10 research outputs found

    Revisi贸n del estado del arte sobre tendencias tecnol贸gicas para el an谩lisis del comportamiento y actividades humanas

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    The study of human behavior allows the knowledge about people's behaviors, behavior determined by multiple factors: cultural, social, psychological, genetic, religious, among others, which affect the relationships and interaction with the environment. The infinity of data in our lives and the search for behavioral patterns from that data has been an amazing work whose benefit is focused on the determined patterns and intelligent analysis that lead to new knowledge. A significant amount of resources from pattern recognition in human activities and daily life has had greater dominance in the management of mobility, health and wellness.The current paper presents a review of technologies for human behavior analysis and use as tools for diagnosis, assistance, for interaction in intelligent environments and assisted robotics applications. The main scope is to give an overview of the technological advances in the analysis of human behavior, activities of daily living and mobility, and the benefits obtained.El estudio del comportamiento humano permite el conocimiento sobre las conductas de las personas, conducta determinada por m煤ltiples factores: culturales, sociales, psicol贸gicos, gen茅ticos, religiosos, entre otros; que inciden en las relaciones y la interacci贸n con el entorno. La infinidad de datos en nuestras vidas y la b煤squeda de patrones de comportamiento a partir de esos datos ha sido un trabajo asombroso cuyo provecho se centra en los patrones determinados y el an谩lisis inteligente que conducen a nuevos conocimientos. Una cantidad significativa de recursos a partir del reconocimiento de patrones en las actividades humanas y de vida diaria ha tenido mayor dominio en la gesti贸n de la movilidad, la salud y bienestar.El actual documento presenta una revisi贸n de las tecnolog铆as para el an谩lisis del comportamiento humano y del uso como herramientas para el diagn贸stico, asistencia, para la interacci贸n en ambientes inteligentes y aplicaciones de rob贸tica asistida. El alcance principal es dar una visi贸n general de los avances tecnol贸gicos en el an谩lisis del comportamiento humano, actividades de la vida diaria y movilidad, y de los beneficios obtenidos

    Learning to Recognize Human Activities from Soft Labeled Data

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    An activity recognition system is a very important component for assistant robots, but training such a system usually requires a large and correctly labeled dataset. Most of the previous works only allow training data to have a single activity label per segment, which is overly restrictive because the labels are not always certain. It is, therefore, desirable to allow multiple labels for ambiguous segments. In this paper, we introduce the method of soft labeling, which allows annotators to assign multiple, weighted, labels to data segments. This is useful in many situations, e.g. when the labels are uncertain, when part of the labels are missing, or when multiple annotators assign inconsistent labels. We treat the activity recognition task as a sequential labeling problem. Latent variables are embedded to exploit sub-level semantics for better estimation. We propose a novel method for learning model parameters from soft-labeled data in a max-margin framework. The model is evaluated on a challenging dataset (CAD-120), which is captured by a RGBD sensor mounted on the robot. To simulate the uncertainty in data annotation, we randomly change the labels for transition segments. The results show significant improvement over the state-of-the-art approach