8 research outputs found

    Cooperation of Deterministic Dynamics and Random Noise in Production of Complex Syntactical Avian Song Sequences: A Neural Network Model

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    How the brain learns and generates temporal sequences is a fundamental issue in neuroscience. The production of birdsongs, a process which involves complex learned sequences, provides researchers with an excellent biological model for this topic. The Bengalese finch in particular learns a highly complex song with syntactical structure. The nucleus HVC (HVC), a premotor nucleus within the avian song system, plays a key role in generating the temporal structures of their songs. From lesion studies, the nucleus interfacialis (NIf) projecting to the HVC is considered one of the essential regions that contribute to the complexity of their songs. However, the types of interaction between the HVC and the NIf that can produce complex syntactical songs remain unclear. In order to investigate the function of interactions between the HVC and NIf, we have proposed a neural network model based on previous biological evidence. The HVC is modeled by a recurrent neural network (RNN) that learns to generate temporal patterns of songs. The NIf is modeled as a mechanism that provides auditory feedback to the HVC and generates random noise that feeds into the HVC. The model showed that complex syntactical songs can be replicated by simple interactions between deterministic dynamics of the RNN and random noise. In the current study, the plausibility of the model is tested by the comparison between the changes in the songs of actual birds induced by pharmacological inhibition of the NIf and the changes in the songs produced by the model resulting from modification of parameters representing NIf functions. The efficacy of the model demonstrates that the changes of songs induced by pharmacological inhibition of the NIf can be interpreted as a trade-off between the effects of noise and the effects of feedback on the dynamics of the RNN of the HVC. These facts suggest that the current model provides a convincing hypothesis for the functional role of NIf–HVC interaction

    A Neurodynamic Account of Spontaneous Behaviour

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    The current article suggests that deterministic chaos self-organized in cortical dynamics could be responsible for the generation of spontaneous action sequences. Recently, various psychological observations have suggested that humans and primates can learn to extract statistical structures hidden in perceptual sequences experienced during active environmental interactions. Although it has been suggested that such statistical structures involve chunking or compositional primitives, their neuronal implementations in brains have not yet been clarified. Therefore, to reconstruct the phenomena, synthetic neuro-robotics experiments were conducted by using a neural network model, which is characterized by a generative model with intentional states and its multiple timescales dynamics. The experimental results showed that the robot successfully learned to imitate tutored behavioral sequence patterns by extracting the underlying transition probability among primitive actions. An analysis revealed that a set of primitive action patterns was embedded in the fast dynamics part, and the chaotic dynamics of spontaneously sequencing these action primitive patterns was structured in the slow dynamics part, provided that the timescale was adequately set for each part. It was also shown that self-organization of this type of functional hierarchy ensured robust action generation by the robot in its interactions with a noisy environment. This article discusses the correspondence of the synthetic experiments with the known hierarchy of the prefrontal cortex, the supplementary motor area, and the primary motor cortex for action generation. We speculate that deterministic dynamical structures organized in the prefrontal cortex could be essential because they can account for the generation of both intentional behaviors of fixed action sequences and spontaneous behaviors of pseudo-stochastic action sequences by the same mechanism

    The Relation of Ongoing Brain Activity, Evoked Neural Responses, and Cognition

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    Ongoing brain activity has been observed since the earliest neurophysiological recordings and is found over a wide range of temporal and spatial scales. It is characterized by remarkably large spontaneous modulations. Here, we review evidence for the functional role of these ongoing activity fluctuations and argue that they constitute an essential property of the neural architecture underlying cognition. The role of spontaneous activity fluctuations is probably best understood when considering both their spatiotemporal structure and their functional impact on cognition. We first briefly argue against a “segregationist” view on ongoing activity, both in time and space, which would selectively associate certain frequency bands or levels of spatial organization with specific functional roles. Instead, we emphasize the functional importance of the full range, from differentiation to integration, of intrinsic activity within a hierarchical spatiotemporal structure. We then highlight the flexibility and context-sensitivity of intrinsic functional connectivity that suggest its involvement in functionally relevant information processing. This role in information processing is pursued by reviewing how ongoing brain activity interacts with afferent and efferent information exchange of the brain with its environment. We focus on the relationship between the variability of ongoing and evoked brain activity, and review recent reports that tie ongoing brain activity fluctuations to variability in human perception and behavior. Finally, these observations are discussed within the framework of the free-energy principle which – applied to human brain function – provides a theoretical account for a non-random, coordinated interaction of ongoing and evoked activity in perception and behavior

    Embodied prediction

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    Versions of the “predictive brain” hypothesis rank among the most promising and the most conceptually challenging visions ever to emerge from computational and cognitive neuroscience. In this paper, I briefly introduce (section 1) the most radical and comprehensive of these visions —the account of “active inference”, or “action-oriented predictive processing” (Clark 2013a), developed by Karl Friston and colleagues. In section 2, I isolate and discuss four of the framework’s most provocative claims: (i) that the core flow of information is top-down, not bottom-up, with the forward flow of sensory information replaced by the forward flow of prediction error; (ii) that motor control is just more top-down sensory prediction; (iii) that efference copies, and distinct “controllers”, can be replaced by top-down predictions; and (iv) that cost functions can fruitfully be replaced by predictions. Working together, these four claims offer a tantalizing glimpse of a new, integrated framework for understanding perception, action, embodiment, and the nature of human experience. I end (section 3) by sketching what may be the most important aspect of the emerging view: its ability to embed the use of fast and frugal solutions (as highlighted by much work in robotics and embodied cognition) within an over-arching scheme that includes more structured, knowledge-intensive strategies, combining these fluently and continuously as task and context dictate