6 research outputs found

    Learning to Demodulate from Few Pilots via Offline and Online Meta-Learning

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    This paper considers an Internet-of-Things (IoT) scenario in which devices sporadically transmit short packets with few pilot symbols over a fading channel. Devices are characterized by unique transmission non-idealities, such as I/Q imbalance. The number of pilots is generally insufficient to obtain an accurate estimate of the end-to-end channel, which includes the effects of fading and of the transmission-side distortion. This paper proposes to tackle this problem by using meta-learning. Accordingly, pilots from previous IoT transmissions are used as meta-training data in order to train a demodulator that is able to quickly adapt to new end-to-end channel conditions from few pilots. Various state-of-the-art meta-learning schemes are adapted to the problem at hand and evaluated, including Model-Agnostic Meta-Learning (MAML), First-Order MAML (FOMAML), REPTILE, and fast Context Adaptation VIA meta-learning (CAVIA). Both offline and online solutions are developed. In the latter case, an integrated online meta-learning and adaptive pilot number selection scheme is proposed. Numerical results validate the advantages of meta-learning as compared to training schemes that either do not leverage prior transmissions or apply a standard joint learning algorithms on previously received data.Comment: journal paper to appear in IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, subsumes (arXiv:1903.02184

    Embedding Model-Based Fast Meta Learning for Downlink Beamforming Adaptation

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    This paper studies the fast adaptive beamforming for the multiuser multiple-input single-output downlink. Existing deep learning-based approaches assume that training and testing channels follow the same distribution which causes task mismatch, when the testing environment changes. Although meta learning can deal with the task mismatch, it relies on labelled data and incurs high complexity in the pre-training and fine tuning stages. We propose a simple yet effective adaptive framework to solve the mismatch issue, which trains an embedding model as a transferable feature extractor, followed by fitting the support vector regression. Compared to the existing meta learning algorithm, our method does not necessarily need labelled data in the pre-training and does not need fine-tuning of the pre-trained model in the adaptation. The effectiveness of the proposed method is verified through two well-known applications, i.e., the signal to interference plus noise ratio balancing problem and the sum rate maximization problem. Furthermore, we extend our proposed method to online scenarios in non-stationary environments. Simulation results demonstrate the advantages of the proposed algorithm in terms of both performance and complexity. The proposed framework can also be applied to general radio resource management problems

    Adversarial bandit approach for RIS-aided OFDM communication

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    To assist sixth-generation wireless systems in the management of a wide variety of services, ranging from mission-critical services to safety-critical tasks, key physical layer technologies such as reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RISs) are proposed. Even though RISs are already used in various scenarios to enable the implementation of smart radio environments, they still face challenges with regard to real-time operation. Specifically, high dimensional fully passive RISs typically need costly system overhead for channel estimation. This paper, however, investigates a semi-passive RIS that requires a very low number of active elements, wherein only two pilots are required per channel coherence time. While in its infant stage, the application of deep learning (DL) tools shows promise in enabling feasible solutions. We propose two low-training overhead and energy-efficient adversarial bandit-based schemes with outstanding performance gains when compared to DL-based reflection beamforming reference methods. The resulting deep learning models are discussed using state-of-the-art model quality prediction trends

    Online Meta-Learning For Hybrid Model-Based Deep Receivers

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    Recent years have witnessed growing interest in the application of deep neural networks (DNNs) for receiver design, which can potentially be applied in complex environments without relying on knowledge of the channel model. However, the dynamic nature of communication channels often leads to rapid distribution shifts, which may require periodically retraining. This paper formulates a data-efficient two-stage training method that facilitates rapid online adaptation. Our training mechanism uses a predictive meta-learning scheme to train rapidly from data corresponding to both current and past channel realizations. Our method is applicable to any deep neural network (DNN)-based receiver, and does not require transmission of new pilot data for training. To illustrate the proposed approach, we study DNN-aided receivers that utilize an interpretable model-based architecture, and introduce a modular training strategy based on predictive meta-learning. We demonstrate our techniques in simulations on a synthetic linear channel, a synthetic non-linear channel, and a COST 2100 channel. Our results demonstrate that the proposed online training scheme allows receivers to outperform previous techniques based on self-supervision and joint-learning by a margin of up to 2.5 dB in coded bit error rate in rapidly-varying scenarios.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2103.1348

    Transfer Learning and Meta Learning Based Fast Downlink Beamforming Adaptation

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    This paper studies fast adaptive beamforming optimization for the signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio balancing problem in a multiuser multiple-input single-output downlink system. Existing deep learning based approaches to predict beamforming rely on the assumption that the training and testing channels follow the same distribution which may not hold in practice. As a result, a trained model may lead to performance deterioration when the testing network environment changes. To deal with this task mismatch issue, we propose two offline adaptive algorithms based on deep transfer learning and meta-learning, which are able to achieve fast adaptation with the limited new labelled data when the testing wireless environment changes. Furthermore, we propose an online algorithm to enhance the adaptation capability of the offline meta algorithm in realistic non-stationary environments. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed adaptive algorithms achieve much better performance than the direct deep learning algorithm without adaptation in new environments. The meta-learning algorithm outperforms the deep transfer learning algorithm and achieves near optimal performance. In addition, compared to the offline meta-learning algorithm, the proposed online meta-learning algorithm shows superior adaption performance in changing environments

    CSI-Free Geometric Symbol Detection via Semi-supervised Learning and Ensemble Learning

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    Symbol detection (SD) plays an important role in a digital communication system. However, most SD algorithms require channel state information (CSI), which is often difficult to estimate accurately. As a consequence, it is challenging for these SD algorithms to approach the performance of the maximum likelihood detection (MLD) algorithm. To address this issue, we employ both semi-supervised learning and ensemble learning to design a flexible parallelizable approach in this paper. First, we prove theoretically that the proposed algorithms can arbitrarily approach the performance of the MLD algorithm with perfect CSI. Second, to enable parallel implementation and also enhance design flexibility, we further propose a parallelizable approach for multi-output systems. Finally, comprehensive simulation results are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness and superiority of the designed algorithms. In particular, the proposed algorithms approach the performance of the MLD algorithm with perfect CSI, and outperform it when the CSI is imperfect. Interestingly, a detector constructed with received signals from only two receiving antennas (less than the size of the whole receiving antenna array) can also provide good detection performance