13 research outputs found

    Face Sketch to Image Generation using Generative Adversarial Network

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    Numerous studies have been conducted in the area of sketch to picture conversion and they got the good outcomes, but sometimes it is not accurate that they observed the blurry boundaries, the mixing of two colors that is the color of hair and face or mixing of both. These results are of the convolution neural networks that are basic of GAN. So to overcome their drawbacks we proposed a novel generative adversarial network using conditional GAN. For that we converted the original image in sketch and both the sketch and original image as reference is applied as input. We got more realistic and sharp colored images as compared to other. We focused on the feature detection, and the results are good. For the experimentation we used the STL-10 dataset. We overcome the problem of mixing of colors and got the different colors for hair, lips, and skin using conditional GAN as compared to CNN modern with increased performance and precision

    Sketchformer: Transformer-based Representation for Sketched Structure

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    Sketchformer is a novel transformer-based representation for encoding free-hand sketches input in a vector form, i.e. as a sequence of strokes. Sketchformer effectively addresses multiple tasks: sketch classification, sketch based image retrieval (SBIR), and the reconstruction and interpolation of sketches. We report several variants exploring continuous and tokenized input representations, and contrast their performance. Our learned embedding, driven by a dictionary learning tokenization scheme, yields state of the art performance in classification and image retrieval tasks, when compared against baseline representations driven by LSTM sequence to sequence architectures: SketchRNN and derivatives. We show that sketch reconstruction and interpolation are improved significantly by the Sketchformer embedding for complex sketches with longer stroke sequences.Comment: Accepted for publication at CVPR 202