25,986 research outputs found

    Performance Analysis and Optimization of Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplication on Modern Multi- and Many-Core Processors

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    This paper presents a low-overhead optimizer for the ubiquitous sparse matrix-vector multiplication (SpMV) kernel. Architectural diversity among different processors together with structural diversity among different sparse matrices lead to bottleneck diversity. This justifies an SpMV optimizer that is both matrix- and architecture-adaptive through runtime specialization. To this direction, we present an approach that first identifies the performance bottlenecks of SpMV for a given sparse matrix on the target platform either through profiling or by matrix property inspection, and then selects suitable optimizations to tackle those bottlenecks. Our optimization pool is based on the widely used Compressed Sparse Row (CSR) sparse matrix storage format and has low preprocessing overheads, making our overall approach practical even in cases where fast decision making and optimization setup is required. We evaluate our optimizer on three x86-based computing platforms and demonstrate that it is able to distinguish and appropriately optimize SpMV for the majority of matrices in a representative test suite, leading to significant speedups over the CSR and Inspector-Executor CSR SpMV kernels available in the latest release of the Intel MKL library.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, ICPP 201

    Modeling the Resource Requirements of Convolutional Neural Networks on Mobile Devices

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    Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have revolutionized the research in computer vision, due to their ability to capture complex patterns, resulting in high inference accuracies. However, the increasingly complex nature of these neural networks means that they are particularly suited for server computers with powerful GPUs. We envision that deep learning applications will be eventually and widely deployed on mobile devices, e.g., smartphones, self-driving cars, and drones. Therefore, in this paper, we aim to understand the resource requirements (time, memory) of CNNs on mobile devices. First, by deploying several popular CNNs on mobile CPUs and GPUs, we measure and analyze the performance and resource usage for every layer of the CNNs. Our findings point out the potential ways of optimizing the performance on mobile devices. Second, we model the resource requirements of the different CNN computations. Finally, based on the measurement, pro ling, and modeling, we build and evaluate our modeling tool, Augur, which takes a CNN configuration (descriptor) as the input and estimates the compute time and resource usage of the CNN, to give insights about whether and how e ciently a CNN can be run on a given mobile platform. In doing so Augur tackles several challenges: (i) how to overcome pro ling and measurement overhead; (ii) how to capture the variance in different mobile platforms with different processors, memory, and cache sizes; and (iii) how to account for the variance in the number, type and size of layers of the different CNN configurations

    Structure fusion based on graph convolutional networks for semi-supervised classification

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    Suffering from the multi-view data diversity and complexity for semi-supervised classification, most of existing graph convolutional networks focus on the networks architecture construction or the salient graph structure preservation, and ignore the the complete graph structure for semi-supervised classification contribution. To mine the more complete distribution structure from multi-view data with the consideration of the specificity and the commonality, we propose structure fusion based on graph convolutional networks (SF-GCN) for improving the performance of semi-supervised classification. SF-GCN can not only retain the special characteristic of each view data by spectral embedding, but also capture the common style of multi-view data by distance metric between multi-graph structures. Suppose the linear relationship between multi-graph structures, we can construct the optimization function of structure fusion model by balancing the specificity loss and the commonality loss. By solving this function, we can simultaneously obtain the fusion spectral embedding from the multi-view data and the fusion structure as adjacent matrix to input graph convolutional networks for semi-supervised classification. Experiments demonstrate that the performance of SF-GCN outperforms that of the state of the arts on three challenging datasets, which are Cora,Citeseer and Pubmed in citation networks

    End-to-End Kernel Learning with Supervised Convolutional Kernel Networks

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    In this paper, we introduce a new image representation based on a multilayer kernel machine. Unlike traditional kernel methods where data representation is decoupled from the prediction task, we learn how to shape the kernel with supervision. We proceed by first proposing improvements of the recently-introduced convolutional kernel networks (CKNs) in the context of unsupervised learning; then, we derive backpropagation rules to take advantage of labeled training data. The resulting model is a new type of convolutional neural network, where optimizing the filters at each layer is equivalent to learning a linear subspace in a reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS). We show that our method achieves reasonably competitive performance for image classification on some standard "deep learning" datasets such as CIFAR-10 and SVHN, and also for image super-resolution, demonstrating the applicability of our approach to a large variety of image-related tasks.Comment: to appear in Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS
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