646 research outputs found

    Data Science Methods for Nursing-Relevant Patient Outcomes and Clinical Processes The 2019 Literature Year in Review

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    Data science continues to be recognized and used within healthcare due to the increased availability of large data sets and advanced analytics. It can be challenging for nurse leaders to remain apprised of this rapidly changing landscape. In this article, we describe our findings from a scoping literature review of papers published in 2019 that use data science to explore, explain, and/or predict 15 phenomena of interest to nurses. Fourteen of the 15 phenomena were associated with at least one paper published in 2019. We identified the use of many contemporary data science methods (eg, natural language processing, neural networks) for many of the outcomes. We found many studies exploring Readmissions and Pressure Injuries. The topics of Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning Acceptance, Burnout, Patient Safety, and Unit Culture were poorly represented. We hope that the studies described in this article help readers: (1) understand the breadth and depth of data science\u27s ability to improve clinical processes and patient outcomes that are relevant to nurses and (2) identify gaps in the literature that are in need of exploratio

    Social and behavioral determinants of health in the era of artificial intelligence with electronic health records: A scoping review

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    Background: There is growing evidence that social and behavioral determinants of health (SBDH) play a substantial effect in a wide range of health outcomes. Electronic health records (EHRs) have been widely employed to conduct observational studies in the age of artificial intelligence (AI). However, there has been little research into how to make the most of SBDH information from EHRs. Methods: A systematic search was conducted in six databases to find relevant peer-reviewed publications that had recently been published. Relevance was determined by screening and evaluating the articles. Based on selected relevant studies, a methodological analysis of AI algorithms leveraging SBDH information in EHR data was provided. Results: Our synthesis was driven by an analysis of SBDH categories, the relationship between SBDH and healthcare-related statuses, and several NLP approaches for extracting SDOH from clinical literature. Discussion: The associations between SBDH and health outcomes are complicated and diverse; several pathways may be involved. Using Natural Language Processing (NLP) technology to support the extraction of SBDH and other clinical ideas simplifies the identification and extraction of essential concepts from clinical data, efficiently unlocks unstructured data, and aids in the resolution of unstructured data-related issues. Conclusion: Despite known associations between SBDH and disease, SBDH factors are rarely investigated as interventions to improve patient outcomes. Gaining knowledge about SBDH and how SBDH data can be collected from EHRs using NLP approaches and predictive models improves the chances of influencing health policy change for patient wellness, and ultimately promoting health and health equity. Keywords: Social and Behavioral Determinants of Health, Artificial Intelligence, Electronic Health Records, Natural Language Processing, Predictive ModelComment: 32 pages, 5 figure

    Tuberculosis Prediction by Machine Learning Techniques

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    Tuberculosis is one of the top reasons of death all over the planet. Mycobacterium tuberculosis, bacteria that infects the lungs, is what causes it. For professionals working in the medical field, accurately identifying and timely predicting tuberculosis are major challenges. The course of treatment also varies from patient to patient since occasionally a patient develops drug resistance. Doctors will be given algorithmic support while using machine learning to help them diagnose, treat patients appropriately, and make quicker and better judgments. This paper discusses the many tuberculosis causes and symptoms as well as how accurate and fast prediction and diagnostic investigations have been carried out in recent years with the aid of machine learning (ML) technique

    Comparison Data Mining Techniques To Prediction Diabetes Mellitus

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    Diabetes is one of the chronic diseases caused by excess sugar in the blood. Various methods of automated algorithms in various to anticipate and diagnose diabetes. One approach to data mining method can help diagnose the patient's disease. In the presence of predictions can save human life and begin prevention before the disease attacks the patient. Choosing a legitimate classification clearly expands the truth and accuracy of the system as levels continue to increase. Most diabetics know little about the risk factors they face before the diagnosis. This method uses developing five predictive models using 9 input variables and one output variable from the dataset information. The purpose of this study was to compare performance analysis of Naive Bayes, Decision Tree, SVM, K-NN and ANN models to predict diabetes millitu

    Acute kidney injury prediction for non-critical care patients: a retrospective external and internal validation study

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    Background: Acute kidney injury (AKI), the decline of kidney excretory function, occurs in up to 18% of hospitalized admissions. Progression of AKI may lead to irreversible kidney damage. Methods: This retrospective cohort study includes adult patients admitted to a non-intensive care unit at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) (n = 46,815) and University of Florida Health (UFH) (n = 127,202). We developed and compared deep learning and conventional machine learning models to predict progression to Stage 2 or higher AKI within the next 48 hours. We trained local models for each site (UFH Model trained on UFH, UPMC Model trained on UPMC) and a separate model with a development cohort of patients from both sites (UFH-UPMC Model). We internally and externally validated the models on each site and performed subgroup analyses across sex and race. Results: Stage 2 or higher AKI occurred in 3% (n=3,257) and 8% (n=2,296) of UFH and UPMC patients, respectively. Area under the receiver operating curve values (AUROC) for the UFH test cohort ranged between 0.77 (UPMC Model) and 0.81 (UFH Model), while AUROC values ranged between 0.79 (UFH Model) and 0.83 (UPMC Model) for the UPMC test cohort. UFH-UPMC Model achieved an AUROC of 0.81 (95% confidence interval [CI] [0.80, 0.83]) for UFH and 0.82 (95% CI [0.81,0.84]) for UPMC test cohorts; an area under the precision recall curve values (AUPRC) of 0.6 (95% CI, [0.05, 0.06]) for UFH and 0.13 (95% CI, [0.11,0.15]) for UPMC test cohorts. Kinetic estimated glomerular filtration rate, nephrotoxic drug burden and blood urea nitrogen remained the top three features with the highest influence across the models and health centers. Conclusion: Locally developed models displayed marginally reduced discrimination when tested on another institution, while the top set of influencing features remained the same across the models and sites

    Using machine learning methods to improve healthcare delivery in diabetes management

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    This dissertation includes three studies, all focusing on Analytics and Patients information for improving diabetes management, namely educating patients and early detection of comorbidities. In these studies, we develop topic modeling and artificial neural network to acquire, preprocess, model, and predict to minimize the burden on diabetic patients and healthcare providers.The first essay explores the usage of Text Analytics, an unsupervised machine learning model, utilizing the vast data available on social media to improve diabetes education of the patients in managing the condition. Mainly we show the applicability of topic modeling to identify the gaps in diabetes education content and the information and knowledge needs of the patients. While traditional methods of the content decision were based on a group of experts' contributions, our proposed methodology considers the questions raised on social forums for support to extend the education content.The second essay implements Deep Neural Networks on EHR data to assist the clinicians in rank ordering the potential comorbidities that the specific patient may develop in the future. This essay helps prioritize regular screening for comorbidities and rationalize the screening process to improve adherence and effectiveness. Our model prediction helps identify diabetic retinopathy and nephropathy patients with very high precision compared to other traditional methods. Essays 1 and 2 focus on Data Analytics as a research tool for managing a chronic disease in the healthcare environment.The third essay goes through the challenges and best practices of data preprocessing for Analytics studies in healthcare. This study explores the standard preprocessing methodologies and their impact in the case of healthcare data analytics. Highlights the relevant modifications and adaptations to the standards CRISP_DM process. The suggestions are based on past research and the experience obtained in the projects discussed earlier in the thesis.Overall, the dissertation highlights the importance of data analytics in healthcare for better managing and diagnosing chronic diseases. It unfolds the economic value of implementing state-of-the-art IT methods in healthcare, where EHR & IT are predominantly costly and difficult to implement. The dissertation covers ANN and text mining implementation for diabetes management

    Nursing-Relevant Patient Outcomes and Clinical Processes in Data Science Literature: 2019 Year in Review

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    Data science continues to be recognized and used within healthcare due to the increased availability of large data sets and advanced analytics. It can be challenging for nurse leaders to remain apprised of this rapidly changing landscape. In this paper, we describe our findings from a scoping literature review of papers published in 2019 that use data science to explore, explain, and/or predict 15 phenomena of interest to nurses. Fourteen of the 15 phenomena were associated with at least one paper published in 2019. We identified the use of many contemporary data science methods (e.g., natural language processing, neural networks) for many of the outcomes. We found many studies exploring Readmissions and Pressure Injuries. The topics of Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning Acceptance, Burnout, Patient Safety, and Unit Culture were poorly represented. We hope the studies described in this paper help readers: (a) understand the breadth and depth of data science’s ability to improve clinical processes and patient outcomes that are relevant to nurses and (b) identify gaps in the literature that are in need of exploration

    Representing Health Data and Medical Knowledge for Deep Learning

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