2 research outputs found

    Level Crossings of an Oscillating Marked Random Walk

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    AbstractThis paper deals with a class of real-valued random-walk processes, observed over random epochs of time, that forms a delayed renewal process. The present model does not restrict this class to a merely monotone random walk, which is easier to analyze and find explicit form functional. The objective is to find the first passage of the process exiting a rectangular set and registering the value of the process at this time, thus generalizing past models where either the observed process was monotone or the first passage time reduced to the moment of the first drop. The joint transformation of the named random characteristics of the process are derived in a closed form. The paper concludes with examples, including numerical examples, demonstrating the use of the results as well as practical applications to finance

    Multilayers in a modulated stochastic game

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    AbstractWe are concerned with an antagonistic stochastic game between two players A and B which finds applications in economics and warfare. The actions of the players are manifested by a series of strikes of random magnitudes at random times exerted by each player against his opponent. Each of the assaults inflicts a random damage to enemy's vital areas. In contrast with traditional games, in our setting, each player can endure multiple strikes before perishing. Predicting the ruin time (exit) of player A, along with the total amount of casualties to both players at the exit is a main objective of this work. In contrast to the time sensitive analysis (earlier developed to refine the information on the game) we insert auxiliary control levels, which both players will cross in due game before the ruin of A. This gives A (and also B) an additional opportunity to reevaluate his strategy and change the course of the game. We formalize such a game and also allow the real time information about the game to be randomly delayed. The delayed exit time, cumulative casualties to both players, and prior crossings are all obtained in a closed-form joint functional