14,112 research outputs found

    Cyber physical systems implementation for asset management improvement: A framework for the transition

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    Libro en Open AccessThe transformation of the industry due to recent technologies introduction is an evolving process whose engines are competitiveness and sustainability, understood in its broadest sense (environmental, economic and social). This process is facing, due to the current state of scientific and technological development, a new challenge yet even more important: the transition from discrete technological solutions that respond to isolated problems, to a global conception where the assets, plant, processes and engineering systems are conceived, designed and operated as an integrated complex unit. This vision is evolving besides a set of concepts that are, in some way, to guide this development: Smart Factories, Cyber-Physical Systems, Factory of the Future or Industry 4.0, are examples. The full integration of the operation and maintenance (O&M) processes in the production systems is a key topic within this new paradigm. Not only that, this evolution necessarily results in the emergence of new processes and needs of O&M, i.e. also, the O&M will undergo a profound transformation. The transition from actual isolated production assets to such Industry 4.0 with CPS is far from easy. This document presents a proposal to develop such transition adapting one iteration of the Model of Maintenance Management (MMM) integrated into ISO 55000 to the complexity of incorporating “System of Systems” CPSs maintenance. It involves several stages: identification, prioritization, risk management, planning, scheduling, execution, control, and improvement supported by system engineering techniques and agile/concurrent project managemen

    Gamma Ray Burst origin and their afterglow: story of a discovery and more

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    In this paper we review the story of the BeppoSAX discovery of the Gamma Ray Burst afterglow and their cosmological distance, starting from their first detection with Vela satellites and from the efforts done before BeppoSAX. We also discuss the consequences of the BeppoSAX discovery, the issues left open by BeppoSAX, the progress done up to now and its perspectives.Comment: 31 pages, 14 figures, published in 2011 in the international refereed journal "La Rivista del Nuovo Cimento" of the Italian Physical Society, vol. 34. The occasion of this review paper was the award of the Fermi Prize 2010 to their authors "For the discovery of the X-ray afterglow of Gamma-Ray Burst with the BeppoSAX satellite" (http://www.sif.it/SIF/en/portal/activities/fermi_award

    Nonreciprocal Metasurface with Space-Time Phase Modulation

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    Creating materials with time-variant properties is critical for breaking reciprocity that imposes fundamental limitations to wave propagation. However, it is challenging to realize efficient and ultrafast temporal modulation in a photonic system. Here, leveraging both spatial and temporal phase manipulation offered by an ultrathin nonlinear metasurface, we experimentally demonstrated nonreciprocal light reflection at wavelengths around 860 nm. The metasurface, with traveling-wave modulation upon nonlinear Kerr building blocks, creates spatial phase gradient and multi-terahertz temporal phase wobbling, which leads to unidirectional photonic transitions in both momentum and energy spaces. We observed completely asymmetric reflections in forward and backward light propagations within a sub-wavelength interaction length of 150 nm. Our approach pointed out a potential means for creating miniaturized and integratable nonreciprocal optical components.Comment: 25 pages, 5 figure