69 research outputs found

    Using the online cross-entropy method to learn relational policies for playing different games

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    By defining a video-game environment as a collection of objects, relations, actions and rewards, the relational reinforcement learning algorithm presented in this paper generates and optimises a set of concise, human-readable relational rules for achieving maximal reward. Rule learning is achieved using a combination of incremental specialisation of rules and a modified online cross-entropy method, which dynamically adjusts the rate of learning as the agent progresses. The algorithm is tested on the Ms. Pac-Man and Mario environments, with results indicating the agent learns an effective policy for acting within each environment

    Deterministic Policy Optimization by Combining Pathwise and Score Function Estimators for Discrete Action Spaces

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    Policy optimization methods have shown great promise in solving complex reinforcement and imitation learning tasks. While model-free methods are broadly applicable, they often require many samples to optimize complex policies. Model-based methods greatly improve sample-efficiency but at the cost of poor generalization, requiring a carefully handcrafted model of the system dynamics for each task. Recently, hybrid methods have been successful in trading off applicability for improved sample-complexity. However, these have been limited to continuous action spaces. In this work, we present a new hybrid method based on an approximation of the dynamics as an expectation over the next state under the current policy. This relaxation allows us to derive a novel hybrid policy gradient estimator, combining score function and pathwise derivative estimators, that is applicable to discrete action spaces. We show significant gains in sample complexity, ranging between 1.71.7 and 25×25\times, when learning parameterized policies on Cart Pole, Acrobot, Mountain Car and Hand Mass. Our method is applicable to both discrete and continuous action spaces, when competing pathwise methods are limited to the latter.Comment: In AAAI 2018 proceeding

    Automatic Grammar Augmentation for Robust Voice Command Recognition

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    This paper proposes a novel pipeline for automatic grammar augmentation that provides a significant improvement in the voice command recognition accuracy for systems with small footprint acoustic model (AM). The improvement is achieved by augmenting the user-defined voice command set, also called grammar set, with alternate grammar expressions. For a given grammar set, a set of potential grammar expressions (candidate set) for augmentation is constructed from an AM-specific statistical pronunciation dictionary that captures the consistent patterns and errors in the decoding of AM induced by variations in pronunciation, pitch, tempo, accent, ambiguous spellings, and noise conditions. Using this candidate set, greedy optimization based and cross-entropy-method (CEM) based algorithms are considered to search for an augmented grammar set with improved recognition accuracy utilizing a command-specific dataset. Our experiments show that the proposed pipeline along with algorithms considered in this paper significantly reduce the mis-detection and mis-classification rate without increasing the false-alarm rate. Experiments also demonstrate the consistent superior performance of CEM method over greedy-based algorithms

    Controlling Level of Unconsciousness by Titrating Propofol with Deep Reinforcement Learning

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    Reinforcement Learning (RL) can be used to fit a mapping from patient state to a medication regimen. Prior studies have used deterministic and value-based tabular learning to learn a propofol dose from an observed anesthetic state. Deep RL replaces the table with a deep neural network and has been used to learn medication regimens from registry databases. Here we perform the first application of deep RL to closed-loop control of anesthetic dosing in a simulated environment. We use the cross-entropy method to train a deep neural network to map an observed anesthetic state to a probability of infusing a fixed propofol dosage. During testing, we implement a deterministic policy that transforms the probability of infusion to a continuous infusion rate. The model is trained and tested on simulated pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic models with randomized parameters to ensure robustness to patient variability. The deep RL agent significantly outperformed a proportional-integral-derivative controller (median absolute performance error 1.7% +/- 0.6 and 3.4% +/- 1.2). Modeling continuous input variables instead of a table affords more robust pattern recognition and utilizes our prior domain knowledge. Deep RL learned a smooth policy with a natural interpretation to data scientists and anesthesia care providers alike.Comment: International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 202