational assessment of turnover and KM practices at VTrans, a scan of other state DOTs concerning retention and KM practices, and a pilot project to address both issues. With guidance provided by a Technical Advisory Committee (TAC), the decision was made to focus most of the research in specific units of the Highway Division

    Partilha do Conhecimento Tácito em grupos de pesquisa em Instituição de Ensino Superior

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    Os estudos sobre a partilha do conhecimento tácito em Instituições de Ensino Superior e grupos de pesquisa são escassos. Os docentes-pesquisadores são fontes essenciais do conhecimento tácito existente em instituições de ensino. As instituições de ensino vinculadas à pesquisa, por meio de seus docente-pesquisadores, organizam os denominados grupos de pesquisa para desenvolver especificidades das áreas do conhecimento na quais estão inseridos, constituindo comunidades de prática para o desenvolvimento individual e organizacional nas universidades brasileiras. O objetivo desta pesquisa é identificar quais são os determinantes da partilha do conhecimento tácito para docentes-pesquisadores em grupos de pesquisa. Para alcançar o objetivo principal, desenvolveram-se questões norteadoras que atendem aos objetivos específicos propostos para responder à principal questão da pesquisa. A pesquisa é um estudo quali-quantitativo, pois desenvolveu-se em duas fases. Na primeira, realizaram-se entrevistas com treze líderes de grupos de pesquisa; e, na segunda, a aplicação do questionário aos docentes-pesquisadores vinculados aos grupos de pesquisa da organização. A amostra é constituída por duzentos e cinquenta e cinco respondentes. Os resultados possibilitaram responder às questões de investigação propostas referentes a indicadores: confiança mútua, gestão individual do tempo, linguagem comum, Fonte de poder, recompensas e reconhecimento, rede de relacionamentos, comunicação, Hierarquia, Transmissão do conhecimento, Armazenamento do conhecimento, Ambiente organizacional favorável, Tipo de conhecimento valorizado e Treino. Os facilitadores relacionados a intenção e atitude (doar/receber) conhecimento tácito. As barreiras individuais, cultura e estrutura organizacional e os mecanismos relacionados as lições apreendidas. Os fatores que determinam a partilha do conhecimento tácito foram identificados por meio da modelagem de equações estruturais em que se unificou a estrutura identificada de indicadores, facilitadores e barreiras em modelo conceitual. Os resultados indicam que os fator individual, fator estrutura organizacional e fator estratégia de gestão do conhecimento influenciam positivamente; enquanto o fator cultura organizacional não têm influência significativa.Studies on the sharing of tacit knowledge in higher education institutions and research groups are scarce. Teacher-researchers are an essential source of tacit knowledge existing in educational institutions. The educational institutions linked to research, through their teacher-researchers, develop the so-called research groups in order to develop the specificities of the knowledge area to which they belong, constituting communities of practice for individual and organizational development in Brazilian universities. The objective of this research is to identify the determinants of tacit knowledge sharing among teacher-researchers in research groups. To achieve the main objective, guiding questions were developed that answer the specific objectives proposed to answer the main research question. The research is a quali-quantitative study as it was developed in two phases.. The first one involved interviews with thirteen research group leaders. And the second, the application of the questionnaire to the teacher-researchers linked to the institution's research groups. The sample consisted of two hundred and fifty-five respondents. The results made it possible to answer the proposed research questions regarding indicators: mutual trust, individual time management, common language, Source of power, rewards and recognition, relationship network, communication, Hierarchy, Transmission of knowledge, Storage of knowledge, Favourable organisational environment, Type of knowledge valued and Training. The facilitators related to intention and attitude (giving/receiving) tacit knowledge. The individual barriers, culture and organizational structure and the mechanisms related to the lessons learned. The factors that determine the sharing of tacit knowledge were identified through the modeling of structural equations in which the identified structure of indicators, facilitators and barriers was unified in a conceptual model. The results indicate that the individual factor, organizational structure factor and knowledge management strategy factor positively influence; while cultural factor have no significant influence

    Exploring the digital transformation in the automotive industry to design an improved mobility service ecosystem for Mercedes-Benz

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    The automotive industry is simultaneously facing various forces of change and challenges. The broad aim of the research is to explore these forces of change and how they are impacting the automotive industry, to analyse and interpret their implications for Mercedes-Benz and to apply the insights gained to develop a new service innovation process. The digital transformation is responsible for an important paradigm change in many industries, but this is certainly true for the automotive sector. Digitalization and behavioural alterations of consumers opens new mobility service opportunities not only to the traditional automotive industry, but also to technology corporations. The qualitative research was performed with the philosophical stance of pragmatism and an explorative, inductive approach. The strategy of an embedded single case study with in-depth interviews and workshops, as methods for data collection, assured a focused but flexible qualitative research design. The research investigated intelligent mobility solutions, as well as future automotive connected services. The study captured the voice of the customer and the expertise of internal and external automotive managers via the introduction of an open service innovation approach. The research elaborated a stream of empirical research which resulted in original contributions to theory and practice in the field of service innovation management. The actual body of literature is still limited and generic on this topic. The findings detected political, economic, demographic, ecological, social, technological and legal changes that are affecting the automotive sector. Moreover, the study revealed that future, smart mobility solutions are linked to digital services and connectivity. Furthermore, the study discovered the importance of flexible finance solutions, electric cars, premium product-services and alternative, cleaner powertrain technologies. The findings confirmed the relevance of open innovation and co-creation as a methodology to introduce new mobility solutions in the automotive sector, which in general still operates in a closed innovation environment. Correspondingly, the research focused on the development of a customised service innovation process model, which valued integrated digital services. As a result of the study, the novel service innovation process model, entitled “DOING”, was developed to transform customer needs into valuable mobility services in the Mercedes-Benz ecosystem. Furthermore, this novel “DOING” process was implemented in a real-world business environment to design an improved mobility service ecosystem for Mercedes-Benz