6 research outputs found

    IntegraĆ§Ć£o de localizaĆ§Ć£o baseada em movimento na aplicaĆ§Ć£o mĆ³vel EduPARK

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    More and more, mobile applications require precise localization solutions in a variety of environments. Although GPS is widely used as localization solution, it may present some accuracy problems in special conditions such as unfavorable weather or spaces with multiple obstructions such as public parks. For these scenarios, alternative solutions to GPS are of extreme relevance and are widely studied recently. This dissertation studies the case of EduPARK application, which is an augmented reality application that is implemented in the Infante D. Pedro park in Aveiro. Due to the poor accuracy of GPS in this park, the implementation of positioning and marker-less augmented reality functionalities presents difficulties. Existing relevant systems are analyzed, and an architecture based on pedestrian dead reckoning is proposed. The corresponding implementation is presented, which consists of a positioning solution using the sensors available in the smartphones, a step detection algorithm, a distance traveled estimator, an orientation estimator and a position estimator. For the validation of this solution, functionalities were implemented in the EduPARK application for testing purposes and usability tests performed. The results obtained show that the proposed solution can be an alternative to provide accurate positioning within the Infante D. Pedro park, thus enabling the implementation of functionalities of geocaching and marker-less augmented reality.Cada vez mais, as aplicaƧƵes mĆ³veis requerem soluƧƵes de localizaĆ§Ć£o precisa nos mais variados ambientes. Apesar de o GPS ser amplamente usado como soluĆ§Ć£o para localizaĆ§Ć£o, pode apresentar alguns problemas de precisĆ£o em condiƧƵes especiais, como mau tempo, ou espaƧos com vĆ”rias obstruƧƵes, como parques pĆŗblicos. Para estes casos, soluƧƵes alternativas ao GPS sĆ£o de extrema relevĆ¢ncia e veem sendo desenvolvidas. A presente dissertaĆ§Ć£o estuda o caso do projeto EduPARK, que Ć© uma aplicaĆ§Ć£o mĆ³vel de realidade aumentada para o parque Infante D. Pedro em Aveiro. Devido Ć  fraca precisĆ£o do GPS nesse parque, a implementaĆ§Ć£o de funcionalidades baseadas no posionamento e de realidade aumentada sem marcadores apresenta dificuldades. SĆ£o analisados sistemas relevantes existentes e Ć© proposta uma arquitetura baseada em localizaĆ§Ć£o de pedestres. Em seguida Ć© apresentada a correspondente implementaĆ§Ć£o, que consiste numa soluĆ§Ć£o de posicionamento usando os sensores disponiveis nos smartphones, um algoritmo de deteĆ§Ć£o de passos, um estimador de distĆ¢ncia percorrida, um estimador de orientaĆ§Ć£o e um estimador de posicionamento. Para a validaĆ§Ć£o desta soluĆ§Ć£o, foram implementadas funcionalidades na aplicaĆ§Ć£o EduPARK para fins de teste, e realizados testes com utilizadores e testes de usabilidade. Os resultados obtidos demostram que a soluĆ§Ć£o proposta pode ser uma alternativa para a localizaĆ§Ć£o no interior do parque Infante D. Pedro, viabilizando desta forma a implementaĆ§Ć£o de funcionalidades baseadas no posicionamento e de realidade aumenta sem marcadores.EduPARK Ć© um projeto financiado por Fundos FEDER atravĆ©s do Programa Operacional Competitividade e InternacionalizaĆ§Ć£o - COMPETE 2020 e por Fundos Nacionais atravĆ©s da FCT - FundaĆ§Ć£o para a CiĆŖncia e a Tecnologia no Ć¢mbito do projeto POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016542.Mestrado em Engenharia InformĆ”tic

    Learning-based outdoor localization exploiting crowd-labeled WiFi hotspots

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    The ever-expanding scale of WiFi deployments in metropolitan areas has made accurate GPS-free outdoor localization possible by relying solely on the WiFi infrastructure. Nevertheless, neither academic researches nor existing industrial practices seem to provide a satisfactory solution or implementation. In this paper, we propose WOLoc (WiFi-only Outdoor Localization) as a learning-based outdoor localization solution using only WiFi hotspots labeled by crowdsensing. On one hand, we do not take these labels as fingerprints as it is almost impossible to extend indoor localization mechanisms by fingerprinting metropolitan areas. On the other hand, we avoid the over-simplified local synthesis methods (e.g., centroid) that significantly lose the information contained in the labels. Instead, WOLoc adopts a semi-supervised manifold learning approach that accommodates all the labeled and unlabeled data for a given area, and the output concerning the unlabeled part will become the estimated locations for both unknown users and unknown WiFi hotspots. Moreover, WOLoc applies text mining techniques to analyze the SSIDs of hotspots, so as to derive more accurate input to its manifold learning. We conduct extensive experiments in several outdoor areas, and the results have strongly indicated the efficacy of our solution in achieving a meter-level localization accuracy.Ministry of Education (MOE)National Research Foundation (NRF)This work is supported in part by the National Research Foundation of Singapore and AcRF Tier 2 Grant MOE2016- T2-2-022

    Learning-Based Outdoor Localization Exploiting Crowd-Labeled WiFi Hotspots

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    Five Facets of 6G: Research Challenges and Opportunities

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    Whilst the fifth-generation (5G) systems are being rolled out across the globe, researchers have turned their attention to the exploration of radical next-generation solutions. At this early evolutionary stage we survey five main research facets of this field, namely {\em Facet~1: next-generation architectures, spectrum and services, Facet~2: next-generation networking, Facet~3: Internet of Things (IoT), Facet~4: wireless positioning and sensing, as well as Facet~5: applications of deep learning in 6G networks.} In this paper, we have provided a critical appraisal of the literature of promising techniques ranging from the associated architectures, networking, applications as well as designs. We have portrayed a plethora of heterogeneous architectures relying on cooperative hybrid networks supported by diverse access and transmission mechanisms. The vulnerabilities of these techniques are also addressed and carefully considered for highlighting the most of promising future research directions. Additionally, we have listed a rich suite of learning-driven optimization techniques. We conclude by observing the evolutionary paradigm-shift that has taken place from pure single-component bandwidth-efficiency, power-efficiency or delay-optimization towards multi-component designs, as exemplified by the twin-component ultra-reliable low-latency mode of the 5G system. We advocate a further evolutionary step towards multi-component Pareto optimization, which requires the exploration of the entire Pareto front of all optiomal solutions, where none of the components of the objective function may be improved without degrading at least one of the other components