58,298 research outputs found

    OBOE: Collaborative Filtering for AutoML Model Selection

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    Algorithm selection and hyperparameter tuning remain two of the most challenging tasks in machine learning. Automated machine learning (AutoML) seeks to automate these tasks to enable widespread use of machine learning by non-experts. This paper introduces OBOE, a collaborative filtering method for time-constrained model selection and hyperparameter tuning. OBOE forms a matrix of the cross-validated errors of a large number of supervised learning models (algorithms together with hyperparameters) on a large number of datasets, and fits a low rank model to learn the low-dimensional feature vectors for the models and datasets that best predict the cross-validated errors. To find promising models for a new dataset, OBOE runs a set of fast but informative algorithms on the new dataset and uses their cross-validated errors to infer the feature vector for the new dataset. OBOE can find good models under constraints on the number of models fit or the total time budget. To this end, this paper develops a new heuristic for active learning in time-constrained matrix completion based on optimal experiment design. Our experiments demonstrate that OBOE delivers state-of-the-art performance faster than competing approaches on a test bed of supervised learning problems. Moreover, the success of the bilinear model used by OBOE suggests that AutoML may be simpler than was previously understood

    An Attention-based Collaboration Framework for Multi-View Network Representation Learning

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    Learning distributed node representations in networks has been attracting increasing attention recently due to its effectiveness in a variety of applications. Existing approaches usually study networks with a single type of proximity between nodes, which defines a single view of a network. However, in reality there usually exists multiple types of proximities between nodes, yielding networks with multiple views. This paper studies learning node representations for networks with multiple views, which aims to infer robust node representations across different views. We propose a multi-view representation learning approach, which promotes the collaboration of different views and lets them vote for the robust representations. During the voting process, an attention mechanism is introduced, which enables each node to focus on the most informative views. Experimental results on real-world networks show that the proposed approach outperforms existing state-of-the-art approaches for network representation learning with a single view and other competitive approaches with multiple views.Comment: CIKM 201

    Long Text Generation via Adversarial Training with Leaked Information

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    Automatically generating coherent and semantically meaningful text has many applications in machine translation, dialogue systems, image captioning, etc. Recently, by combining with policy gradient, Generative Adversarial Nets (GAN) that use a discriminative model to guide the training of the generative model as a reinforcement learning policy has shown promising results in text generation. However, the scalar guiding signal is only available after the entire text has been generated and lacks intermediate information about text structure during the generative process. As such, it limits its success when the length of the generated text samples is long (more than 20 words). In this paper, we propose a new framework, called LeakGAN, to address the problem for long text generation. We allow the discriminative net to leak its own high-level extracted features to the generative net to further help the guidance. The generator incorporates such informative signals into all generation steps through an additional Manager module, which takes the extracted features of current generated words and outputs a latent vector to guide the Worker module for next-word generation. Our extensive experiments on synthetic data and various real-world tasks with Turing test demonstrate that LeakGAN is highly effective in long text generation and also improves the performance in short text generation scenarios. More importantly, without any supervision, LeakGAN would be able to implicitly learn sentence structures only through the interaction between Manager and Worker.Comment: 14 pages, AAAI 201
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