59 research outputs found

    Learning pseudo-Boolean k-DNF and Submodular Functions

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    We prove that any submodular function f: {0,1}^n -> {0,1,...,k} can be represented as a pseudo-Boolean 2k-DNF formula. Pseudo-Boolean DNFs are a natural generalization of DNF representation for functions with integer range. Each term in such a formula has an associated integral constant. We show that an analog of Hastad's switching lemma holds for pseudo-Boolean k-DNFs if all constants associated with the terms of the formula are bounded. This allows us to generalize Mansour's PAC-learning algorithm for k-DNFs to pseudo-Boolean k-DNFs, and hence gives a PAC-learning algorithm with membership queries under the uniform distribution for submodular functions of the form f:{0,1}^n -> {0,1,...,k}. Our algorithm runs in time polynomial in n, k^{O(k \log k / \epsilon)}, 1/\epsilon and log(1/\delta) and works even in the agnostic setting. The line of previous work on learning submodular functions [Balcan, Harvey (STOC '11), Gupta, Hardt, Roth, Ullman (STOC '11), Cheraghchi, Klivans, Kothari, Lee (SODA '12)] implies only n^{O(k)} query complexity for learning submodular functions in this setting, for fixed epsilon and delta. Our learning algorithm implies a property tester for submodularity of functions f:{0,1}^n -> {0, ..., k} with query complexity polynomial in n for k=O((\log n/ \loglog n)^{1/2}) and constant proximity parameter \epsilon

    Noisy Submodular Maximization via Adaptive Sampling with Applications to Crowdsourced Image Collection Summarization

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    We address the problem of maximizing an unknown submodular function that can only be accessed via noisy evaluations. Our work is motivated by the task of summarizing content, e.g., image collections, by leveraging users' feedback in form of clicks or ratings. For summarization tasks with the goal of maximizing coverage and diversity, submodular set functions are a natural choice. When the underlying submodular function is unknown, users' feedback can provide noisy evaluations of the function that we seek to maximize. We provide a generic algorithm -- \submM{} -- for maximizing an unknown submodular function under cardinality constraints. This algorithm makes use of a novel exploration module -- \blbox{} -- that proposes good elements based on adaptively sampling noisy function evaluations. \blbox{} is able to accommodate different kinds of observation models such as value queries and pairwise comparisons. We provide PAC-style guarantees on the quality and sampling cost of the solution obtained by \submM{}. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in an interactive, crowdsourced image collection summarization application.Comment: Extended version of AAAI'16 pape

    Curvature and Optimal Algorithms for Learning and Minimizing Submodular Functions

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    We investigate three related and important problems connected to machine learning: approximating a submodular function everywhere, learning a submodular function (in a PAC-like setting [53]), and constrained minimization of submodular functions. We show that the complexity of all three problems depends on the 'curvature' of the submodular function, and provide lower and upper bounds that refine and improve previous results [3, 16, 18, 52]. Our proof techniques are fairly generic. We either use a black-box transformation of the function (for approximation and learning), or a transformation of algorithms to use an appropriate surrogate function (for minimization). Curiously, curvature has been known to influence approximations for submodular maximization [7, 55], but its effect on minimization, approximation and learning has hitherto been open. We complete this picture, and also support our theoretical claims by empirical results.Comment: 21 pages. A shorter version appeared in Advances of NIPS-201

    Structured learning of sum-of-submodular higher order energy functions

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    Submodular functions can be exactly minimized in polynomial time, and the special case that graph cuts solve with max flow \cite{KZ:PAMI04} has had significant impact in computer vision \cite{BVZ:PAMI01,Kwatra:SIGGRAPH03,Rother:GrabCut04}. In this paper we address the important class of sum-of-submodular (SoS) functions \cite{Arora:ECCV12,Kolmogorov:DAM12}, which can be efficiently minimized via a variant of max flow called submodular flow \cite{Edmonds:ADM77}. SoS functions can naturally express higher order priors involving, e.g., local image patches; however, it is difficult to fully exploit their expressive power because they have so many parameters. Rather than trying to formulate existing higher order priors as an SoS function, we take a discriminative learning approach, effectively searching the space of SoS functions for a higher order prior that performs well on our training set. We adopt a structural SVM approach \cite{Joachims/etal/09a,Tsochantaridis/etal/04} and formulate the training problem in terms of quadratic programming; as a result we can efficiently search the space of SoS priors via an extended cutting-plane algorithm. We also show how the state-of-the-art max flow method for vision problems \cite{Goldberg:ESA11} can be modified to efficiently solve the submodular flow problem. Experimental comparisons are made against the OpenCV implementation of the GrabCut interactive segmentation technique \cite{Rother:GrabCut04}, which uses hand-tuned parameters instead of machine learning. On a standard dataset \cite{Gulshan:CVPR10} our method learns higher order priors with hundreds of parameter values, and produces significantly better segmentations. While our focus is on binary labeling problems, we show that our techniques can be naturally generalized to handle more than two labels

    Privately Releasing Conjunctions and the Statistical Query Barrier

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    Suppose we would like to know all answers to a set of statistical queries C on a data set up to small error, but we can only access the data itself using statistical queries. A trivial solution is to exhaustively ask all queries in C. Can we do any better? + We show that the number of statistical queries necessary and sufficient for this task is---up to polynomial factors---equal to the agnostic learning complexity of C in Kearns' statistical query (SQ) model. This gives a complete answer to the question when running time is not a concern. + We then show that the problem can be solved efficiently (allowing arbitrary error on a small fraction of queries) whenever the answers to C can be described by a submodular function. This includes many natural concept classes, such as graph cuts and Boolean disjunctions and conjunctions. While interesting from a learning theoretic point of view, our main applications are in privacy-preserving data analysis: Here, our second result leads to the first algorithm that efficiently releases differentially private answers to of all Boolean conjunctions with 1% average error. This presents significant progress on a key open problem in privacy-preserving data analysis. Our first result on the other hand gives unconditional lower bounds on any differentially private algorithm that admits a (potentially non-privacy-preserving) implementation using only statistical queries. Not only our algorithms, but also most known private algorithms can be implemented using only statistical queries, and hence are constrained by these lower bounds. Our result therefore isolates the complexity of agnostic learning in the SQ-model as a new barrier in the design of differentially private algorithms
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