2,632 research outputs found

    Automatic annotation for weakly supervised learning of detectors

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    PhDObject detection in images and action detection in videos are among the most widely studied computer vision problems, with applications in consumer photography, surveillance, and automatic media tagging. Typically, these standard detectors are fully supervised, that is they require a large body of training data where the locations of the objects/actions in images/videos have been manually annotated. With the emergence of digital media, and the rise of high-speed internet, raw images and video are available for little to no cost. However, the manual annotation of object and action locations remains tedious, slow, and expensive. As a result there has been a great interest in training detectors with weak supervision where only the presence or absence of object/action in image/video is needed, not the location. This thesis presents approaches for weakly supervised learning of object/action detectors with a focus on automatically annotating object and action locations in images/videos using only binary weak labels indicating the presence or absence of object/action in images/videos. First, a framework for weakly supervised learning of object detectors in images is presented. In the proposed approach, a variation of multiple instance learning (MIL) technique for automatically annotating object locations in weakly labelled data is presented which, unlike existing approaches, uses inter-class and intra-class cue fusion to obtain the initial annotation. The initial annotation is then used to start an iterative process in which standard object detectors are used to refine the location annotation. Finally, to ensure that the iterative training of detectors do not drift from the object of interest, a scheme for detecting model drift is also presented. Furthermore, unlike most other methods, our weakly supervised approach is evaluated on data without manual pose (object orientation) annotation. Second, an analysis of the initial annotation of objects, using inter-class and intra-class cues, is carried out. From the analysis, a new method based on negative mining (NegMine) is presented for the initial annotation of both object and action data. The NegMine based approach is a much simpler formulation using only inter-class measure and requires no complex combinatorial optimisation but can still meet or outperform existing approaches including the previously pre3 sented inter-intra class cue fusion approach. Furthermore, NegMine can be fused with existing approaches to boost their performance. Finally, the thesis will take a step back and look at the use of generic object detectors as prior knowledge in weakly supervised learning of object detectors. These generic object detectors are typically based on sampling saliency maps that indicate if a pixel belongs to the background or foreground. A new approach to generating saliency maps is presented that, unlike existing approaches, looks beyond the current image of interest and into images similar to the current image. We show that our generic object proposal method can be used by itself to annotate the weakly labelled object data with surprisingly high accuracy

    Learning Intelligent Dialogs for Bounding Box Annotation

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    We introduce Intelligent Annotation Dialogs for bounding box annotation. We train an agent to automatically choose a sequence of actions for a human annotator to produce a bounding box in a minimal amount of time. Specifically, we consider two actions: box verification, where the annotator verifies a box generated by an object detector, and manual box drawing. We explore two kinds of agents, one based on predicting the probability that a box will be positively verified, and the other based on reinforcement learning. We demonstrate that (1) our agents are able to learn efficient annotation strategies in several scenarios, automatically adapting to the image difficulty, the desired quality of the boxes, and the detector strength; (2) in all scenarios the resulting annotation dialogs speed up annotation compared to manual box drawing alone and box verification alone, while also outperforming any fixed combination of verification and drawing in most scenarios; (3) in a realistic scenario where the detector is iteratively re-trained, our agents evolve a series of strategies that reflect the shifting trade-off between verification and drawing as the detector grows stronger.Comment: This paper appeared at CVPR 201

    Watch and Learn: Semi-Supervised Learning of Object Detectors from Videos

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    We present a semi-supervised approach that localizes multiple unknown object instances in long videos. We start with a handful of labeled boxes and iteratively learn and label hundreds of thousands of object instances. We propose criteria for reliable object detection and tracking for constraining the semi-supervised learning process and minimizing semantic drift. Our approach does not assume exhaustive labeling of each object instance in any single frame, or any explicit annotation of negative data. Working in such a generic setting allow us to tackle multiple object instances in video, many of which are static. In contrast, existing approaches either do not consider multiple object instances per video, or rely heavily on the motion of the objects present. The experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach by evaluating the automatically labeled data on a variety of metrics like quality, coverage (recall), diversity, and relevance to training an object detector.Comment: To appear in CVPR 201

    LoANs: Weakly Supervised Object Detection with Localizer Assessor Networks

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    Recently, deep neural networks have achieved remarkable performance on the task of object detection and recognition. The reason for this success is mainly grounded in the availability of large scale, fully annotated datasets, but the creation of such a dataset is a complicated and costly task. In this paper, we propose a novel method for weakly supervised object detection that simplifies the process of gathering data for training an object detector. We train an ensemble of two models that work together in a student-teacher fashion. Our student (localizer) is a model that learns to localize an object, the teacher (assessor) assesses the quality of the localization and provides feedback to the student. The student uses this feedback to learn how to localize objects and is thus entirely supervised by the teacher, as we are using no labels for training the localizer. In our experiments, we show that our model is very robust to noise and reaches competitive performance compared to a state-of-the-art fully supervised approach. We also show the simplicity of creating a new dataset, based on a few videos (e.g. downloaded from YouTube) and artificially generated data.Comment: To appear in AMV18. Code, datasets and models available at https://github.com/Bartzi/loan