12 research outputs found

    Supervised Learning Under Distributed Features

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    This work studies the problem of learning under both large datasets and large-dimensional feature space scenarios. The feature information is assumed to be spread across agents in a network, where each agent observes some of the features. Through local cooperation, the agents are supposed to interact with each other to solve an inference problem and converge towards the global minimizer of an empirical risk. We study this problem exclusively in the primal domain, and propose new and effective distributed solutions with guaranteed convergence to the minimizer with linear rate under strong convexity. This is achieved by combining a dynamic diffusion construction, a pipeline strategy, and variance-reduced techniques. Simulation results illustrate the conclusions

    Dynamic Average Diffusion with randomized Coordinate Updates

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    This work derives and analyzes an online learning strategy for tracking the average of time-varying distributed signals by relying on randomized coordinate-descent updates. During each iteration, each agent selects or observes a random entry of the observation vector, and different agents may select different entries of their observations before engaging in a consultation step. Careful coordination of the interactions among agents is necessary to avoid bias and ensure convergence. We provide a convergence analysis for the proposed methods, and illustrate the results by means of simulations

    Decentralized Non-Convex Learning with Linearly Coupled Constraints

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    Motivated by the need for decentralized learning, this paper aims at designing a distributed algorithm for solving nonconvex problems with general linear constraints over a multi-agent network. In the considered problem, each agent owns some local information and a local variable for jointly minimizing a cost function, but local variables are coupled by linear constraints. Most of the existing methods for such problems are only applicable for convex problems or problems with specific linear constraints. There still lacks a distributed algorithm for such problems with general linear constraints and under nonconvex setting. In this paper, to tackle this problem, we propose a new algorithm, called "proximal dual consensus" (PDC) algorithm, which combines a proximal technique and a dual consensus method. We build the theoretical convergence conditions and show that the proposed PDC algorithm can converge to an \epsilon-Karush-Kuhn-Tucker solution within O(1/)\mathcal{O}(1/\epsilon) iterations. For computation reduction, the PDC algorithm can choose to perform cheap gradient descent per iteration while preserving the same order of O(1/)\mathcal{O}(1/\epsilon) iteration complexity. Numerical results are presented to demonstrate the good performance of the proposed algorithms for solving a regression problem and a classification problem over a network where agents have only partial observations of data features