85 research outputs found

    Information Maximization Clustering via Multi-View Self-Labelling

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    Image clustering is a particularly challenging computer vision task, which aims to generate annotations without human supervision. Recent advances focus on the use of self-supervised learning strategies in image clustering, by first learning valuable semantics and then clustering the image representations. These multiple-phase algorithms, however, increase the computational time and their final performance is reliant on the first stage. By extending the self-supervised approach, we propose a novel single-phase clustering method that simultaneously learns meaningful representations and assigns the corresponding annotations. This is achieved by integrating a discrete representation into the self-supervised paradigm through a classifier net. Specifically, the proposed clustering objective employs mutual information, and maximizes the dependency between the integrated discrete representation and a discrete probability distribution. The discrete probability distribution is derived though the self-supervised process by comparing the learnt latent representation with a set of trainable prototypes. To enhance the learning performance of the classifier, we jointly apply the mutual information across multi-crop views. Our empirical results show that the proposed framework outperforms state-of-the-art techniques with the average accuracy of 89.1% and 49.0%, respectively, on CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100/20 datasets. Finally, the proposed method also demonstrates attractive robustness to parameter settings, making it ready to be applicable to other datasets

    Image Clustering via the Principle of Rate Reduction in the Age of Pretrained Models

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    The advent of large pre-trained models has brought about a paradigm shift in both visual representation learning and natural language processing. However, clustering unlabeled images, as a fundamental and classic machine learning problem, still lacks effective solution, particularly for large-scale datasets. In this paper, we propose a novel image clustering pipeline that leverages the powerful feature representation of large pre-trained models such as CLIP and cluster images effectively and efficiently at scale. We show that the pre-trained features are significantly more structured by further optimizing the rate reduction objective. The resulting features may significantly improve the clustering accuracy, e.g., from 57\% to 66\% on ImageNet-1k. Furthermore, by leveraging CLIP's image-text binding, we show how the new clustering method leads to a simple yet effective self-labeling algorithm that successfully works on unlabeled large datasets such as MS-COCO and LAION-Aesthetics. We will release the code in https://github.com/LeslieTrue/CPP.Comment: 21 pages, 13 figure

    Self-supervised object detection from audio-visual correspondence

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    We tackle the problem of learning object detectors without supervision. Differently from weakly-supervised object detection, we do not assume image-level class labels. Instead, we extract a supervisory signal from audio-visual data, using the audio component to "teach" the object detector. While this problem is related to sound source localisation, it is considerably harder because the detector must classify the objects by type, enumerate each instance of the object, and do so even when the object is silent. We tackle this problem by first designing a self-supervised framework with a contrastive objective that jointly learns to classify and localise objects. Then, without using any supervision, we simply use these self-supervised labels and boxes to train an image-based object detector. With this, we outperform previous unsupervised and weakly-supervised detectors for the task of object detection and sound source localization. We also show that we can align this detector to ground-truth classes with as little as one label per pseudo-class, and show how our method can learn to detect generic objects that go beyond instruments, such as airplanes and cats.Comment: Under revie

    A Saliency-based Clustering Framework for Identifying Aberrant Predictions

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    In machine learning, classification tasks serve as the cornerstone of a wide range of real-world applications. Reliable, trustworthy classification is particularly intricate in biomedical settings, where the ground truth is often inherently uncertain and relies on high degrees of human expertise for labeling. Traditional metrics such as precision and recall, while valuable, are insufficient for capturing the nuances of these ambiguous scenarios. Here we introduce the concept of aberrant predictions, emphasizing that the nature of classification errors is as critical as their frequency. We propose a novel, efficient training methodology aimed at both reducing the misclassification rate and discerning aberrant predictions. Our framework demonstrates a substantial improvement in model performance, achieving a 20\% increase in precision. We apply this methodology to the less-explored domain of veterinary radiology, where the stakes are high but have not been as extensively studied compared to human medicine. By focusing on the identification and mitigation of aberrant predictions, we enhance the utility and trustworthiness of machine learning classifiers in high-stakes, real-world scenarios, including new applications in the veterinary world

    ContraCluster: Learning to Classify without Labels by Contrastive Self-Supervision and Prototype-Based Semi-Supervision

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    The recent advances in representation learning inspire us to take on the challenging problem of unsupervised image classification tasks in a principled way. We propose ContraCluster, an unsupervised image classification method that combines clustering with the power of contrastive self-supervised learning. ContraCluster consists of three stages: (1) contrastive self-supervised pre-training (CPT), (2) contrastive prototype sampling (CPS), and (3) prototype-based semi-supervised fine-tuning (PB-SFT). CPS can select highly accurate, categorically prototypical images in an embedding space learned by contrastive learning. We use sampled prototypes as noisy labeled data to perform semi-supervised fine-tuning (PB-SFT), leveraging small prototypes and large unlabeled data to further enhance the accuracy. We demonstrate empirically that ContraCluster achieves new state-of-the-art results for standard benchmark datasets including CIFAR-10, STL-10, and ImageNet-10. For example, ContraCluster achieves about 90.8% accuracy for CIFAR-10, which outperforms DAC (52.2%), IIC (61.7%), and SCAN (87.6%) by a large margin. Without any labels, ContraCluster can achieve a 90.8% accuracy that is comparable to 95.8% by the best supervised counterpart.Comment: Accepted at ICPR 202

    Shuffle & Divide: Contrastive Learning for Long Text

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    We propose a self-supervised learning method for long text documents based on contrastive learning. A key to our method is Shuffle and Divide (SaD), a simple text augmentation algorithm that sets up a pretext task required for contrastive updates to BERT-based document embedding. SaD splits a document into two sub-documents containing randomly shuffled words in the entire documents. The sub-documents are considered positive examples, leaving all other documents in the corpus as negatives. After SaD, we repeat the contrastive update and clustering phases until convergence. It is naturally a time-consuming, cumbersome task to label text documents, and our method can help alleviate human efforts, which are most expensive resources in AI. We have empirically evaluated our method by performing unsupervised text classification on the 20 Newsgroups, Reuters-21578, BBC, and BBCSport datasets. In particular, our method pushes the current state-of-the-art, SS-SB-MT, on 20 Newsgroups by 20.94% in accuracy. We also achieve the state-of-the-art performance on Reuters-21578 and exceptionally-high accuracy performances (over 95%) for unsupervised classification on the BBC and BBCSport datasets.Comment: Accepted at ICPR 202

    Self-Supervised Classification Network

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    We present Self-Classifier -- a novel self-supervised end-to-end classification learning approach. Self-Classifier learns labels and representations simultaneously in a single-stage end-to-end manner by optimizing for same-class prediction of two augmented views of the same sample. To guarantee non-degenerate solutions (i.e., solutions where all labels are assigned to the same class) we propose a mathematically motivated variant of the cross-entropy loss that has a uniform prior asserted on the predicted labels. In our theoretical analysis we prove that degenerate solutions are not in the set of optimal solutions of our approach. Self-Classifier is simple to implement and scalable. Unlike other popular unsupervised classification and contrastive representation learning approaches, it does not require any form of pre-training, expectation maximization, pseudo-labelling, external clustering, a second network, stop-gradient operation or negative pairs. Despite its simplicity, our approach sets a new state of the art for unsupervised classification of ImageNet; and even achieves comparable to state-of-the-art results for unsupervised representation learning. Code: https://github.com/elad-amrani/self-classifierComment: Update method and add experiment

    Self-supervised adversarial masking for 3D point cloud representation learning

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    Self-supervised methods have been proven effective for learning deep representations of 3D point cloud data. Although recent methods in this domain often rely on random masking of inputs, the results of this approach can be improved. We introduce PointCAM, a novel adversarial method for learning a masking function for point clouds. Our model utilizes a self-distillation framework with an online tokenizer for 3D point clouds. Compared to previous techniques that optimize patch-level and object-level objectives, we postulate applying an auxiliary network that learns how to select masks instead of choosing them randomly. Our results show that the learned masking function achieves state-of-the-art or competitive performance on various downstream tasks. The source code is available at https://github.com/szacho/pointcam
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