13,616 research outputs found

    Learning From Labeled And Unlabeled Data: An Empirical Study Across Techniques And Domains

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    There has been increased interest in devising learning techniques that combine unlabeled data with labeled data ? i.e. semi-supervised learning. However, to the best of our knowledge, no study has been performed across various techniques and different types and amounts of labeled and unlabeled data. Moreover, most of the published work on semi-supervised learning techniques assumes that the labeled and unlabeled data come from the same distribution. It is possible for the labeling process to be associated with a selection bias such that the distributions of data points in the labeled and unlabeled sets are different. Not correcting for such bias can result in biased function approximation with potentially poor performance. In this paper, we present an empirical study of various semi-supervised learning techniques on a variety of datasets. We attempt to answer various questions such as the effect of independence or relevance amongst features, the effect of the size of the labeled and unlabeled sets and the effect of noise. We also investigate the impact of sample-selection bias on the semi-supervised learning techniques under study and implement a bivariate probit technique particularly designed to correct for such bias

    Identifying leading indicators of product recalls from online reviews using positive unlabeled learning and domain adaptation

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    Consumer protection agencies are charged with safeguarding the public from hazardous products, but the thousands of products under their jurisdiction make it challenging to identify and respond to consumer complaints quickly. From the consumer's perspective, online reviews can provide evidence of product defects, but manually sifting through hundreds of reviews is not always feasible. In this paper, we propose a system to mine Amazon.com reviews to identify products that may pose safety or health hazards. Since labeled data for this task are scarce, our approach combines positive unlabeled learning with domain adaptation to train a classifier from consumer complaints submitted to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. On a validation set of manually annotated Amazon product reviews, we find that our approach results in an absolute F1 score improvement of 8% over the best competing baseline. Furthermore, we apply the classifier to Amazon reviews of known recalled products; the classifier identifies reviews reporting safety hazards prior to the recall date for 45% of the products. This suggests that the system may be able to provide an early warning system to alert consumers to hazardous products before an official recall is announced
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