4,195 research outputs found

    Leveraging 2D data to learn textured 3D mesh generation

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    Numerous methods have been proposed for probabilistic generative modelling of 3D objects. However, none of these is able to produce textured objects, which renders them of limited use for practical tasks. In this work, we present the first generative model of textured 3D meshes. Training such a model would traditionally require a large dataset of textured meshes, but unfortunately, existing datasets of meshes lack detailed textures. We instead propose a new training methodology that allows learning from collections of 2D images without any 3D information. To do so, we train our model to explain a distribution of images by modelling each image as a 3D foreground object placed in front of a 2D background. Thus, it learns to generate meshes that when rendered, produce images similar to those in its training set. A well-known problem when generating meshes with deep networks is the emergence of self-intersections, which are problematic for many use-cases. As a second contribution we therefore introduce a new generation process for 3D meshes that guarantees no self-intersections arise, based on the physical intuition that faces should push one another out of the way as they move. We conduct extensive experiments on our approach, reporting quantitative and qualitative results on both synthetic data and natural images. These show our method successfully learns to generate plausible and diverse textured 3D samples for five challenging object classes

    MeshAdv: Adversarial Meshes for Visual Recognition

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    Highly expressive models such as deep neural networks (DNNs) have been widely applied to various applications. However, recent studies show that DNNs are vulnerable to adversarial examples, which are carefully crafted inputs aiming to mislead the predictions. Currently, the majority of these studies have focused on perturbation added to image pixels, while such manipulation is not physically realistic. Some works have tried to overcome this limitation by attaching printable 2D patches or painting patterns onto surfaces, but can be potentially defended because 3D shape features are intact. In this paper, we propose meshAdv to generate "adversarial 3D meshes" from objects that have rich shape features but minimal textural variation. To manipulate the shape or texture of the objects, we make use of a differentiable renderer to compute accurate shading on the shape and propagate the gradient. Extensive experiments show that the generated 3D meshes are effective in attacking both classifiers and object detectors. We evaluate the attack under different viewpoints. In addition, we design a pipeline to perform black-box attack on a photorealistic renderer with unknown rendering parameters.Comment: Published in IEEE CVPR201

    Neural 3D Mesh Renderer

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    For modeling the 3D world behind 2D images, which 3D representation is most appropriate? A polygon mesh is a promising candidate for its compactness and geometric properties. However, it is not straightforward to model a polygon mesh from 2D images using neural networks because the conversion from a mesh to an image, or rendering, involves a discrete operation called rasterization, which prevents back-propagation. Therefore, in this work, we propose an approximate gradient for rasterization that enables the integration of rendering into neural networks. Using this renderer, we perform single-image 3D mesh reconstruction with silhouette image supervision and our system outperforms the existing voxel-based approach. Additionally, we perform gradient-based 3D mesh editing operations, such as 2D-to-3D style transfer and 3D DeepDream, with 2D supervision for the first time. These applications demonstrate the potential of the integration of a mesh renderer into neural networks and the effectiveness of our proposed renderer

    Towards High-Fidelity 3D Face Reconstruction from In-the-Wild Images Using Graph Convolutional Networks

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    3D Morphable Model (3DMM) based methods have achieved great success in recovering 3D face shapes from single-view images. However, the facial textures recovered by such methods lack the fidelity as exhibited in the input images. Recent work demonstrates high-quality facial texture recovering with generative networks trained from a large-scale database of high-resolution UV maps of face textures, which is hard to prepare and not publicly available. In this paper, we introduce a method to reconstruct 3D facial shapes with high-fidelity textures from single-view images in-the-wild, without the need to capture a large-scale face texture database. The main idea is to refine the initial texture generated by a 3DMM based method with facial details from the input image. To this end, we propose to use graph convolutional networks to reconstruct the detailed colors for the mesh vertices instead of reconstructing the UV map. Experiments show that our method can generate high-quality results and outperforms state-of-the-art methods in both qualitative and quantitative comparisons.Comment: Accepted to CVPR 2020. The source code is available at https://github.com/FuxiCV/3D-Face-GCN

    Learning Material-Aware Local Descriptors for 3D Shapes

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    Material understanding is critical for design, geometric modeling, and analysis of functional objects. We enable material-aware 3D shape analysis by employing a projective convolutional neural network architecture to learn material- aware descriptors from view-based representations of 3D points for point-wise material classification or material- aware retrieval. Unfortunately, only a small fraction of shapes in 3D repositories are labeled with physical mate- rials, posing a challenge for learning methods. To address this challenge, we crowdsource a dataset of 3080 3D shapes with part-wise material labels. We focus on furniture models which exhibit interesting structure and material variabil- ity. In addition, we also contribute a high-quality expert- labeled benchmark of 115 shapes from Herman-Miller and IKEA for evaluation. We further apply a mesh-aware con- ditional random field, which incorporates rotational and reflective symmetries, to smooth our local material predic- tions across neighboring surface patches. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our learned descriptors for automatic texturing, material-aware retrieval, and physical simulation. The dataset and code will be publicly available.Comment: 3DV 201

    TM-NET: Deep Generative Networks for Textured Meshes

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    We introduce TM-NET, a novel deep generative model for synthesizing textured meshes in a part-aware manner. Once trained, the network can generate novel textured meshes from scratch or predict textures for a given 3D mesh, without image guidance. Plausible and diverse textures can be generated for the same mesh part, while texture compatibility between parts in the same shape is achieved via conditional generation. Specifically, our method produces texture maps for individual shape parts, each as a deformable box, leading to a natural UV map with minimal distortion. The network separately embeds part geometry (via a PartVAE) and part texture (via a TextureVAE) into their respective latent spaces, so as to facilitate learning texture probability distributions conditioned on geometry. We introduce a conditional autoregressive model for texture generation, which can be conditioned on both part geometry and textures already generated for other parts to achieve texture compatibility. To produce high-frequency texture details, our TextureVAE operates in a high-dimensional latent space via dictionary-based vector quantization. We also exploit transparencies in the texture as an effective means to model complex shape structures including topological details. Extensive experiments demonstrate the plausibility, quality, and diversity of the textures and geometries generated by our network, while avoiding inconsistency issues that are common to novel view synthesis methods