34,078 research outputs found

    Latent sentiment model for weakly-supervised cross-lingual sentiment classification

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    In this paper, we present a novel weakly-supervised method for crosslingual sentiment analysis. In specific, we propose a latent sentiment model (LSM) based on latent Dirichlet allocation where sentiment labels are considered as topics. Prior information extracted from English sentiment lexicons through machine translation are incorporated into LSM model learning, where preferences on expectations of sentiment labels of those lexicon words are expressed using generalized expectation criteria. An efficient parameter estimation procedure using variational Bayes is presented. Experimental results on the Chinese product reviews show that the weakly-supervised LSM model performs comparably to supervised classifiers such as Support vector Machines with an average of 81% accuracy achieved over a total of 5484 review documents. Moreover, starting with a generic sentiment lexicon, the LSM model is able to extract highly domainspecific polarity words from text

    Avoiding Discrimination through Causal Reasoning

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    Recent work on fairness in machine learning has focused on various statistical discrimination criteria and how they trade off. Most of these criteria are observational: They depend only on the joint distribution of predictor, protected attribute, features, and outcome. While convenient to work with, observational criteria have severe inherent limitations that prevent them from resolving matters of fairness conclusively. Going beyond observational criteria, we frame the problem of discrimination based on protected attributes in the language of causal reasoning. This viewpoint shifts attention from "What is the right fairness criterion?" to "What do we want to assume about the causal data generating process?" Through the lens of causality, we make several contributions. First, we crisply articulate why and when observational criteria fail, thus formalizing what was before a matter of opinion. Second, our approach exposes previously ignored subtleties and why they are fundamental to the problem. Finally, we put forward natural causal non-discrimination criteria and develop algorithms that satisfy them.Comment: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 30, 2017 http://papers.nips.cc/paper/6668-avoiding-discrimination-through-causal-reasonin

    Extension of TSVM to Multi-Class and Hierarchical Text Classification Problems With General Losses

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    Transductive SVM (TSVM) is a well known semi-supervised large margin learning method for binary text classification. In this paper we extend this method to multi-class and hierarchical classification problems. We point out that the determination of labels of unlabeled examples with fixed classifier weights is a linear programming problem. We devise an efficient technique for solving it. The method is applicable to general loss functions. We demonstrate the value of the new method using large margin loss on a number of multi-class and hierarchical classification datasets. For maxent loss we show empirically that our method is better than expectation regularization/constraint and posterior regularization methods, and competitive with the version of entropy regularization method which uses label constraints