623 research outputs found

    Road Segmentation for Remote Sensing Images using Adversarial Spatial Pyramid Networks

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    Road extraction in remote sensing images is of great importance for a wide range of applications. Because of the complex background, and high density, most of the existing methods fail to accurately extract a road network that appears correct and complete. Moreover, they suffer from either insufficient training data or high costs of manual annotation. To address these problems, we introduce a new model to apply structured domain adaption for synthetic image generation and road segmentation. We incorporate a feature pyramid network into generative adversarial networks to minimize the difference between the source and target domains. A generator is learned to produce quality synthetic images, and the discriminator attempts to distinguish them. We also propose a feature pyramid network that improves the performance of the proposed model by extracting effective features from all the layers of the network for describing different scales objects. Indeed, a novel scale-wise architecture is introduced to learn from the multi-level feature maps and improve the semantics of the features. For optimization, the model is trained by a joint reconstruction loss function, which minimizes the difference between the fake images and the real ones. A wide range of experiments on three datasets prove the superior performance of the proposed approach in terms of accuracy and efficiency. In particular, our model achieves state-of-the-art 78.86 IOU on the Massachusetts dataset with 14.89M parameters and 86.78B FLOPs, with 4x fewer FLOPs but higher accuracy (+3.47% IOU) than the top performer among state-of-the-art approaches used in the evaluation

    A survey of exemplar-based texture synthesis

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    Exemplar-based texture synthesis is the process of generating, from an input sample, new texture images of arbitrary size and which are perceptually equivalent to the sample. The two main approaches are statistics-based methods and patch re-arrangement methods. In the first class, a texture is characterized by a statistical signature; then, a random sampling conditioned to this signature produces genuinely different texture images. The second class boils down to a clever "copy-paste" procedure, which stitches together large regions of the sample. Hybrid methods try to combine ideas from both approaches to avoid their hurdles. The recent approaches using convolutional neural networks fit to this classification, some being statistical and others performing patch re-arrangement in the feature space. They produce impressive synthesis on various kinds of textures. Nevertheless, we found that most real textures are organized at multiple scales, with global structures revealed at coarse scales and highly varying details at finer ones. Thus, when confronted with large natural images of textures the results of state-of-the-art methods degrade rapidly, and the problem of modeling them remains wide open.Comment: v2: Added comments and typos fixes. New section added to describe FRAME. New method presented: CNNMR

    Pedestrian Attribute Recognition: A Survey

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    Recognizing pedestrian attributes is an important task in computer vision community due to it plays an important role in video surveillance. Many algorithms has been proposed to handle this task. The goal of this paper is to review existing works using traditional methods or based on deep learning networks. Firstly, we introduce the background of pedestrian attributes recognition (PAR, for short), including the fundamental concepts of pedestrian attributes and corresponding challenges. Secondly, we introduce existing benchmarks, including popular datasets and evaluation criterion. Thirdly, we analyse the concept of multi-task learning and multi-label learning, and also explain the relations between these two learning algorithms and pedestrian attribute recognition. We also review some popular network architectures which have widely applied in the deep learning community. Fourthly, we analyse popular solutions for this task, such as attributes group, part-based, \emph{etc}. Fifthly, we shown some applications which takes pedestrian attributes into consideration and achieve better performance. Finally, we summarized this paper and give several possible research directions for pedestrian attributes recognition. The project page of this paper can be found from the following website: \url{https://sites.google.com/view/ahu-pedestrianattributes/}.Comment: Check our project page for High Resolution version of this survey: https://sites.google.com/view/ahu-pedestrianattributes
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