9,749 research outputs found

    Beyond Intra-modality: A Survey of Heterogeneous Person Re-identification

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    An efficient and effective person re-identification (ReID) system relieves the users from painful and boring video watching and accelerates the process of video analysis. Recently, with the explosive demands of practical applications, a lot of research efforts have been dedicated to heterogeneous person re-identification (Hetero-ReID). In this paper, we provide a comprehensive review of state-of-the-art Hetero-ReID methods that address the challenge of inter-modality discrepancies. According to the application scenario, we classify the methods into four categories -- low-resolution, infrared, sketch, and text. We begin with an introduction of ReID, and make a comparison between Homogeneous ReID (Homo-ReID) and Hetero-ReID tasks. Then, we describe and compare existing datasets for performing evaluations, and survey the models that have been widely employed in Hetero-ReID. We also summarize and compare the representative approaches from two perspectives, i.e., the application scenario and the learning pipeline. We conclude by a discussion of some future research directions. Follow-up updates are avaible at: https://github.com/lightChaserX/Awesome-Hetero-reIDComment: Accepted by IJCAI 2020. Project url: https://github.com/lightChaserX/Awesome-Hetero-reI

    Deep Sketch-Photo Face Recognition Assisted by Facial Attributes

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    In this paper, we present a deep coupled framework to address the problem of matching sketch image against a gallery of mugshots. Face sketches have the essential in- formation about the spatial topology and geometric details of faces while missing some important facial attributes such as ethnicity, hair, eye, and skin color. We propose a cou- pled deep neural network architecture which utilizes facial attributes in order to improve the sketch-photo recognition performance. The proposed Attribute-Assisted Deep Con- volutional Neural Network (AADCNN) method exploits the facial attributes and leverages the loss functions from the facial attributes identification and face verification tasks in order to learn rich discriminative features in a common em- bedding subspace. The facial attribute identification task increases the inter-personal variations by pushing apart the embedded features extracted from individuals with differ- ent facial attributes, while the verification task reduces the intra-personal variations by pulling together all the fea- tures that are related to one person. The learned discrim- inative features can be well generalized to new identities not seen in the training data. The proposed architecture is able to make full use of the sketch and complementary fa- cial attribute information to train a deep model compared to the conventional sketch-photo recognition methods. Exten- sive experiments are performed on composite (E-PRIP) and semi-forensic (IIIT-D semi-forensic) datasets. The results show the superiority of our method compared to the state- of-the-art models in sketch-photo recognition algorithm

    Coupled Deep Learning for Heterogeneous Face Recognition

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    Heterogeneous face matching is a challenge issue in face recognition due to large domain difference as well as insufficient pairwise images in different modalities during training. This paper proposes a coupled deep learning (CDL) approach for the heterogeneous face matching. CDL seeks a shared feature space in which the heterogeneous face matching problem can be approximately treated as a homogeneous face matching problem. The objective function of CDL mainly includes two parts. The first part contains a trace norm and a block-diagonal prior as relevance constraints, which not only make unpaired images from multiple modalities be clustered and correlated, but also regularize the parameters to alleviate overfitting. An approximate variational formulation is introduced to deal with the difficulties of optimizing low-rank constraint directly. The second part contains a cross modal ranking among triplet domain specific images to maximize the margin for different identities and increase data for a small amount of training samples. Besides, an alternating minimization method is employed to iteratively update the parameters of CDL. Experimental results show that CDL achieves better performance on the challenging CASIA NIR-VIS 2.0 face recognition database, the IIIT-D Sketch database, the CUHK Face Sketch (CUFS), and the CUHK Face Sketch FERET (CUFSF), which significantly outperforms state-of-the-art heterogeneous face recognition methods.Comment: AAAI 201
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