23 research outputs found

    Learning Spatio-Temporal Representation with Local and Global Diffusion

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    Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) have been regarded as a powerful class of models for visual recognition problems. Nevertheless, the convolutional filters in these networks are local operations while ignoring the large-range dependency. Such drawback becomes even worse particularly for video recognition, since video is an information-intensive media with complex temporal variations. In this paper, we present a novel framework to boost the spatio-temporal representation learning by Local and Global Diffusion (LGD). Specifically, we construct a novel neural network architecture that learns the local and global representations in parallel. The architecture is composed of LGD blocks, where each block updates local and global features by modeling the diffusions between these two representations. Diffusions effectively interact two aspects of information, i.e., localized and holistic, for more powerful way of representation learning. Furthermore, a kernelized classifier is introduced to combine the representations from two aspects for video recognition. Our LGD networks achieve clear improvements on the large-scale Kinetics-400 and Kinetics-600 video classification datasets against the best competitors by 3.5% and 0.7%. We further examine the generalization of both the global and local representations produced by our pre-trained LGD networks on four different benchmarks for video action recognition and spatio-temporal action detection tasks. Superior performances over several state-of-the-art techniques on these benchmarks are reported. Code is available at: https://github.com/ZhaofanQiu/local-and-global-diffusion-networks.Comment: CVPR 201

    ConViViT -- A Deep Neural Network Combining Convolutions and Factorized Self-Attention for Human Activity Recognition

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    The Transformer architecture has gained significant popularity in computer vision tasks due to its capacity to generalize and capture long-range dependencies. This characteristic makes it well-suited for generating spatiotemporal tokens from videos. On the other hand, convolutions serve as the fundamental backbone for processing images and videos, as they efficiently aggregate information within small local neighborhoods to create spatial tokens that describe the spatial dimension of a video. While both CNN-based architectures and pure transformer architectures are extensively studied and utilized by researchers, the effective combination of these two backbones has not received comparable attention in the field of activity recognition. In this research, we propose a novel approach that leverages the strengths of both CNNs and Transformers in an hybrid architecture for performing activity recognition using RGB videos. Specifically, we suggest employing a CNN network to enhance the video representation by generating a 128-channel video that effectively separates the human performing the activity from the background. Subsequently, the output of the CNN module is fed into a transformer to extract spatiotemporal tokens, which are then used for classification purposes. Our architecture has achieved new SOTA results with 90.05 \%, 99.6\%, and 95.09\% on HMDB51, UCF101, and ETRI-Activity3D respectively

    Human Action Recognition Using Multi-Stream Fusion and Hybrid Deep Neural Networks

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    Action Recognition in videos is a topic of interest in the area of computer vision, due to potential applications such as multimedia indexing and surveillance in public areas. In this research, we first propose spatial and temporal Convolutional Neural Network (CNNs), based on transfer learning using ResNet101, GoogleNet and VGG16, for undertaking human action recognition. Besides that, hybrid networks such as CNNRecurrent Neural Network (RNN) models are also exploited as encoder-decoder architectures for video action classification. In particular, different types of RNNs such as Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), Bidirectional-LSTM (BiLSTM), Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU), and Bidirectional-GRU (BiGRU), are exploited as the decoders for action recognition. To further enhance performance, diverse aggregation networks of CNN and CNN-RNN models are implemented. Specifically, an Average Fusion method is used to integrate spatial and temporal CNNs trained on images, as well as CNN-RNN trained on videos, where the final classification is formed by combining Softmax scores of these models via a late fusion. A total of 22 models (1 motion CNN, 3 spatial CNNs, 12 CNN-RNNs and 6 fusion networks) are implemented which are evaluated using UCF11, UCF50, and UCF101 datasets for performance comparison. The empirical results indicate the significant efficiency of Average Fusion of multiple Spatial-CNNs with one Motion-CNN, and ResNet101-BiGRU, among all the networks for undertaking realistic video action recognition

    Learn to cycle: Time-consistent feature discovery for action recognition

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    Generalizing over temporal variations is a prerequisite for effective action recognition in videos. Despite significant advances in deep neural networks, it remains a challenge to focus on short-term discriminative motions in relation to the overall performance of an action. We address this challenge by allowing some flexibility in discovering relevant spatio-temporal features. We introduce Squeeze and Recursion Temporal Gates (SRTG), an approach that favors inputs with similar activations with potential temporal variations. We implement this idea with a novel CNN block that uses an LSTM to encapsulate feature dynamics, in conjunction with a temporal gate that is responsible for evaluating the consistency of the discovered dynamics and the modeled features. We show consistent improvement when using SRTG blocks, with only a minimal increase in the number of GFLOPs. On Kinetics-700, we perform on par with current state-of-the-art models, and outperform these on HACS, Moments in Time, UCF-101 and HMDB-51

    SeCo: Exploring Sequence Supervision for Unsupervised Representation Learning

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    A steady momentum of innovations and breakthroughs has convincingly pushed the limits of unsupervised image representation learning. Compared to static 2D images, video has one more dimension (time). The inherent supervision existing in such sequential structure offers a fertile ground for building unsupervised learning models. In this paper, we compose a trilogy of exploring the basic and generic supervision in the sequence from spatial, spatiotemporal and sequential perspectives. We materialize the supervisory signals through determining whether a pair of samples is from one frame or from one video, and whether a triplet of samples is in the correct temporal order. We uniquely regard the signals as the foundation in contrastive learning and derive a particular form named Sequence Contrastive Learning (SeCo). SeCo shows superior results under the linear protocol on action recognition (Kinetics), untrimmed activity recognition (ActivityNet) and object tracking (OTB-100). More remarkably, SeCo demonstrates considerable improvements over recent unsupervised pre-training techniques, and leads the accuracy by 2.96% and 6.47% against fully-supervised ImageNet pre-training in action recognition task on UCF101 and HMDB51, respectively. Source code is available at \url{https://github.com/YihengZhang-CV/SeCo-Sequence-Contrastive-Learning}.Comment: AAAI 2021; Code is publicly available at: https://github.com/YihengZhang-CV/SeCo-Sequence-Contrastive-Learnin

    Multi-Temporal Convolutions for Human Action Recognition in Videos

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    Effective extraction of temporal patterns is crucial for the recognition of temporally varying actions in video. We argue that the fixed-sized spatio-temporal convolution kernels used in convolutional neural networks (CNNs) can be improved to extract informative motions that are executed at different time scales. To address this challenge, we present a novel spatio-temporal convolution block that is capable of extracting spatio-temporal patterns at multiple temporal resolutions. Our proposed multi-temporal convolution (MTConv) blocks utilize two branches that focus on brief and prolonged spatio-temporal patterns, respectively. The extracted time-varying features are aligned in a third branch, with respect to global motion patterns through recurrent cells. The proposed blocks are lightweight and can be integrated into any 3D-CNN architecture. This introduces a substantial reduction in computational costs. Extensive experiments on Kinetics, Moments in Time and HACS action recognition benchmark datasets demonstrate competitive performance of MTConvs compared to the state-of-the-art with a significantly lower computational footprint