248 research outputs found

    SPINE: SParse Interpretable Neural Embeddings

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    Prediction without justification has limited utility. Much of the success of neural models can be attributed to their ability to learn rich, dense and expressive representations. While these representations capture the underlying complexity and latent trends in the data, they are far from being interpretable. We propose a novel variant of denoising k-sparse autoencoders that generates highly efficient and interpretable distributed word representations (word embeddings), beginning with existing word representations from state-of-the-art methods like GloVe and word2vec. Through large scale human evaluation, we report that our resulting word embedddings are much more interpretable than the original GloVe and word2vec embeddings. Moreover, our embeddings outperform existing popular word embeddings on a diverse suite of benchmark downstream tasks.Comment: AAAI 201

    When Are Overcomplete Topic Models Identifiable? Uniqueness of Tensor Tucker Decompositions with Structured Sparsity

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    Overcomplete latent representations have been very popular for unsupervised feature learning in recent years. In this paper, we specify which overcomplete models can be identified given observable moments of a certain order. We consider probabilistic admixture or topic models in the overcomplete regime, where the number of latent topics can greatly exceed the size of the observed word vocabulary. While general overcomplete topic models are not identifiable, we establish generic identifiability under a constraint, referred to as topic persistence. Our sufficient conditions for identifiability involve a novel set of "higher order" expansion conditions on the topic-word matrix or the population structure of the model. This set of higher-order expansion conditions allow for overcomplete models, and require the existence of a perfect matching from latent topics to higher order observed words. We establish that random structured topic models are identifiable w.h.p. in the overcomplete regime. Our identifiability results allows for general (non-degenerate) distributions for modeling the topic proportions, and thus, we can handle arbitrarily correlated topics in our framework. Our identifiability results imply uniqueness of a class of tensor decompositions with structured sparsity which is contained in the class of Tucker decompositions, but is more general than the Candecomp/Parafac (CP) decomposition

    Interpreting CLIP with Sparse Linear Concept Embeddings (SpLiCE)

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    CLIP embeddings have demonstrated remarkable performance across a wide range of computer vision tasks. However, these high-dimensional, dense vector representations are not easily interpretable, restricting their usefulness in downstream applications that require transparency. In this work, we empirically show that CLIP's latent space is highly structured, and consequently that CLIP representations can be decomposed into their underlying semantic components. We leverage this understanding to propose a novel method, Sparse Linear Concept Embeddings (SpLiCE), for transforming CLIP representations into sparse linear combinations of human-interpretable concepts. Distinct from previous work, SpLiCE does not require concept labels and can be applied post hoc. Through extensive experimentation with multiple real-world datasets, we validate that the representations output by SpLiCE can explain and even replace traditional dense CLIP representations, maintaining equivalent downstream performance while significantly improving their interpretability. We also demonstrate several use cases of SpLiCE representations including detecting spurious correlations, model editing, and quantifying semantic shifts in datasets.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figures, Code is provided at https://github.com/AI4LIFE-GROUP/SpLiC

    Representation Learning: A Review and New Perspectives

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    The success of machine learning algorithms generally depends on data representation, and we hypothesize that this is because different representations can entangle and hide more or less the different explanatory factors of variation behind the data. Although specific domain knowledge can be used to help design representations, learning with generic priors can also be used, and the quest for AI is motivating the design of more powerful representation-learning algorithms implementing such priors. This paper reviews recent work in the area of unsupervised feature learning and deep learning, covering advances in probabilistic models, auto-encoders, manifold learning, and deep networks. This motivates longer-term unanswered questions about the appropriate objectives for learning good representations, for computing representations (i.e., inference), and the geometrical connections between representation learning, density estimation and manifold learning

    Toy Models of Superposition

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    Neural networks often pack many unrelated concepts into a single neuron - a puzzling phenomenon known as 'polysemanticity' which makes interpretability much more challenging. This paper provides a toy model where polysemanticity can be fully understood, arising as a result of models storing additional sparse features in "superposition." We demonstrate the existence of a phase change, a surprising connection to the geometry of uniform polytopes, and evidence of a link to adversarial examples. We also discuss potential implications for mechanistic interpretability.Comment: Also available at https://transformer-circuits.pub/2022/toy_model/index.htm

    Interpreting Neural Networks through the Polytope Lens

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    Mechanistic interpretability aims to explain what a neural network has learned at a nuts-and-bolts level. What are the fundamental primitives of neural network representations? Previous mechanistic descriptions have used individual neurons or their linear combinations to understand the representations a network has learned. But there are clues that neurons and their linear combinations are not the correct fundamental units of description: directions cannot describe how neural networks use nonlinearities to structure their representations. Moreover, many instances of individual neurons and their combinations are polysemantic (i.e. they have multiple unrelated meanings). Polysemanticity makes interpreting the network in terms of neurons or directions challenging since we can no longer assign a specific feature to a neural unit. In order to find a basic unit of description that does not suffer from these problems, we zoom in beyond just directions to study the way that piecewise linear activation functions (such as ReLU) partition the activation space into numerous discrete polytopes. We call this perspective the polytope lens. The polytope lens makes concrete predictions about the behavior of neural networks, which we evaluate through experiments on both convolutional image classifiers and language models. Specifically, we show that polytopes can be used to identify monosemantic regions of activation space (while directions are not in general monosemantic) and that the density of polytope boundaries reflect semantic boundaries. We also outline a vision for what mechanistic interpretability might look like through the polytope lens.Comment: 22/11/22 initial uploa