792,852 research outputs found

    Race-Focused Service-Learning Courses: Issues and Recommendations

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    This article discusses the interaction between race and service-learning in the college classroom. The author found that students of color were more likely to choose the service-learning option in her courses when the incentive was higher and there was more latitude in site choice. The article then looks at factors that adversely affect the service-learning experience in courses that are specifically race-focused and suggests counterbalancing strategies

    Service-Learning Faculty Assessment: Report of Results, 2018

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    In Spring 2018, the VCU Service-Learning Office sponsored an evaluation process that gathered feedback from faculty members who teach service-learning classes. The goal was to deepen understanding of the barriers faced by VCU’s service-learning faculty instructors and to solicit feedback about key strategies for overcoming these barriers. An independent research consultant conducted the evaluation in two phases: an online anonymous survey and a 30-minute phone interview. Eighty service-learning instructors completed the online survey, and a stratified sample of 18 instructors completed the telephone interviews. Findings indicated that both the online survey respondents and phone interview participants experienced similar supports and barriers to teaching their service-learning classes. Key findings and recommendations are outlined in the full report

    Service-Learning Community Partner Impact Assessment Report

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    In the summer of 2017, VCU’s Office of Service-Learning conducted an evaluation of the impact of service-learning on community partner organizations. This assessment aimed to collect actionable feedback from partners and to inform improvements to service-learning courses at VCU that successfully address partners’ concerns. An external researcher conducted phone interviews with a representative sample of 22 community partners. Partners were asked how a specific service-learning course impacted their organization in three areas: organizational capacity, economically, and socially. Partners were also asked about faculty interactions and the likelihood of recommending the service-learning course to other organizations like their own. This report presents the findings of this community partner impact assessment, outlines an assessment model for a three-year continuous improvement cycle, and offers key recommendations and next steps that emerged from this assessment

    Highlights from Service-Learning in California\u27s Teacher Education Programs: A White Paper

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    The purpose of this white paper is to provide a set of recommendations for advancing service-learning in California\u27s Teacher Education programs. The recommendations are based on the findings from a three-year study conducted by UC Berkeley\u27s Service-Learning Research & Development Center (SLRDC). This paper reports on the viability of various approaches for advancing K-12 service-learning in teacher education, identifies institutional barriers that hinder the advancement of service-learning in teacher education, and describes successful approaches that institutions have used to advance service-learning in teacher education. The recommendations provided in this paper are intended to inform the California Department of Education and other state departments of education about best practices for advancing the incorporation of service-learning in teacher education

    Service Learning: A National Strategy

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    This position paper discusses Policy Recommendations (National, State, and Local Levels; and School Level) and Rationale (What is the Need and Why Service Learning?; What is Service Learning?; Examples of Service Learning; What Does Service Learning Accomplish?; Voluntary or Required?; National Campaign to Promote Service Learning; and Conclusion)

    Communities of Practice: Perspectives from Pre-service Teachers

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    This paper will report on the conduct of an undergraduate course where pre-service teachers participate in and develop or modify an online learning environment. The course has as its main focus, the notion of online virtual communities, and explores students’ current trends and practices with communication tools and networked communities with those currently being offered in a variety of educational contexts. During the course participants implement their new or modified online learning environment while undertaking professional experience in a school of their choice. The paper further describes the students’ experiences throughout the course and presents recommendations, for educators wishing to espouse a sense of community within online learning environments

    Integrating Service-Learning in the Public Speaking Course

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    This best-practices article endorses incorporating service-learning into the foundational public speaking course. The article explains connections between service-learning and the rhetorical tradition, highlights pedagogical approaches that would benefit from a service-learning component, and discusses the benefits of service-learning for community partners and students. The remainder of the article focuses on how to implement servicelearning in a public speaking course, including reflection and assessment recommendations

    Nurse Educator Perceptions of Faith-Based Organizations for Service-Learning

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    Knowledge about service-learning for nursing students in faith-based organizations (FBOs) is limited. This descriptive study explored the perceptions of nurse educators about using FBOs for service-learning clinical sites. Participants (N=112) relayed specific benefits and barriers to using FBOs for service-learning clinical experiences. Recommendations are made for effective school–FBO partnerships

    Gender-Inclusive Library Workgroup Report

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    The Gender-Inclusive Workgroup explored how VCU Libraries can better serve trans and gender-nonconforming users and staff. The group’s recommendations cover library spaces, staff, systems, services, and culture. Key recommendations include highlighting existing all-gender restrooms; building more gender-inclusive restrooms; expanding availability of menstrual products and disposal bins; continuing support for name-of-use changes in library systems; minimizing display of legal name in library systems; offering ongoing staff training in gender-inclusive language and customer service; and encouraging staff to share pronouns. The workgroup also recommends pursuing a culture of shared learning and inclusive thinking, with a reminder that gender identity is one facet of multiple intersecting identities for people in the VCU community

    Service Learning at Community Colleges: Synthesis, Critique, and Recommendations for Future Research

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    The purpose of this paper is to review and critique empirical work done, to date, specific to service learning experiences at the community college level. A review of the literature was conducted in order to examine the empirical work that has been developed regarding service learning, a form of experiential learning, at community colleges. The narrative defines service learning, describes types of service learning taking place on community college campuses, and synthesizes and critiques the service learning empirical work done to date. The review closes with specific recommendations for both researchers and practitioners regarding future research
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