13 research outputs found

    Content Masked Loss: Human-Like Brush Stroke Planning in a Reinforcement Learning Painting Agent

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    The objective of most Reinforcement Learning painting agents is to minimize the loss between a target image and the paint canvas. Human painter artistry emphasizes important features of the target image rather than simply reproducing it (DiPaola 2007). Using adversarial or L2 losses in the RL painting models, although its final output is generally a work of finesse, produces a stroke sequence that is vastly different from that which a human would produce since the model does not have knowledge about the abstract features in the target image. In order to increase the human-like planning of the model without the use of expensive human data, we introduce a new loss function for use with the model's reward function: Content Masked Loss. In the context of robot painting, Content Masked Loss employs an object detection model to extract features which are used to assign higher weight to regions of the canvas that a human would find important for recognizing content. The results, based on 332 human evaluators, show that the digital paintings produced by our Content Masked model show detectable subject matter earlier in the stroke sequence than existing methods without compromising on the quality of the final painting. Our code is available at https://github.com/pschaldenbrand/ContentMaskedLoss

    Painting Many Pasts: Synthesizing Time Lapse Videos of Paintings

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    We introduce a new video synthesis task: synthesizing time lapse videos depicting how a given painting might have been created. Artists paint using unique combinations of brushes, strokes, and colors. There are often many possible ways to create a given painting. Our goal is to learn to capture this rich range of possibilities. Creating distributions of long-term videos is a challenge for learning-based video synthesis methods. We present a probabilistic model that, given a single image of a completed painting, recurrently synthesizes steps of the painting process. We implement this model as a convolutional neural network, and introduce a novel training scheme to enable learning from a limited dataset of painting time lapses. We demonstrate that this model can be used to sample many time steps, enabling long-term stochastic video synthesis. We evaluate our method on digital and watercolor paintings collected from video websites, and show that human raters find our synthetic videos to be similar to time lapse videos produced by real artists. Our code is available at https://xamyzhao.github.io/timecraft.Comment: 10 pages, CVPR 202