26 research outputs found

    Learning Generative Models with Visual Attention

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    Attention has long been proposed by psychologists as important for effectively dealing with the enormous sensory stimulus available in the neocortex. Inspired by the visual attention models in computational neuroscience and the need of object-centric data for generative models, we describe for generative learning framework using attentional mechanisms. Attentional mechanisms can propagate signals from region of interest in a scene to an aligned canonical representation, where generative modeling takes place. By ignoring background clutter, generative models can concentrate their resources on the object of interest. Our model is a proper graphical model where the 2D Similarity transformation is a part of the top-down process. A ConvNet is employed to provide good initializations during posterior inference which is based on Hamiltonian Monte Carlo. Upon learning images of faces, our model can robustly attend to face regions of novel test subjects. More importantly, our model can learn generative models of new faces from a novel dataset of large images where the face locations are not known.Comment: In the proceedings of Neural Information Processing Systems, 201

    Learning Hard Alignments with Variational Inference

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    There has recently been significant interest in hard attention models for tasks such as object recognition, visual captioning and speech recognition. Hard attention can offer benefits over soft attention such as decreased computational cost, but training hard attention models can be difficult because of the discrete latent variables they introduce. Previous work used REINFORCE and Q-learning to approach these issues, but those methods can provide high-variance gradient estimates and be slow to train. In this paper, we tackle the problem of learning hard attention for a sequential task using variational inference methods, specifically the recently introduced VIMCO and NVIL. Furthermore, we propose a novel baseline that adapts VIMCO to this setting. We demonstrate our method on a phoneme recognition task in clean and noisy environments and show that our method outperforms REINFORCE, with the difference being greater for a more complicated task

    Towards Visually Explaining Variational Autoencoders

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    Recent advances in Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) model interpretability have led to impressive progress in visualizing and understanding model predictions. In particular, gradient-based visual attention methods have driven much recent effort in using visual attention maps as a means for visual explanations. A key problem, however, is these methods are designed for classification and categorization tasks, and their extension to explaining generative models, e.g. variational autoencoders (VAE) is not trivial. In this work, we take a step towards bridging this crucial gap, proposing the first technique to visually explain VAEs by means of gradient-based attention. We present methods to generate visual attention from the learned latent space, and also demonstrate such attention explanations serve more than just explaining VAE predictions. We show how these attention maps can be used to localize anomalies in images, demonstrating state-of-the-art performance on the MVTec-AD dataset. We also show how they can be infused into model training, helping bootstrap the VAE into learning improved latent space disentanglement, demonstrated on the Dsprites dataset