1,124 research outputs found

    Multiple imputation and selection of ordinal level 2 predictors in multilevel models. An analysis of the relationship between student ratings and teacher beliefs and practices

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    The paper is motivated by the analysis of the relationship between ratings and teacher practices and beliefs, which are measured via a set of binary and ordinal items collected by a specific survey with nearly half missing respondents. The analysis, which is based on a two-level random effect model, must face two about the items measuring teacher practices and beliefs: (i) these items level 2 predictors severely affected by missingness; (ii) there is redundancy in the number of items and the number of categories of their measurement scale. tackle the first issue by considering a multiple imputation strategy based on information at both level 1 and level 2. For the second issue, we consider regularization techniques for ordinal predictors, also accounting for the multilevel data structure. The proposed solution combines existing methods in an original way to solve specific problem at hand, but it is generally applicable to settings requiring to select predictors affected by missing values. The results obtained with the final model out that some teacher practices and beliefs are significantly related to ratings about teacher ability to motivate students.Comment: Presented at the 12th International Multilevel Conference is held April 9-10, 2019 , Utrech

    Estimating conditional density of missing values using deep Gaussian mixture model

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    We consider the problem of estimating the conditional probability distribution of missing values given the observed ones. We propose an approach, which combines the flexibility of deep neural networks with the simplicity of Gaussian mixture models (GMMs). Given an incomplete data point, our neural network returns the parameters of Gaussian distribution (in the form of Factor Analyzers model) representing the corresponding conditional density. We experimentally verify that our model provides better log-likelihood than conditional GMM trained in a typical way. Moreover, imputation obtained by replacing missing values using the mean vector of our model looks visually plausible.Comment: A preliminary version of this paper appeared as an extended abstract at the ICML 2020 Workshop on The Art of Learning with Missing Value

    Fractional Imputation in Survey Sampling: A Comparative Review

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    Fractional imputation (FI) is a relatively new method of imputation for handling item nonresponse in survey sampling. In FI, several imputed values with their fractional weights are created for each missing item. Each fractional weight represents the conditional probability of the imputed value given the observed data, and the parameters in the conditional probabilities are often computed by an iterative method such as EM algorithm. The underlying model for FI can be fully parametric, semiparametric, or nonparametric, depending on plausibility of assumptions and the data structure. In this paper, we give an overview of FI, introduce key ideas and methods to readers who are new to the FI literature, and highlight some new development. We also provide guidance on practical implementation of FI and valid inferential tools after imputation. We demonstrate the empirical performance of FI with respect to multiple imputation using a pseudo finite population generated from a sample in Monthly Retail Trade Survey in US Census Bureau.Comment: 26 pages, 2 figure