25,765 research outputs found

    Projective simulation with generalization

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    The ability to generalize is an important feature of any intelligent agent. Not only because it may allow the agent to cope with large amounts of data, but also because in some environments, an agent with no generalization capabilities cannot learn. In this work we outline several criteria for generalization, and present a dynamic and autonomous machinery that enables projective simulation agents to meaningfully generalize. Projective simulation, a novel, physical approach to artificial intelligence, was recently shown to perform well in standard reinforcement learning problems, with applications in advanced robotics as well as quantum experiments. Both the basic projective simulation model and the presented generalization machinery are based on very simple principles. This allows us to provide a full analytical analysis of the agent's performance and to illustrate the benefit the agent gains by generalizing. Specifically, we show that already in basic (but extreme) environments, learning without generalization may be impossible, and demonstrate how the presented generalization machinery enables the projective simulation agent to learn.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figure

    Metric State Space Reinforcement Learning for a Vision-Capable Mobile Robot

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    We address the problem of autonomously learning controllers for vision-capable mobile robots. We extend McCallum's (1995) Nearest-Sequence Memory algorithm to allow for general metrics over state-action trajectories. We demonstrate the feasibility of our approach by successfully running our algorithm on a real mobile robot. The algorithm is novel and unique in that it (a) explores the environment and learns directly on a mobile robot without using a hand-made computer model as an intermediate step, (b) does not require manual discretization of the sensor input space, (c) works in piecewise continuous perceptual spaces, and (d) copes with partial observability. Together this allows learning from much less experience compared to previous methods.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figure

    Learning Mazes with Aliasing States: An LCS Algorithm with Associative Perception

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    Learning classifier systems (LCSs) belong to a class of algorithms based on the principle of self-organization and have frequently been applied to the task of solving mazes, an important type of reinforcement learning (RL) problem. Maze problems represent a simplified virtual model of real environments that can be used for developing core algorithms of many real-world applications related to the problem of navigation. However, the best achievements of LCSs in maze problems are still mostly bounded to non-aliasing environments, while LCS complexity seems to obstruct a proper analysis of the reasons of failure. We construct a new LCS agent that has a simpler and more transparent performance mechanism, but that can still solve mazes better than existing algorithms. We use the structure of a predictive LCS model, strip out the evolutionary mechanism, simplify the reinforcement learning procedure and equip the agent with the ability of associative perception, adopted from psychology. To improve our understanding of the nature and structure of maze environments, we analyze mazes used in research for the last two decades, introduce a set of maze complexity characteristics, and develop a set of new maze environments. We then run our new LCS with associative perception through the old and new aliasing mazes, which represent partially observable Markov decision problems (POMDP) and demonstrate that it performs at least as well as, and in some cases better than, other published systems

    The Importance of Clipping in Neurocontrol by Direct Gradient Descent on the Cost-to-Go Function and in Adaptive Dynamic Programming

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    In adaptive dynamic programming, neurocontrol and reinforcement learning, the objective is for an agent to learn to choose actions so as to minimise a total cost function. In this paper we show that when discretized time is used to model the motion of the agent, it can be very important to do "clipping" on the motion of the agent in the final time step of the trajectory. By clipping we mean that the final time step of the trajectory is to be truncated such that the agent stops exactly at the first terminal state reached, and no distance further. We demonstrate that when clipping is omitted, learning performance can fail to reach the optimum; and when clipping is done properly, learning performance can improve significantly. The clipping problem we describe affects algorithms which use explicit derivatives of the model functions of the environment to calculate a learning gradient. These include Backpropagation Through Time for Control, and methods based on Dual Heuristic Dynamic Programming. However the clipping problem does not significantly affect methods based on Heuristic Dynamic Programming, Temporal Differences or Policy Gradient Learning algorithms. Similarly, the clipping problem does not affect fixed-length finite-horizon problems

    Guided Deep Reinforcement Learning for Swarm Systems

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    In this paper, we investigate how to learn to control a group of cooperative agents with limited sensing capabilities such as robot swarms. The agents have only very basic sensor capabilities, yet in a group they can accomplish sophisticated tasks, such as distributed assembly or search and rescue tasks. Learning a policy for a group of agents is difficult due to distributed partial observability of the state. Here, we follow a guided approach where a critic has central access to the global state during learning, which simplifies the policy evaluation problem from a reinforcement learning point of view. For example, we can get the positions of all robots of the swarm using a camera image of a scene. This camera image is only available to the critic and not to the control policies of the robots. We follow an actor-critic approach, where the actors base their decisions only on locally sensed information. In contrast, the critic is learned based on the true global state. Our algorithm uses deep reinforcement learning to approximate both the Q-function and the policy. The performance of the algorithm is evaluated on two tasks with simple simulated 2D agents: 1) finding and maintaining a certain distance to each others and 2) locating a target.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures, accepted at the AAMAS 2017 Autonomous Robots and Multirobot Systems (ARMS) Worksho
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