42 research outputs found

    Hierarchical Video Generation from Orthogonal Information: Optical Flow and Texture

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    Learning to represent and generate videos from unlabeled data is a very challenging problem. To generate realistic videos, it is important not only to ensure that the appearance of each frame is real, but also to ensure the plausibility of a video motion and consistency of a video appearance in the time direction. The process of video generation should be divided according to these intrinsic difficulties. In this study, we focus on the motion and appearance information as two important orthogonal components of a video, and propose Flow-and-Texture-Generative Adversarial Networks (FTGAN) consisting of FlowGAN and TextureGAN. In order to avoid a huge annotation cost, we have to explore a way to learn from unlabeled data. Thus, we employ optical flow as motion information to generate videos. FlowGAN generates optical flow, which contains only the edge and motion of the videos to be begerated. On the other hand, TextureGAN specializes in giving a texture to optical flow generated by FlowGAN. This hierarchical approach brings more realistic videos with plausible motion and appearance consistency. Our experiments show that our model generates more plausible motion videos and also achieves significantly improved performance for unsupervised action classification in comparison to previous GAN works. In addition, because our model generates videos from two independent information, our model can generate new combinations of motion and attribute that are not seen in training data, such as a video in which a person is doing sit-up in a baseball ground.Comment: Our supplemental material is available on http://www.mi.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/assets/publication/hierarchical_video_generation_sup/ Accepted to AAAI201

    Unsupervised Learning of Visual Structure using Predictive Generative Networks

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    The ability to predict future states of the environment is a central pillar of intelligence. At its core, effective prediction requires an internal model of the world and an understanding of the rules by which the world changes. Here, we explore the internal models developed by deep neural networks trained using a loss based on predicting future frames in synthetic video sequences, using a CNN-LSTM-deCNN framework. We first show that this architecture can achieve excellent performance in visual sequence prediction tasks, including state-of-the-art performance in a standard 'bouncing balls' dataset (Sutskever et al., 2009). Using a weighted mean-squared error and adversarial loss (Goodfellow et al., 2014), the same architecture successfully extrapolates out-of-the-plane rotations of computer-generated faces. Furthermore, despite being trained end-to-end to predict only pixel-level information, our Predictive Generative Networks learn a representation of the latent structure of the underlying three-dimensional objects themselves. Importantly, we find that this representation is naturally tolerant to object transformations, and generalizes well to new tasks, such as classification of static images. Similar models trained solely with a reconstruction loss fail to generalize as effectively. We argue that prediction can serve as a powerful unsupervised loss for learning rich internal representations of high-level object features.Comment: under review as conference paper at ICLR 201

    Controllable Image-to-Video Translation: A Case Study on Facial Expression Generation

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    The recent advances in deep learning have made it possible to generate photo-realistic images by using neural networks and even to extrapolate video frames from an input video clip. In this paper, for the sake of both furthering this exploration and our own interest in a realistic application, we study image-to-video translation and particularly focus on the videos of facial expressions. This problem challenges the deep neural networks by another temporal dimension comparing to the image-to-image translation. Moreover, its single input image fails most existing video generation methods that rely on recurrent models. We propose a user-controllable approach so as to generate video clips of various lengths from a single face image. The lengths and types of the expressions are controlled by users. To this end, we design a novel neural network architecture that can incorporate the user input into its skip connections and propose several improvements to the adversarial training method for the neural network. Experiments and user studies verify the effectiveness of our approach. Especially, we would like to highlight that even for the face images in the wild (downloaded from the Web and the authors' own photos), our model can generate high-quality facial expression videos of which about 50\% are labeled as real by Amazon Mechanical Turk workers.Comment: 10 page

    Temporal Interpolation via Motion Field Prediction

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    Navigated 2D multi-slice dynamic Magnetic Resonance (MR) imaging enables high contrast 4D MR imaging during free breathing and provides in-vivo observations for treatment planning and guidance. Navigator slices are vital for retrospective stacking of 2D data slices in this method. However, they also prolong the acquisition sessions. Temporal interpolation of navigator slices an be used to reduce the number of navigator acquisitions without degrading specificity in stacking. In this work, we propose a convolutional neural network (CNN) based method for temporal interpolation via motion field prediction. The proposed formulation incorporates the prior knowledge that a motion field underlies changes in the image intensities over time. Previous approaches that interpolate directly in the intensity space are prone to produce blurry images or even remove structures in the images. Our method avoids such problems and faithfully preserves the information in the image. Further, an important advantage of our formulation is that it provides an unsupervised estimation of bi-directional motion fields. We show that these motion fields can be used to halve the number of registrations required during 4D reconstruction, thus substantially reducing the reconstruction time.Comment: Submitted to 1st Conference on Medical Imaging with Deep Learning (MIDL 2018), Amsterdam, The Netherland

    Unsupervised state representation learning with robotic priors: a robustness benchmark

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    Our understanding of the world depends highly on our capacity to produce intuitive and simplified representations which can be easily used to solve problems. We reproduce this simplification process using a neural network to build a low dimensional state representation of the world from images acquired by a robot. As in Jonschkowski et al. 2015, we learn in an unsupervised way using prior knowledge about the world as loss functions called robotic priors and extend this approach to high dimension richer images to learn a 3D representation of the hand position of a robot from RGB images. We propose a quantitative evaluation of the learned representation using nearest neighbors in the state space that allows to assess its quality and show both the potential and limitations of robotic priors in realistic environments. We augment image size, add distractors and domain randomization, all crucial components to achieve transfer learning to real robots. Finally, we also contribute a new prior to improve the robustness of the representation. The applications of such low dimensional state representation range from easing reinforcement learning (RL) and knowledge transfer across tasks, to facilitating learning from raw data with more efficient and compact high level representations. The results show that the robotic prior approach is able to extract high level representation as the 3D position of an arm and organize it into a compact and coherent space of states in a challenging dataset.Comment: ICRA 2018 submissio