10 research outputs found

    Data Mining at NASA: From Theory to Applications

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    This slide presentation demonstrates the data mining/machine learning capabilities of NASA Ames and Intelligent Data Understanding (IDU) group. This will encompass the work done recently in the group by various group members. The IDU group develops novel algorithms to detect, classify, and predict events in large data streams for scientific and engineering systems. This presentation for Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining 2009 is to demonstrate the data mining/machine learning capabilities of NASA Ames and IDU group. This will encompass the work done re cently in the group by various group members

    Hybrid fuzzy multi-objective particle swarm optimization for taxonomy extraction

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    Ontology learning refers to an automatic extraction of ontology to produce the ontology learning layer cake which consists of five kinds of output: terms, concepts, taxonomy relations, non-taxonomy relations and axioms. Term extraction is a prerequisite for all aspects of ontology learning. It is the automatic mining of complete terms from the input document. Another important part of ontology is taxonomy, or the hierarchy of concepts. It presents a tree view of the ontology and shows the inheritance between subconcepts and superconcepts. In this research, two methods were proposed for improving the performance of the extraction result. The first method uses particle swarm optimization in order to optimize the weights of features. The advantage of particle swarm optimization is that it can calculate and adjust the weight of each feature according to the appropriate value, and here it is used to improve the performance of term and taxonomy extraction. The second method uses a hybrid technique that uses multi-objective particle swarm optimization and fuzzy systems that ensures that the membership functions and fuzzy system rule sets are optimized. The advantage of using a fuzzy system is that the imprecise and uncertain values of feature weights can be tolerated during the extraction process. This method is used to improve the performance of taxonomy extraction. In the term extraction experiment, five extracted features were used for each term from the document. These features were represented by feature vectors consisting of domain relevance, domain consensus, term cohesion, first occurrence and length of noun phrase. For taxonomy extraction, matching Hearst lexico-syntactic patterns in documents and the web, and hypernym information form WordNet were used as the features that represent each pair of terms from the texts. These two proposed methods are evaluated using a dataset that contains documents about tourism. For term extraction, the proposed method is compared with benchmark algorithms such as Term Frequency Inverse Document Frequency, Weirdness, Glossary Extraction and Term Extractor, using the precision performance evaluation measurement. For taxonomy extraction, the proposed methods are compared with benchmark methods of Feature-based and weighting by Support Vector Machine using the f-measure, precision and recall performance evaluation measurements. For the first method, the experiment results concluded that implementing particle swarm optimization in order to optimize the feature weights in terms and taxonomy extraction leads to improved accuracy of extraction result compared to the benchmark algorithms. For the second method, the results concluded that the hybrid technique that uses multi-objective particle swarm optimization and fuzzy systems leads to improved performance of taxonomy extraction results when compared to the benchmark methods, while adjusting the fuzzy membership function and keeping the number of fuzzy rules to a minimum number with a high degree of accuracy

    Similarity recognition for OWL-based action recipes in RoboEarth

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    Sharing and integrating heterogeneous knowledge from different robots requires finding an agreement between the underlying abstract, hardware independent ontologies, saved in the RoboEarth cloud framework in the World Wide Web. A variety of methods from the literature may be used for this task, by means of similarity computation of two ontologies. While most of them come from other fields such as sequence alignment methods from the field of bioinformatics, they can be extended for ontology alignment purposes. While such methods basically perform a pair wise comparison of ontology entities, another approach called the OWL-Lite Alignment method uses a variety of different ontology alignment methods to integrate many ontology comparison techniques in one common framework. Both the sequence alignment based and OWL-Lite based solutions are presented and their suitability to conduct a similarity check for robot task descriptions upon an upload into the RoboEarth platform discussed

    Proceedings of the ECMLPKDD 2015 Doctoral Consortium

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    ECMLPKDD 2015 Doctoral Consortium was organized for the second time as part of the European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECMLPKDD), organised in Porto during September 7-11, 2015. The objective of the doctoral consortium is to provide an environment for students to exchange their ideas and experiences with peers in an interactive atmosphere and to get constructive feedback from senior researchers in machine learning, data mining, and related areas. These proceedings collect together and document all the contributions of the ECMLPKDD 2015 Doctoral Consortium