39,490 research outputs found

    Place Categorization and Semantic Mapping on a Mobile Robot

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    In this paper we focus on the challenging problem of place categorization and semantic mapping on a robot without environment-specific training. Motivated by their ongoing success in various visual recognition tasks, we build our system upon a state-of-the-art convolutional network. We overcome its closed-set limitations by complementing the network with a series of one-vs-all classifiers that can learn to recognize new semantic classes online. Prior domain knowledge is incorporated by embedding the classification system into a Bayesian filter framework that also ensures temporal coherence. We evaluate the classification accuracy of the system on a robot that maps a variety of places on our campus in real-time. We show how semantic information can boost robotic object detection performance and how the semantic map can be used to modulate the robot's behaviour during navigation tasks. The system is made available to the community as a ROS module

    Combining Self-Supervised Learning and Imitation for Vision-Based Rope Manipulation

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    Manipulation of deformable objects, such as ropes and cloth, is an important but challenging problem in robotics. We present a learning-based system where a robot takes as input a sequence of images of a human manipulating a rope from an initial to goal configuration, and outputs a sequence of actions that can reproduce the human demonstration, using only monocular images as input. To perform this task, the robot learns a pixel-level inverse dynamics model of rope manipulation directly from images in a self-supervised manner, using about 60K interactions with the rope collected autonomously by the robot. The human demonstration provides a high-level plan of what to do and the low-level inverse model is used to execute the plan. We show that by combining the high and low-level plans, the robot can successfully manipulate a rope into a variety of target shapes using only a sequence of human-provided images for direction.Comment: 8 pages, accepted to International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 201

    Identification of Invariant Sensorimotor Structures as a Prerequisite for the Discovery of Objects

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    Perceiving the surrounding environment in terms of objects is useful for any general purpose intelligent agent. In this paper, we investigate a fundamental mechanism making object perception possible, namely the identification of spatio-temporally invariant structures in the sensorimotor experience of an agent. We take inspiration from the Sensorimotor Contingencies Theory to define a computational model of this mechanism through a sensorimotor, unsupervised and predictive approach. Our model is based on processing the unsupervised interaction of an artificial agent with its environment. We show how spatio-temporally invariant structures in the environment induce regularities in the sensorimotor experience of an agent, and how this agent, while building a predictive model of its sensorimotor experience, can capture them as densely connected subgraphs in a graph of sensory states connected by motor commands. Our approach is focused on elementary mechanisms, and is illustrated with a set of simple experiments in which an agent interacts with an environment. We show how the agent can build an internal model of moving but spatio-temporally invariant structures by performing a Spectral Clustering of the graph modeling its overall sensorimotor experiences. We systematically examine properties of the model, shedding light more globally on the specificities of the paradigm with respect to methods based on the supervised processing of collections of static images.Comment: 24 pages, 10 figures, published in Frontiers Robotics and A

    Slowness learning for curiosity-driven agents

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    In the absence of external guidance, how can a robot learn to map the many raw pixels of high-dimensional visual inputs to useful action sequences? I study methods that achieve this by making robots self-motivated (curious) to continually build compact representations of sensory inputs that encode different aspects of the changing environment. Previous curiosity-based agents acquired skills by associating intrinsic rewards with world model improvements, and used reinforcement learning (RL) to learn how to get these intrinsic rewards. But unlike in previous implementations, I consider streams of high-dimensional visual inputs, where the world model is a set of compact low-dimensional representations of the high-dimensional inputs. To learn these representations, I use the slowness learning principle, which states that the underlying causes of the changing sensory inputs vary on a much slower time scale than the observed sensory inputs. The representations learned through the slowness learning principle are called slow features (SFs). Slow features have been shown to be useful for RL, since they capture the underlying transition process by extracting spatio-temporal regularities in the raw sensory inputs. However, existing techniques that learn slow features are not readily applicable to curiosity-driven online learning agents, as they estimate computationally expensive covariance matrices from the data via batch processing. The first contribution called the incremental SFA (IncSFA), is a low-complexity, online algorithm that extracts slow features without storing any input data or estimating costly covariance matrices, thereby making it suitable to be used for several online learning applications. However, IncSFA gradually forgets previously learned representations whenever the statistics of the input change. In open-ended online learning, it becomes essential to store learned representations to avoid re- learning previously learned inputs. The second contribution is an online active modular IncSFA algorithm called the curiosity-driven modular incremental slow feature analysis (Curious Dr. MISFA). Curious Dr. MISFA addresses the forgetting problem faced by IncSFA and learns expert slow feature abstractions in order from least to most costly, with theoretical guarantees. The third contribution uses the Curious Dr. MISFA algorithm in a continual curiosity-driven skill acquisition framework that enables robots to acquire, store, and re-use both abstractions and skills in an online and continual manner. I provide (a) a formal analysis of the working of the proposed algorithms; (b) compare them to the existing methods; and (c) use the iCub humanoid robot to demonstrate their application in real-world environments. These contributions together demonstrate that the online implementations of slowness learning make it suitable for an open-ended curiosity-driven RL agent to acquire a repertoire of skills that map the many raw pixels of high-dimensional images to multiple sets of action sequences

    Intrinsic Motivation Systems for Autonomous Mental Development

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    Exploratory activities seem to be intrinsically rewarding for children and crucial for their cognitive development. Can a machine be endowed with such an intrinsic motivation system? This is the question we study in this paper, presenting a number of computational systems that try to capture this drive towards novel or curious situations. After discussing related research coming from developmental psychology, neuroscience, developmental robotics, and active learning, this paper presents the mechanism of Intelligent Adaptive Curiosity, an intrinsic motivation system which pushes a robot towards situations in which it maximizes its learning progress. This drive makes the robot focus on situations which are neither too predictable nor too unpredictable, thus permitting autonomous mental development.The complexity of the robot’s activities autonomously increases and complex developmental sequences self-organize without being constructed in a supervised manner. Two experiments are presented illustrating the stage-like organization emerging with this mechanism. In one of them, a physical robot is placed on a baby play mat with objects that it can learn to manipulate. Experimental results show that the robot first spends time in situations which are easy to learn, then shifts its attention progressively to situations of increasing difficulty, avoiding situations in which nothing can be learned. Finally, these various results are discussed in relation to more complex forms of behavioral organization and data coming from developmental psychology. Key words: Active learning, autonomy, behavior, complexity, curiosity, development, developmental trajectory, epigenetic robotics, intrinsic motivation, learning, reinforcement learning, values
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