199,484 research outputs found

    Emergence and reconfiguration of modular structure for synaptic neural networks during continual familiarity detection

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    While advances in artificial intelligence and neuroscience have enabled the emergence of neural networks capable of learning a wide variety of tasks, our understanding of the temporal dynamics of these networks remains limited. Here, we study the temporal dynamics during learning of Hebbian Feedforward (HebbFF) neural networks in tasks of continual familiarity detection. Drawing inspiration from the field of network neuroscience, we examine the network's dynamic reconfiguration, focusing on how network modules evolve throughout learning. Through a comprehensive assessment involving metrics like network accuracy, modular flexibility, and distribution entropy across diverse learning modes, our approach reveals various previously unknown patterns of network reconfiguration. In particular, we find that the emergence of network modularity is a salient predictor of performance, and that modularization strengthens with increasing flexibility throughout learning. These insights not only elucidate the nuanced interplay of network modularity, accuracy, and learning dynamics but also bridge our understanding of learning in artificial and biological realms

    Dreaming neural networks: forgetting spurious memories and reinforcing pure ones

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    The standard Hopfield model for associative neural networks accounts for biological Hebbian learning and acts as the harmonic oscillator for pattern recognition, however its maximal storage capacity is α0.14\alpha \sim 0.14, far from the theoretical bound for symmetric networks, i.e. α=1\alpha =1. Inspired by sleeping and dreaming mechanisms in mammal brains, we propose an extension of this model displaying the standard on-line (awake) learning mechanism (that allows the storage of external information in terms of patterns) and an off-line (sleep) unlearning&\&consolidating mechanism (that allows spurious-pattern removal and pure-pattern reinforcement): this obtained daily prescription is able to saturate the theoretical bound α=1\alpha=1, remaining also extremely robust against thermal noise. Both neural and synaptic features are analyzed both analytically and numerically. In particular, beyond obtaining a phase diagram for neural dynamics, we focus on synaptic plasticity and we give explicit prescriptions on the temporal evolution of the synaptic matrix. We analytically prove that our algorithm makes the Hebbian kernel converge with high probability to the projection matrix built over the pure stored patterns. Furthermore, we obtain a sharp and explicit estimate for the "sleep rate" in order to ensure such a convergence. Finally, we run extensive numerical simulations (mainly Monte Carlo sampling) to check the approximations underlying the analytical investigations (e.g., we developed the whole theory at the so called replica-symmetric level, as standard in the Amit-Gutfreund-Sompolinsky reference framework) and possible finite-size effects, finding overall full agreement with the theory.Comment: 31 pages, 12 figure

    SORN: A Self-Organizing Recurrent Neural Network

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    Understanding the dynamics of recurrent neural networks is crucial for explaining how the brain processes information. In the neocortex, a range of different plasticity mechanisms are shaping recurrent networks into effective information processing circuits that learn appropriate representations for time-varying sensory stimuli. However, it has been difficult to mimic these abilities in artificial neural network models. Here we introduce SORN, a self-organizing recurrent network. It combines three distinct forms of local plasticity to learn spatio-temporal patterns in its input while maintaining its dynamics in a healthy regime suitable for learning. The SORN learns to encode information in the form of trajectories through its high-dimensional state space reminiscent of recent biological findings on cortical coding. All three forms of plasticity are shown to be essential for the network's success


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    Learning and evolution are adaptive or “backward-looking” models of social and biological systems. Learning changes the probability distribution of traits within an individual through direct and vicarious reinforcement, while evolution changes the probability distribution of traits within a population through reproduction and selection. Compared to forward-looking models of rational calculation that identify equilibrium outcomes, adaptive models pose fewer cognitive requirements and reveal both equilibrium and out-of-equilibrium dynamics. However, they are also less general than analytical models and require relatively stable environments. In this chapter, we review the conceptual and practical foundations of several approaches to models of learning that offer powerful tools for modeling social processes. These include the Bush-Mosteller stochastic learning model, the Roth-Erev matching model, feed-forward and attractor neural networks, and belief learning. Evolutionary approaches include replicator dynamics and genetic algorithms. A unifying theme is showing how complex patterns can arise from relatively simple adaptive rules.</p

    In search of dispersed memories: Generative diffusion models are associative memory networks

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    Uncovering the mechanisms behind long-term memory is one of the most fascinating open problems in neuroscience and artificial intelligence. Artificial associative memory networks have been used to formalize important aspects of biological memory. Generative diffusion models are a type of generative machine learning techniques that have shown great performance in many tasks. Like associative memory systems, these networks define a dynamical system that converges to a set of target states. In this work we show that generative diffusion models can be interpreted as energy-based models and that, when trained on discrete patterns, their energy function is (asymptotically) identical to that of modern Hopfield networks. This equivalence allows us to interpret the supervised training of diffusion models as a synaptic learning process that encodes the associative dynamics of a modern Hopfield network in the weight structure of a deep neural network. Leveraging this connection, we formulate a generalized framework for understanding the formation of long-term memory, where creative generation and memory recall can be seen as parts of a unified continuum