2 research outputs found

    Aprendizagem da língua alemã em contexto universitário por meio da produção de textos associada à tradução

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    Este trabalho fundamenta-se em estudos sobre a tradução como recurso metodológico no ensino e na aprendizagem de línguas estrangeiras. O contexto de pesquisa é a fase inicial de aprendizagem da língua alemã no 1º ano de um curso de Letras. Os estudantes produziram um texto autodescritivo em língua alemã, comentado e corrigido pela troca de e-mails com a professora-pesquisadora. Na sequência, os textos foram distribuídos aleatoriamente aos membros do grupo, que os traduziram para o português. Para a análise, os textos-fonte foram alinhados às traduções com auxílio de um software gerenciador de memória de tradução. Com base em CACHO E BRANCO (2014) e em critérios elaborados a partir de AUBERT (1998), SCOTT (1998 apud LIMA 2004) e CHESTERMAN (1997 apud CACHO; BRANCO 2014), observou-se a aproximação das traduções com a língua-alvo (normalização)ou a manutenção de características da língua-fonte, bem como problemas tradutórios. Tais critérios mostraram-se adequados para verificar como os aprendizes compreendem vocabulário e estruturas da língua alemã. Com objetivos semelhantes, outros aprendizes de alemão compararam os textos nas duas línguas, comentando as traduções. Observou-se que atividades de tradução motivam os aprendizes e auxiliam a aprendizagem, permitindo abordar questões linguísticas e culturais.This work is based on studies on translation as a methodological resource in teaching and learning foreign languages. The research focuses on the initial phase of learning German in the 1st year of a Language and Literature course. The students produced a self-describing text in German, which was commented and corrected through the exchange of e-mails with the teacher-researcher. Afterwards, the texts were randomly distributed to group members to be translated into Portuguese. For the analysis, the starting texts were aligned to the translations with the aid of a translation memory software. Based on CACHO E BRANCO (2014) and on criteria drawn from AUBERT (1998), SCOTT (1998 apud LIMA 2004) and CHESTERMAN (1997 apud CACHO; BRANCO 2014), the approximation of the translations with the target language (normalization), or the continuance of characteristics from the source language, as well as translation problems were analysed. These criteria proved adequate to verify how learners understand the vocabulary and structures of the German language. With similar objectives, another group of German learners compared the texts in both languages, commenting the translations. We observed that translation activities motivate learners and support learning, allowing the contact with linguistic and cultural issues

    Learning translation strategies in a CSCL framework

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    This study investigated the extent to which the social constructivist approach can be applied to the teaching/learning of translation strategies in an e-learning environment. To advance the inquiry, three research questions were developed that focussed on: individual learning vs. social learning; knowledge seen as content versus knowledge sees as process; teacher control versus student control. The method of research was located within a qualitative, interpretive paradigm based on multiple case studies associated with the classes involved. Data collection included reports from participants, issued periodically in the semesters investigated. Techniques of qualitative analysis were used to identify, describe and interpret the forms of argumentative collaboration and co-construction of knowledge participants were experiencing online. The main conclusions of the inquiry were: (1) evidence of a change in the ability of students to think and solve problems in ways that match the characteristic methods of the academic discipline (translation studies) and \u2013 to a certain degree \u2013 of professional experts; (2) critical issues revolving around the difficulties of effectively managing discussions and/or work progression as a result of the more or less effective management of the social relationships between students in the smaller and larger groups; (3) full blending of the contrasting pairs focussed on as research questions, leading toward integration rather than confrontation of the dual views of acquisition and construction of knowledge