21,402 research outputs found

    Advances in All-Neural Speech Recognition

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    This paper advances the design of CTC-based all-neural (or end-to-end) speech recognizers. We propose a novel symbol inventory, and a novel iterated-CTC method in which a second system is used to transform a noisy initial output into a cleaner version. We present a number of stabilization and initialization methods we have found useful in training these networks. We evaluate our system on the commonly used NIST 2000 conversational telephony test set, and significantly exceed the previously published performance of similar systems, both with and without the use of an external language model and decoding technology

    Comparing the E-Z Reader Model to Other Models of Eye Movement Control in Reading

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    The E-Z Reader model provides a theoretical framework for understanding how word identification, visual processing, attention, and oculomotor control jointly determine when and where the eyes move during reading. Thus, in contrast to other reading models reviewed in this article, E-Z Reader can simultaneously account for many of the known effects of linguistic, visual, and oculomotor factors on eye movement control during reading. Furthermore, the core principles of the model have been generalized to other task domains (e.g., equation solving, visual search), and are broadly consistent with what is known about the architecture of the neural systems that support reading

    Training neural networks to encode symbols enables combinatorial generalization

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    Combinatorial generalization - the ability to understand and produce novel combinations of already familiar elements - is considered to be a core capacity of the human mind and a major challenge to neural network models. A significant body of research suggests that conventional neural networks can't solve this problem unless they are endowed with mechanisms specifically engineered for the purpose of representing symbols. In this paper we introduce a novel way of representing symbolic structures in connectionist terms - the vectors approach to representing symbols (VARS), which allows training standard neural architectures to encode symbolic knowledge explicitly at their output layers. In two simulations, we show that neural networks not only can learn to produce VARS representations, but in doing so they achieve combinatorial generalization in their symbolic and non-symbolic output. This adds to other recent work that has shown improved combinatorial generalization under specific training conditions, and raises the question of whether specific mechanisms or training routines are needed to support symbolic processing

    Risk Assessment Algorithms Based On Recursive Neural Networks

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    The assessment of highly-risky situations at road intersections have been recently revealed as an important research topic within the context of the automotive industry. In this paper we shall introduce a novel approach to compute risk functions by using a combination of a highly non-linear processing model in conjunction with a powerful information encoding procedure. Specifically, the elements of information either static or dynamic that appear in a road intersection scene are encoded by using directed positional acyclic labeled graphs. The risk assessment problem is then reformulated in terms of an inductive learning task carried out by a recursive neural network. Recursive neural networks are connectionist models capable of solving supervised and non-supervised learning problems represented by directed ordered acyclic graphs. The potential of this novel approach is demonstrated through well predefined scenarios. The major difference of our approach compared to others is expressed by the fact of learning the structure of the risk. Furthermore, the combination of a rich information encoding procedure with a generalized model of dynamical recurrent networks permit us, as we shall demonstrate, a sophisticated processing of information that we believe as being a first step for building future advanced intersection safety system

    Neural Mechanisms for Information Compression by Multiple Alignment, Unification and Search

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    This article describes how an abstract framework for perception and cognition may be realised in terms of neural mechanisms and neural processing. This framework — called information compression by multiple alignment, unification and search (ICMAUS) — has been developed in previous research as a generalized model of any system for processing information, either natural or artificial. It has a range of applications including the analysis and production of natural language, unsupervised inductive learning, recognition of objects and patterns, probabilistic reasoning, and others. The proposals in this article may be seen as an extension and development of Hebb’s (1949) concept of a ‘cell assembly’. The article describes how the concept of ‘pattern’ in the ICMAUS framework may be mapped onto a version of the cell assembly concept and the way in which neural mechanisms may achieve the effect of ‘multiple alignment’ in the ICMAUS framework. By contrast with the Hebbian concept of a cell assembly, it is proposed here that any one neuron can belong in one assembly and only one assembly. A key feature of present proposals, which is not part of the Hebbian concept, is that any cell assembly may contain ‘references’ or ‘codes’ that serve to identify one or more other cell assemblies. This mechanism allows information to be stored in a compressed form, it provides a robust mechanism by which assemblies may be connected to form hierarchies and other kinds of structure, it means that assemblies can express abstract concepts, and it provides solutions to some of the other problems associated with cell assemblies. Drawing on insights derived from the ICMAUS framework, the article also describes how learning may be achieved with neural mechanisms. This concept of learning is significantly different from the Hebbian concept and appears to provide a better account of what we know about human learning

    Kernel methods in genomics and computational biology

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    Support vector machines and kernel methods are increasingly popular in genomics and computational biology, due to their good performance in real-world applications and strong modularity that makes them suitable to a wide range of problems, from the classification of tumors to the automatic annotation of proteins. Their ability to work in high dimension, to process non-vectorial data, and the natural framework they provide to integrate heterogeneous data are particularly relevant to various problems arising in computational biology. In this chapter we survey some of the most prominent applications published so far, highlighting the particular developments in kernel methods triggered by problems in biology, and mention a few promising research directions likely to expand in the future
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