29 research outputs found

    Learning a deep model for human action recognition from novel viewpoints

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    Recognizing human actions from unknown and unseen (novel) views is a challenging problem. We propose a Robust Non-Linear Knowledge Transfer Model (R-NKTM) for human action recognition from novel views. The proposed R-NKTM is a deep fully-connected neural network that transfers knowledge of human actions from any unknown view to a shared high-level virtual view by finding a non-linear virtual path that connects the views. The R-NKTM is learned from dense trajectories of synthetic 3D human models fitted to real motion capture data and generalizes to real videos of human actions. The strength of our technique is that we learn a single R-NKTM for all actions and all viewpoints for knowledge transfer of any real human action video without the need for re-training or fine-tuning the model. Thus, R-NKTM can efficiently scale to incorporate new action classes. R-NKTM is learned with dummy labels and does not require knowledge of the camera viewpoint at any stage. Experiments on three benchmark cross-view human action datasets show that our method outperforms existing state-of-the-art

    A survey of video based action recognition in sports

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    Sport performance analysis which is crucial in sport practice is used to improve the performance of athletes during the games. Many studies and investigation have been done in detecting different movements of player for notational analysis using either sensor based or video based modality. Recently, vision based modality has become the research interest due to the vast development of video transmission online. There are tremendous experimental studies have been done using vision based modality in sport but only a few review study has been done previously. Hence, we provide a review study on the video based technique to recognize sport action toward establishing the automated notational analysis system. The paper will be organized into four parts. Firstly, we provide an overview of the current existing technologies of the video based sports intelligence systems. Secondly, we review the framework of action recognition in all fields before we further discuss the implementation of deep learning in vision based modality for sport actions. Finally, the paper summarizes the further trend and research direction in action recognition for sports using video approach. We believed that this review study would be very beneficial in providing a complete overview on video based action recognition in sports

    View-invariant action recognition

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    Human action recognition is an important problem in computer vision. It has a wide range of applications in surveillance, human-computer interaction, augmented reality, video indexing, and retrieval. The varying pattern of spatio-temporal appearance generated by human action is key for identifying the performed action. We have seen a lot of research exploring this dynamics of spatio-temporal appearance for learning a visual representation of human actions. However, most of the research in action recognition is focused on some common viewpoints, and these approaches do not perform well when there is a change in viewpoint. Human actions are performed in a 3-dimensional environment and are projected to a 2-dimensional space when captured as a video from a given viewpoint. Therefore, an action will have a different spatio-temporal appearance from different viewpoints. The research in view-invariant action recognition addresses this problem and focuses on recognizing human actions from unseen viewpoints