6 research outputs found

    Level-Based Analysis of the Population-Based Incremental Learning Algorithm

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    The Population-Based Incremental Learning (PBIL) algorithm uses a convex combination of the current model and the empirical model to construct the next model, which is then sampled to generate offspring. The Univariate Marginal Distribution Algorithm (UMDA) is a special case of the PBIL, where the current model is ignored. Dang and Lehre (GECCO 2015) showed that UMDA can optimise LeadingOnes efficiently. The question still remained open if the PBIL performs equally well. Here, by applying the level-based theorem in addition to Dvoretzky--Kiefer--Wolfowitz inequality, we show that the PBIL optimises function LeadingOnes in expected time O(nλlogλ+n2)\mathcal{O}(n\lambda \log \lambda + n^2) for a population size λ=Ω(logn)\lambda = \Omega(\log n), which matches the bound of the UMDA. Finally, we show that the result carries over to BinVal, giving the fist runtime result for the PBIL on the BinVal problem.Comment: To appea

    Runtime analysis of the univariate marginal distribution algorithm under low selective pressure and prior noise

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    We perform a rigorous runtime analysis for the Univariate Marginal Distribution Algorithm on the LeadingOnes function, a well-known benchmark function in the theory community of evolutionary computation with a high correlation between decision variables. For a problem instance of size nn, the currently best known upper bound on the expected runtime is O(nλlogλ+n2)\mathcal{O}(n\lambda\log\lambda+n^2) (Dang and Lehre, GECCO 2015), while a lower bound necessary to understand how the algorithm copes with variable dependencies is still missing. Motivated by this, we show that the algorithm requires a eΩ(μ)e^{\Omega(\mu)} runtime with high probability and in expectation if the selective pressure is low; otherwise, we obtain a lower bound of Ω(nλlog(λμ))\Omega(\frac{n\lambda}{\log(\lambda-\mu)}) on the expected runtime. Furthermore, we for the first time consider the algorithm on the function under a prior noise model and obtain an O(n2)\mathcal{O}(n^2) expected runtime for the optimal parameter settings. In the end, our theoretical results are accompanied by empirical findings, not only matching with rigorous analyses but also providing new insights into the behaviour of the algorithm.Comment: To appear at GECCO 2019, Prague, Czech Republi

    On the limitations of the univariate marginal distribution algorithm to deception and where bivariate EDAs might help

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    We introduce a new benchmark problem called Deceptive Leading Blocks (DLB) to rigorously study the runtime of the Univariate Marginal Distribution Algorithm (UMDA) in the presence of epistasis and deception. We show that simple Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs) outperform the UMDA unless the selective pressure μ/λ\mu/\lambda is extremely high, where μ\mu and λ\lambda are the parent and offspring population sizes, respectively. More precisely, we show that the UMDA with a parent population size of μ=Ω(logn)\mu=\Omega(\log n) has an expected runtime of eΩ(μ)e^{\Omega(\mu)} on the DLB problem assuming any selective pressure μλ141000\frac{\mu}{\lambda} \geq \frac{14}{1000}, as opposed to the expected runtime of O(nλlogλ+n3)\mathcal{O}(n\lambda\log \lambda+n^3) for the non-elitist (μ,λ) EA(\mu,\lambda)~\text{EA} with μ/λ1/e\mu/\lambda\leq 1/e. These results illustrate inherent limitations of univariate EDAs against deception and epistasis, which are common characteristics of real-world problems. In contrast, empirical evidence reveals the efficiency of the bi-variate MIMIC algorithm on the DLB problem. Our results suggest that one should consider EDAs with more complex probabilistic models when optimising problems with some degree of epistasis and deception.Comment: To appear in the 15th ACM/SIGEVO Workshop on Foundations of Genetic Algorithms (FOGA XV), Potsdam, German

    Significance-based Estimation-of-Distribution Algorithms

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    Estimation-of-distribution algorithms (EDAs) are randomized search heuristics that maintain a probabilistic model of the solution space. This model is updated from iteration to iteration, based on the quality of the solutions sampled according to the model. As previous works show, this short-term perspective can lead to erratic updates of the model, in particular, to bit-frequencies approaching a random boundary value. Such frequencies take long to be moved back to the middle range, leading to significant performance losses. In order to overcome this problem, we propose a new EDA based on the classic compact genetic algorithm (cGA) that takes into account a longer history of samples and updates its model only with respect to information which it classifies as statistically significant. We prove that this significance-based compact genetic algorithm (sig-cGA) optimizes the commonly regarded benchmark functions OneMax, LeadingOnes, and BinVal all in O(nlogn)O(n\log n) time, a result shown for no other EDA or evolutionary algorithm so far. For the recently proposed scGA -- an EDA that tries to prevent erratic model updates by imposing a bias to the uniformly distributed model -- we prove that it optimizes OneMax only in a time exponential in the hypothetical population size 1/ρ1/\rho. Similarly, we show that the convex search algorithm cannot optimize OneMax in polynomial time